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A note from SW: We're taking a two-week break for the holidays. But during that time, we're featuring our favorite articles of the year, so please check back regularly. Thank you for your support.

Focus: End-of-year Features

Now's the time for socialist organization

People radicalizing now not only have to stand up and be counted against Trump, but figure out what alternative they are going to organize for.

2016 and the two Americas

In the U.S. and beyond, the right is cohering around figures like Trump, while threads of a new resistance are still coming together into a clear left alternative.

Can the victory be reversed?

Water protectors at Standing Rock are celebrating a victory after a permit needed for construction was denied (Sumaya Awad | SW)

Water protectors and their supporters are fearful that DAPL won't stay blocked, but there's substance to this victory that gives us something to build on.

A not-so-strange kinship

The solidarity between Standing Rock water protectors and U.S. military veterans was forged by a long history of war and empire.

It doesn't end at Standing Rock

Hundreds marched in Washington, D.C., to support political prisoner Leonard Peltier and the water protectors around the country.

Crushed by counterrevolution

Residents of Aleppo pull victims from the rubble after another regime bombing

The combined forces of Syria's regime, Russian air power and Iranian-backed death squads are retaking the last city liberated by the 2011 revolution.

Resistance in the Philippines

A Philippines socialist explains how anger at the burial of a former dictator sparked opposition to the new right-wing president.

A hot winter in South Korea

A mass mobilization unprecedented in South Korean history led to the vote by parliament to impeach President Park Geun-hye.

Norbert Hofer's resistible rise

An Austrian activist explains why the far-right Freedom Party has made electoral gains--and how it can be beaten back.

Guilty of grand theft overtime

A judge's ruling denying overtime protection to 12 million workers signals what's to come under Trump--unless workers organize.

Afraid of the rank and file?

Graduate student workers in a reform caucus argue that democratizing the United Auto Workers is a key to winning better contracts.

Featured: Top articles of 2016

Destruction caused during the siege of Aleppo

Anti-imperialism, the left and the Syrian revolution

The Arab Spring uprising in Syria has tested the left by posing a blunt question: Are you on the side of a dictator--or that of a popular uprising?

Trump exploits a tragedy

Trump used his trip to Ohio State to ramp up his crusade against Muslims and refugees, but students and faculty are sending a different message.

Trump's infrastructure scam

Donald Trump's trillion-dollar infrastructure plan will stimulate corporate profits far more than it will create jobs or increase economic growth.

Do 1930s comparisons help?

The question of whether Trump's victory marks a triumph for fascism depends, as always, on the definition of fascism you use.

Other Top Articles of the Week

Trump and the new McCarthys

Protesters defend Steven Salaita at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

His election has unleashed new right-wing forces in American universities at a time when left faculty were already under siege.

Reproductive justice is our aim

The stories of women of color organizing for reproductive justice told in Undivided Rights will help prepare us for new struggles.

For the well-read red

A few of SW's regular contributors give their picks for holiday gifts--or simply excuses to relax during the holiday season.

Merry Capitalist!

In this week's column, see how the other not-even-close-to-half buys their presents: Find a quisling to tell them what to get.

The politics of the ISO

Where We Stand: The Politics of the ISO

In this extended series of articles on the politics of international socialism, Paul D'Amato, author of The Meaning of Marxism, looks in detail at the ISO's "Where We Stand" statement.

Find out about the activities of the International Socialist Organization
The Russian Revolution of 1917
International Socialist Review |

Go to the ISR web site to read a featured interview with Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz on "A sense of hope and the possibility of solidarity." For that and more articles on socialist theory and practice, go to the International Socialist Review website.

One corporate bribe at a time?

Donald Trump addresses reporters at a Carrier plant in Indianapolis

Trump's Carrier deal shows how he will pose as a defender of jobs--unless unions offer a way forward by fighting the bosses instead of bribing them.

An Islamophobic progressive?

Tulsi Gabbard has a reputation as a liberal, but her defense of reactionary causes proves she has more in common with Trump.

How we got the sexist-in-chief

The Trump campaign gave voice to some of the most backward ideas in society--but the truth is there wasn't a voice for our side in November.

Standing up to the right

The far-right threat at Purdue

When fascist flyers appeared on the campus of Purdue University, it spurred protests and a flurry of anti-racist organizing.

How we chased away the Klan

The Midwest Network to Stop the Klan was an example of successful anti-racist organizing in the 1990s that holds lessons for today's left.

We want a hate-free city

Hundreds of Queens residents responded to a recent spike in hate crimes by mobilizing to make their neighborhood a "hate-free zone."

Unity sends the KKK packing

At multiple demonstrations, anti-racists in North Carolina and Virginia turned out to oppose the racist hate of the Klan.

It didn't have to happen

A shrine for the victims of the Ghost Ship fire in Oakland

The deadly fire at Oakland's Ghost Ship is blow to a community that has few places to go in a city where profit comes before safety.

The beginning of Hoffa's end?

The recent election in the Teamsters union didn't unseat the old guard's James P. Hoffa, but it left him discredited and vulnerable.

Labor battles at Columbia

Faculty and grad workers at two Columbia University colleges are fighting for the protection only a strong union can provide.

To the revolutionary students

As the first installment in a series to mark 100 years since Russia 1917, we publish a leaflet from Bolshevik-influenced students.

The blizzard didn't stop us

A furious winter storm hit the Standing Rock encampments, but that isn't stopping the resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Ready to do what's right

An Iraq War vet explains why she traveled to Standing Rock--and the special role that military veterans can play in this struggle.

How the water protectors won

SW contributors describe what they saw on a trip to Standing Rock as an announcement is made about the future of the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Merkeling to the right

German Chancellor Angela Merkel's support for a ban on the burqa is another cynical exploitation of the refugee crisis.

No to terrorism and tyranny

The bombing of a cathedral in Cairo shows the criminal sectarianism of terrorist groups and the indifference of military authorities.

Vets on an antiwar mission

Antiwar veteran Rory Fanning speaks in solidarity with the movement against war in Japan

A speaking tour by two U.S. veterans opposed to war intersected with the efforts of Japanese activists challenging militarism.

Cynically using anti-Semitism

A recent bill that sailed through the U.S. Senate purports to target anti-Semitism, but its actual goal is to silence critics of Israel.

Why I parted ways with Fidel

Cuba was once my main political inspiration, but I came to recognize that Castro didn't represent the kind of socialism I stand for.

Anti-Semitic friends of Israel

Why are Israel's right-wing leaders unfazed by the anti-Semitism of Donald Trump's advisers and the far-right parties of Europe?

Una movilización indígena

La mayor movilización indígena en más de un siglo se desarrolla hoy en Standing Rock, Dakota del Norte, en defensa del agua y del medio ambiente.

The big picture under Trump

The next four years don't need to be defined one-sidedly as merely an unrelenting horror show orchestrated by Donald Trump.

Two poles of an evil duopoly

Democrats and Republicans aren't identical, but they're tied together--and the rise of one conditions the eventual rise of the other.

Views in brief

Solidarity can win | Taking on the state at Standing Rock | Trump's misogyny is too common | Hitting Energy Transfer Partners in the wallet

The 18th Brumaire of Trump?

Only time and class struggle will tell if Donald Trump is able to succeed in establishing a 21st-century Bonapartism.

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