Multinational Unions


Fifth Estate # 282, April-May, 1977

It has never been more clear that trade unionism is ” absolutely essential to the survival as well as to the stability of world capitalism. The trend toward the consolidation of unions, their closer integration with the state, and, most

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Unionism and Taylorism


Fifth Estate # 278, November, 1976

Tay-lor-ism n. 1. The scientific management of industrial operations. 2. The systematic reduction of work within a given industrial operation to separate, distinct, routinized tasks devoid of policy decisions. Each aspect is measured and timed for its highest efficiency. 3.

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Unions and the Nazi Labor Front


Fifth Estate # 277, October 1976

Both Marxist and liberal historians have always depicted the Nazi movement as the bitter enemy of unions and the victory of German fascism as the death knell of the labor movement. A critical examination shows that, in fact, the opposite

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A Gorilla Takes On Civilization–Sort Of


Fifth Estate # 346, Summer, 1995

a review of Ishmael, Daniel Quinn, 1993, Bantam/Turner, New York, 262 pp., $6.00.

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PBS, Power & Postmodernism


Fifth Estate # 346, Summer, 1995

The Public Broadcasting System produces “programming” toward a more manageable society. In fact, it is the network rather expressly for managers, and what it airs can best be understood by keeping in mind this service to the managing class. The

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Unionization in America


Fifth Estate # 275, August, 1976

The struggle for unionization in the 1930s has always been shrouded in myth and revered by both the labor movement and the Left as a period of labor militancy. A closer look at the developments shows a much different picture

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Medieval Revolts against Church and State

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Fifth Estate # 274, July 1976

In a fairly recent booklet, I came across a very standard view of pre-modern class society. It was stated that the life of the individual was completely controlled, and based on something quite external to him. “The central mode of

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“Revolt Against Work” or the End of Leftism?

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Fifth Estate # 281, March, 1977

FE Note. The December 1976 Fifth Estate carried a critique by Charles Reeve (see “The Revolt Against Work or Fight for the Right to Be Lazy,” p. 9) of the contentions of John and Paula Zerzan that the crisis point

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Do Unions Raise Wages?


Fifth Estate # 273, June 1976

Although unions have long been identified by left revolutionaries as auxiliary organs of capital whose function is to regulate the sale of their members’ labor power, the myth still persists that they are “defense organs of the working class.” Even

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Fifth Estate # 394, Summer 2015 - Technology

To many, it seems there will be no escape from the dominant reality, no alternative to an irredeemably darkened modernity as civilization’s final, lasting mode. We are indeed currently trapped, and the nature of our imprisonment is not subject to

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