
Black & Pink is an open family of LGBTQ prisoners and “free world” allies who support each other. Our work toward the abolition of the prison industrial complex is rooted in the experience of currently and formerly incarcerated people. We are outraged by the specific violence of the prison industrial complex against LGBTQ people, and respond through advocacy, education, direct service, and organizing.



JOB ANNOUNCEMENT! National Organizer for Black and Pink!

(download announcement and job description HERE) Application Deadline: January 6, 2017 Start Date: March 15, 2017 To Apply: Please send cover letter and resume to Jason@blackandpink.org Summary Although Black and Pink provides many direct services to LGBTQ and/or HIV+ prisoners and court-involved people, the goal of our work is to strengthen the movement towards abolition …

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We recommit to fighting for liberation!

Given that some adults with voting privileges in the U.S. elected a man who deeply threatens our family members, we recommit to fighting toward our goals and values laid out in our analysis: Our goal is liberation. We have a radical view of the fight for justice: We are feminist. We are anti-racist. We want …

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Letters to Our Family (October 2016)

Dear Black and Pink family, Hello to all my sisters inside & outside those walls. My name is Michael AKA Mike Mike. I am a long time reader and will start writing more. You know I was not too big on Relationships while in Custody of NCDOC. They never really worked for some reason or …

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Message from Jason (October 2016)

Dear friends, I hope this note finds you as well as possible. By the time you get this October will likely be almost over. Did you know that this autumn month is considered LGBTQ History Month? Did you know that October 11th is considered National Coming Out Day? I wanted to take a moment to …

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