
Sisters in Law

What does a safe pool fence look like?

Pool safety lies with both renters and homeowners.

This summer has been particularly devastating for drowning deaths: on our beaches, in waterholes and in backyard pools. Royal Life Saving statistics tragically inform us that the majority of toddlers and children who drown do so in backyard swimming pools, with a large proportion caused by a lack of or inadequate fencing barriers. 

Think twice before wrapping that joke Secret Santa gift

Tax Office workers unwrapping the detail might find bad news.

To many the workplace Secret Santa or Kris Kringle is intended as good natured fun but sometimes the fun is at the expense of others and things go wrong. When the line between work and play is unclear, situations can become uncomfortable and people's behaviour can be highly inappropriate.

Secret recordings: are they legal?

Gable Tostee leaves court a free man after being acquitted of both the murder and manslaughter of Warriena Wright.

Yes, it's a little weird, and perhaps a bit creepy, but by law Gable Tostee was actually allowed to secretly record his Tinder dates.

Medicinal cannabis: Don't light up that 'prescription' just yet

Medicinal cannabis was recently legalised in Queensland but there are still restrictions.

Reports about the benefits of medicinal cannabis are growing and Queensland has now joined New South Wales in passing laws approving the drug for use as a medical treatment, but that doesn't mean you can just light up in the Sunshine State and say it's a prescription.

Your rights to a medical second opinion

Every time you visit a GP, you will be forced to pay more so GPs can continue their excellent work.

Have you ever had the feeling that your child is sicker than the doctors think? Is your gut telling you there's something more sinister than what the doctor or nurse has diagnosed or recommended, but you just don't know how to approach the situation?

Discrimination and vilification: know your rights

Discrimination is when a person is treated less favourably because of an attribute, for example race, colour, sexual ...

The proposed plebiscite on same-sex marriage has caused concerns the $15 million publicly funded debate will spark vilification of the LGBTIQ community – so what is vilification? What is considered discrimination?

You can't smoke here anymore

The Queensland government has extended the list of no-go zones for smokers.

You might be surprised to discover that despite all the health warnings 15 per cent of Australians still smoke cigarettes. That's almost one in seven who are out in the cold, puffing away.