Unlocking the Girl Lock


Fifth Estate # 374, Winter 2007

For two weeks after Burning Man, I felt like I was glowing, radiating spirals of energy that warbled just below the visible range. The constant brutality of the state, the frantic pace of life, the social isolation–none of these things

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The Naked Self Unseen


Fifth Estate # 376, Halloween, 2007

For the godless anti-authoritarian, the hope that the current order of reality will come to an end during our lifetimes may be the last possible form of big, world-encompassing faith. For those who are faithful in this sense–whether that faith

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Shoplifting and the Politics of Instant Gratification


Fifth Estate # 378, Summer 2008

Lots of anarchists and other radicals shoplift on a regular basis. But the public discussion on the topic seems to oscillate between celebration and denunciation, with almost nothing in between.

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Anarchist Writers Use Fiction to Create Real Possibilities


Fifth Estate # 383, Summer, 2010

a review of Mythmakers & Lawbreakers: Anarchist Writers on Fiction, edited by Margaret Killjoy

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