- published: 06 Feb 2016
- views: 36783
A world war is a war involving many or most of the world's most powerful and populous countries. World wars span multiple countries on multiple continents, with battles fought in multiple theatres.
The term is applied to the two major international conflicts that occurred during the 20th century:
In terms of human technological history, the scale of these wars was enabled by the technological advances of the Second Industrial Revolution and resulting globalization that allowed global power projection and mass production of military hardware, but wars on such a scale have not been repeated due to the onset of the Atomic Age and the resulting danger of mutual assured destruction.
The term "World War" was coined speculatively in the early 20th century, some years before the First World War broke out, probably as a literal translation of the German word Weltkrieg. German writer August Wilhelm Otto Niemann had used the word in the title of his anti-British novel Der Weltkrieg: Deutsche Träume ("The World War: German Dreams") as early as 1904, published in English as The coming conquest of England. Also, the term was used as early as 1850 by Karl Marx in The Class Struggles in France, as well as his associate Friedrich Engels.Rasmus B. Anderson in 1889 describes an episode in Teutonic mythology as a world war (Swedish världskrig), justifying this description by a line in an Old Norse epic poem, Völuspá: folcvig fyrst i heimi (the first great war in the world). The Oxford English Dictionary cites the first known usage in the English language to a Scottish newspaper, the People's Journal in 1848: "A war amongst the great powers is now necessarily a world-war."
World is a common name for the whole of human civilization, specifically human experience, history, or the human condition in general, worldwide, i.e. anywhere on Earth or pertaining to anywhere on Earth.
In a philosophical context it may refer to:
In a theological context, world usually refers to the material or the profane sphere, as opposed to the celestial, spiritual, transcendent or sacred. The "end of the world" refers to scenarios of the final end of human history, often in religious contexts.
World history is commonly understood as spanning the major geopolitical developments of about five millennia, from the first civilizations to the present.
World population is the sum of all human populations at any time; similarly, world economy is the sum of the economies of all societies (all countries), especially in the context of globalization. Terms like world championship, gross world product, world flags etc. also imply the sum or combination of all current-day sovereign states.
War is a state of armed conflict between societies. It is generally characterized by extreme collective aggression, destruction, and usually high mortality. The set of techniques and actions used to conduct war is known as warfare. An absence of war is usually called "peace". Total war is warfare that is not restricted to purely legitimate military targets, and can result in massive civilian or other non-combatant casualties.
While some scholars see war as a universal and ancestral aspect of human nature, others argue that it is only a result of specific socio-cultural or ecological circumstances.
In 2013 war resulted in 31,000 deaths down from 72,000 deaths in 1990. The deadliest war in history, in terms of the cumulative number of deaths since its start, is the Second World War, from 1939 to 1945, with 60–85 million deaths, followed by the Mongol conquests which was greater than 41 million. Proportionally speaking, the most destructive war in modern history is the War of the Triple Alliance, which took the lives of over 60% of Paraguay's population, according to Steven Pinker. In 2003, Richard Smalley identified war as the sixth (of ten) biggest problem facing humanity for the next fifty years. War usually results in significant deterioration of infrastructure and the ecosystem, a decrease in social spending, famine, large-scale emigration from the war zone, and often the mistreatment of prisoners of war or civilians. Another byproduct of some wars is the prevalence of propaganda by some or all parties in the conflict, and increased revenues by weapons manufacturers.
Trial by fire may refer to:
In music:
In television:
The World Wars Extended Edition-E1-Trial By Fire
Daemons vs Dwarfs Warhammer Fantasy Battle Report - Old World Wars Ep 191
The World Wars - opening scene
The World Wars Extended Edition-E3-The Rising Tide
The World Wars: Adolf Hitler | History
DocuVEVO.com | The World Wars Extended Edition-E4-The Storm Explodes
The World Wars: A British Soldier Spared Hitler's Life (S1, E1) | History
World War Nerf
The World Wars - Trial By Fire - Lenin / Stalin sequence
World War II Submarine Warfare - rare footage
The World Wars Extended Edition-E1-Trial By Fire An assassin's bullet sparks a global conflict that quickly evolves into the deadliest war humanity has ever seen. In the chaos, a new generation of soldier emerges, including a group of men who would become the most infamous leaders of the 20th century. Jeremy Renner narrates.
To watch the Dwarfs vs Daemons Battle Report, go here: The Vanguards forces of a Daemon army and a Dwarf army clash in this 750 point game. Who will have the advantage in the next game when a massive blizzard hits?
Opening credits from The World Wars series by the History Channel. I thought it looked cool and I couldn't find it anywhere so here it is.
The World Wars Extended Edition-E3-The Rising Tide
Mini-biography on the life of Adolf Hitler. Subscribe for more History: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9MAhZQQd9egwWCxrwSIsJQ?sub_confirmation=1 Check out exclusive HISTORY videos and full episodes: http://www.history.com/videos Get daily updates on history: http://www.history.com/news/ Check out our Facebook games, and other exclusive content: https://www.facebook.com/History Keep up to date with everything HISTORY by following us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/history Get the latest on show premieres, special events, sweepstakes and more. Sign up for HISTORY email updates: http://www.history.com/emails/sign-up Follow HISTORY on StumbleUpon: http://www.stumbleupon.com/channel/HISTORY The World Wars Episode 1 HISTORY® is the leading destination for award-winning original se...
The World Wars Extended Edition-E4-The Storm Explodes
In this scene, a young Hitler finds himself in the sights of a British soldier during WWI. Subscribe for more The World Wars: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9MAhZQQd9egwWCxrwSIsJQ?sub_confirmation=1 Check out exclusive The World Wars videos and full episodes: http://www.history.com/shows/the-world-wars #WorldWars Check out our Facebook games, and other exclusive content: https://www.facebook.com/History Keep up to date with everything HISTORY by following us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/history Don't miss a new episode! Sign up for email updates: http://www.history.com/emails/sign-up Follow HISTORY on StumbleUpon: http://www.stumbleupon.com/channel/HISTORY The World Wars Season 1 Episode 1 Trial By Fire HISTORY® is the leading destination for award-winning original series a...
Nerf. Nerf never changes. Merch: https://goo.gl/Je5bnr RUSH trailer: http://bit.ly/2cMStRY ---- I made a ton of Nerf FX elements for this video, so I decided I'd compile them all up and release them for you guys. Completely free, of course. Hope this helps some of you making nerf videos! https://goo.gl/utfHYF Thank you to our buddies over at Corridor for sponsoring this video. They just launched Rush on Go90. Starring Steven Ogg from Grand Theft Auto V & The Walking Dead, you can check it out here: Ep 1 : http://bit.ly/2cMcpYd Ep 2 : http://bit.ly/2cbak2d -- Talent Links: Director/VFX - Andrew McMurry (https://www.instagram.com/andrewfilms/) Producer - Seth McMurry (https://www.instagram.com/iamtylerseth/) Sound Design/Music - Matthew McMurry (http://haunteddisco.bandcamp.com/) Lan...
This is the Lenin / Stalin sequence in "The World Wars" part 1 "Trial By Fire." It features C. Conrad Cady as Vladimir Lenin and Jacopo Rampini as young Joseph Stalin. For the 24-second recap of this sequence visit http://youtu.be/DEtD1BGwjWg. For this same segment in the extended edition (international version) visit http://youtu.be/kIItxp3Bw6E. Produced by Stephen David Entertainment for History. This video is copyright 2014 by A&E; Television Networks, LLC. All Rights Reserved. IMDB page: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3654920/combined Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_World_Wars_%28miniseries%29 History Channel: http://www.history.com/shows/the-world-wars
World War II Document. This shows the gruesome parts of World War II
The Largest Submarine in World War II ( World War 2 Documentary )
World War II : Strange Allied Weapons ( World War 2 Documentary )
World War 3 Real Truth Behind - Full Documentary
You should have seen her
All her days are all filled with tears
You should have seen her
Touch her greatest fear
You should have seen her stumble and
Fall you should have seen
You should have seen her out on
The wire once again
You should have seen her missing out
On every chance
Oh the wall and the wicked
And the storm in her mind
And the fire oh baby
She’s dying sometimes
She’s gonna leaving it
To the others to sort it all out
And the fire oh baby
I want you to be now
I want you to be now
You will see when things chance
She’ll soon fled the town
You will see there’s someone
Holding her down
You’ll see her she’s the object of
A sickened kind of love
You will see her nights end
In pieces, once again
You will see her missing out
On every chance
Oh the wall and the wicked
And the storm in her mind
And the fire oh baby
She’s dying sometimes
She’s gonna leaving it
To the others to sort it all out
And the fire oh baby
I want you to be now
Whoever you want
See now whatever you want
And the world is turning
Day by day like you away from me
And oh your world weary eyes
Oh your world weary eyes
And oh should I fall into your trap again