It’s always mind-numbing to take in this level of catastrophe. But as an antidote to the repetitious 24 hours coverage, which teeters on the edge of wallowing in people’s misery, see this alternative analysis.

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Published in: on January 14, 2010 at 9:37 pm  Comments (1)  
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  1. Thanks for putting this up. I think there is a wider significance adn we should scout around for some more materials. Bearing in mind that Naomi Klyne’s work clearly revealed that American corporations and imperialism clearly benefit from natural disasters in anyevent, leaving tht aside, the US is involved in a very substantial miliatry build up in the Caribbean where there are at last count 52 warships, and not th agreements to build a staggering 14 more military air bases guess where – Latin America. These put them well in reach of the no strings aid to the whole of Latin America and most of Africa from China and of course to their main targets Venezuela and Cuba. Consider on a map the consequences of bases in Honduras, Panama, Colombia and Haiti.

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