Millionaire William Hague’s £62,000 of taxpayer's cash for his 2nd home

David Cameron’s deputy claimed MP’s expenses while earning £800,000 a year.

William Hague (pic: PA)
William Hague (pic: PA)

William Hague claimed £61,995 in taxpayers’ cash to help pay for a £1million second home in London – while pocketing around £800,000 a year from part-time jobs.

The millionaire Shadow Foreign Secretary, who David Cameron refers to as his “deputy in all but name”, bought the penthouse in 2003 for £685,000.

Despite earning hundreds of thousands of pounds through lucrative book deals, after-dinner speeches and directorships, Mr Hague – who also owns a £1million apartment in Yorkshire – used his MP’s living allowance to pay his mortgage interest and £4,000-a-year service charge, including use of a gym.

Last week he boasted of not having a mortgage on either property.

In fact, the canny former Tory leader cleared the mortgage on the fourth-floor London penthouse in October …just as MPs realised they faced being forced to publish details of all their expenses.

His claim of £61,995 between April 2004 and March 2007 is close to the maximum of £64,646.

In 2006 alone Mr Hague, 48, claimed £13,626 in mortgage interest and £4,083 towards the service and maintenance costs of the apartment he shares with wife Ffion.

He is able to pocket the cash under the Additional Cost Allowance (ACA) given to MPs to help them with the interest on their mortgage, or their rent or hotel bills “when staying overnight away from their main home for the purpose of performing Parliamentary duties”.

The figures up to October 2008 are yet to be published, but it is believed he could have claimed another £35,000.

The complex where Mr Hague has his penthouse is home to celebrities, businessmen and City bankers. It has underground car-parking, a gym and 24-hour security.

Last night Mr Hague’s spokesman insisted he had not breached the rules – and needed the second home in London because of the distance to his constituency home in Yorkshire.

William Hague's London penthouse
William Hague's London penthouse

He said that since clearing the mortgage Mr Hague’s claim for housing expenses had “dropped dramatically”.

Mr Hague bought his other home, in Richmond, North Yorkshire, in 1990. The second-floor apartment in an imposing country home is also now worth an estimated £1million.

William Hague's Yorkshire apartment
William Hague's Yorkshire apartment

The revelations about the housing arrangements of multi-millionaire Mr Hague – who earns £63,291 as an MP – sparked anger at Westminster last night. 

A senior Labour source said: “William Hague is one person who won’t be suffering because of the recession. He has been using taxpayers’ cash to help build a property empire.”

Since being recalled by Mr Cameron to his top team in 2005, Mr Hague says he has drastically cut back on his “second jobs”. But he is still believed to earn up to £400,000 a year –  making him one of the biggest earners in the Commons.

The revelations come amid calls for major reforms of the system of MPs’ allowances and expenses.

Last week Westminster’s anti-sleaze watchdog John Lyon launched an inquiry into Employment Minister Tony McNulty’s expenses over claims he pocketed £60,000 on his parents’ home only 11 miles from Westminister.

A separate inquiry is underway into Home Secretary Jacqui Smith claiming £20,000 a year in expenses on a room she rented from her sister in South London.

And we revealed last month how Shadow Home Secretary Chris Grayling has claimed £104,183 of taxpayers’ money over six years for a London flat – even though he has a family home just 17 miles from Westminster.