Alt-Right Bonus Dox: New York’s Racist Heathens

Meet New York’s Racist Heathens

Heathens are modern pagans who worship the ancient Norse gods. There is nothing wrong with this of course—but some take Heathenry in a racialist direction, believing that it is a faith only for whites, and seek to build coalitions with political White Nationalists. Anti-racist Heathen groups like Heathens United, Circle Ansuz, and Patheos have denounced this renegade strain, which centers on Stephen McNallen’s Asatru Folk Assembly. They have railed against multiculturalism, Latino immigration, and non-binary gender identity.

Despite the many heathens that criticize and fight against these fascistic sub-groups, racist heathenry has deep roots in the neo-folk and occult scenes, as well as in National Socialist Black Metal (NSBM), a racist and anti-Semitic form of metal. Unfortunately, a common trend in these scenes is that criticism of fellow musicians, no matter what their political affiliations or beliefs, is considered impolite and akin to censorship. We hope that with the obvious uptick in white nationalist organizing, the taboo on rejecting fascist sympathy will be smashed.

Here are a few examples in the New York area:


Earlier this year Idavox put out an alert about a Nazi Black Metal show happening at the Diamond Club in Ronkokoma, New York. The show was set up by Wolftyr Productions, a NSBM label run by Paul Guhring (aka Paul Tyrinn aka Bobby Dokken). Guhring is an organizer of Heathen Circle, an “art community dedicated to promoting pan-European heritage among the people of its descent worldwide.” Their main project seems to be putting out a zine that praises fascist philosophers, musicians, and racist gangs like the Wolves of Vinland and Soldiers of Odin.

Wolftyr set up a similar show earlier this year at Lucky 13 Bar in Brooklyn with Witchblood, a band that uses the neo-Nazi “Black Sun” symbol in their album art. Wolftyr’s online store also sells books by fascist philosopher Julius Evola, and the white nationalist publication Tyr.  

Paul also sings for Grafvolluth, a self-described NSBM band. The band features Erik Proft, who is involved with the National Anarchist movement, playing music with  National Anarchist founder Troy Southgate. Proft also performs in BELIEVER/LAW, Kama Rupa, and Blood and Sun (with Nazi cosplayer Luke Tromiczak), and is connected to the neo-Nazi music distro “Vanguard Productions” on Facebook. Most recently, Grafvolluth contributed to a tribute album of Polish Nazi band Graveland and a split with Slavecrushing Tyrant.



Ticket for a Graveland show in last year in Italy


Wolftyr and Heathen Circle promote Polish Nazi bands like Graveland


Paul singing for Grafvolluth, with Erik Proft on guitar


PA Nazi Metal band Wotenorden, promoted by Wolftyr

Another racist tied to the Heathen scene, Stuart Sudekum—a former editor of the pro-fascist blog Heathen Harvest—is still at it in Bushwick. As NYC Antifa previously reported, Sudekum distributes Michael Moynihan’s Tyr  in New York City, and gives classes on tarot card readings at Bushwick’s Tarot Society. Working with Heathen Harvest, Sudekum promoted numerous fascist projects, and started anti-Semitic threads


Albo and Stuart Sudekum

in their now deleted politics message board. In one, he says he wishes Brooklyn’s Jews “would all buy a one way ticket to Israel…”

Although Sudekum is less politically open these days, he’s still involved in Third Positionist groupings like Attack the System and the National Anarchists—as well as being tight with Counter- Currents’ James O’Meara, National Anarchist organizer Donald Pomeroy, and Blood and Sun’s Luke Tromiczak.

UPDATE 12/31/2017: Both Bushwick occult spaces that hosted Sudekum have dropped his Tarot Reading classes, stating they don’t support his politics.  

Connecting the threads, thanks to the work of the Twin Cities GDC Luke Tromiczak‘s Blood and Sun recently had his entire midwest tour cancelled. In a Facebook post, Luke claimed that not only is he not a fascist, but has a liberal mindset, and would be sickened to even sit next to a racist. Unfortunately there’s a lot of photos of him doing just that.


Tromiczak performing at a Death in June concert at Home Sweet Home. For those keeping score, the Black Sun and SS Totenkopf are not “pre-Third Reich religious symbols”

We also found this interview where he promotes neo-Volkisch movements and insults Jewish people. His Black Metal label Antitheist Disseminations was working with Nazi bands and labels as recently as 2013. Many of his fans believed his empty defense, but the venues did not. All three cancelled his performances.

If you have any more information about racist Heathens, NSBM bands, or any other fascists in the New York area please email

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