- published: 07 Oct 2014
- views: 863120
B12 most often refers to:
B12 or B-12 may also refer to:
Vitamin B12, vitamin B12 or vitamin B-12, also called cobalamin, is a water-soluble vitamin with a key role in the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system, and for the formation of blood. It is one of the eight B vitamins. It is normally involved in the metabolism of every cell of the human body, especially affecting DNA synthesis and regulation, but also fatty acid metabolism and amino acid metabolism. Neither fungi, plants, nor animals (including humans) are capable of producing vitamin B12. Only bacteria and archaea have the enzymes required for its synthesis, although many foods are a natural source of B12 because of bacterial symbiosis. B12 is the largest and most structurally complicated vitamin and can be produced industrially only through a bacterial fermentation-synthesis.
Vitamin B12 consists of a class of chemically related compounds (vitamers), all of which show biological activity. It contains the biochemically rare element cobalt positioned in the center of a planar tetra-pyrrole ring called a corrin ring. Biosynthesis of the basic structure of the vitamin is accomplished only by bacteria and archaea (which usually produce the form hydroxocobalamin), but conversion between different forms of the vitamin can be accomplished in the human body.
Vitamin B12 deficiency, also known as hypocobalaminemia, refers to low blood levels of vitamin B12. A wide variety of signs and symptoms may occur including a decreased ability to think and changes in personality such as depression, irritability, and psychosis. Abnormal sensations, changes in reflexes, and poor muscle function can also occur as may inflammation of the tongue, decreased taste, low red blood cells, reduced heart function, and decreased fertility. In young children symptoms include poor growth, poor development, and difficulties with movement. Without early treatment some of the changes may be permanent.
Common causes include poor absorption from the stomach or intestines, decreased intake, and increased requirements. Decreased absorption may be due to pernicious anemia, surgical removal of the stomach, chronic inflammation of the pancreas, intestinal parasites, certain medications, and some genetic disorders. Decreased intake may occur in those who eat a vegan diet or have malnutrition. Increased requirements occur in HIV/AIDS and in those with rapid red blood cell breakdown. Diagnosis is typically based on vitamin B12 blood levels below 120–180 picomol/L (170–250 pg/mL) in adults. Elevated methylmalonic acid levels (values >0.4 micromol/L) may also indicated deficiency. A type of low red blood cells known as megaloblastic anemia is often but not always present.
Girl You Need a Shot of B12 - Boyz 12 (American Dad) Music Video
AMERICAN DAD - Boyz 12: "Girl You Need A Shot (Of B12)"
What you probably don't know about Vitamin B12- Markus Rothkranz
Everything You Need to Know About Vitamin B-12
How to Naturally Overcome Vitamin B12 Deficiency
5 Warning Signs of Vitamin B12 Deficiency You Shoud Know
Symptoms of Vitamin B 12 Deficiency
B12 On A Vegan Diet | Dr Michael Greger of Nutritionfacts.org
Vitamin b12 deficiency in hindi
Vitamin B12's Shocking Truth
Enjoy Guys (American Dad)! Leave likes and comments. More videos to come!
http://www.MarkusNews.com What is vitamin B12, where do you get it and what depletes it? What are the best sources of vitamin B12? If you got a blood test and they told you your B12 was low, it doesn’t mean anything. Serum B12 levels do not reflect true B12 levels since most B12 in the body is stored in the liver and blood tests do not determine stored B12 levels. B12 is stored in the body for years and years and the odds are that in that time, you will accumulate more B12. Vitamin B12 is basically bacteria poop. In the natural world, (the way we were designed to live), you would pull a carrot out of the ground, brush it off and eat it. There would be little bits of dirt and millions of microscopic organisms all over that carrot. B12! Do you actually think in the 5-7 years B12 stays ...
Are you deficient in b12? What is vitamin b12, and what are its uses? Although most vegans or vegetarians are at risk of being deficient in this essential mineral, meat eaters can also have problems absorbing b-12. Watch Dr. Group's 1 hour webinar on the most commons symptoms of b12 deficiency, the different sources of b12, and the best kind to get. Here's my product: http://bit.ly/1O3ZY5q The most common symptoms can be found here: http://www.globalhealingcenter.com/natural-health/everything-need-know-vitamin-b12-deficiency/?utm_source=youtube&utm;_medium=social&utm;_term=description&utm;_campaign=YouTube_B12DeficiencySymptoms Here is the supplement that I developed with the 2 co-factors (methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin): http://www.globalhealingcenter.com/vegansafe-b-12.html?utm_s...
http://draxe.com/ In this video, I’m going to talk about how to overcome Vitamin B12 deficiency and the health benefits of Vitamin B12. Surprisingly, about 40% of the population is deficient. Some of the big warning signs that show you are Vitamin B12 deficient are if you struggle with low energy, fatigue, lack focus, poor memory, poor cellular function, autoimmune disease, anemia, or thyroid condition. The biggest reason most people have Vitamin B12 deficiency is because they don’t have a healthy digestive system to digest this vitamin properly, also known as leaky gut. If you can’t absorb nutrients and vitamins properly, then you won’t be able to absorb the vitamins you need for optimal health. People who struggle with leaky gut or digestive issues, vegans or vegetarians, and people ...
Descriptions of Signs of Vitamin B12 Deficiency: Why is vitamin B12 important and where can i get vitamin b12? Vitamin B12 is vital for the formation of red blood cells that carry oxygen around the body. It is also needed for the proper functioning and health of nerve tissue, as it is involved in producing the protective myelin sheath that covers the nerves and conducts nerve impulses. It works together with folate in the metabolism of cells, especially affecting DNA synthesis and fatty acid and amino acid metabolism. This particular B vitamin also helps our bodies absorb folic acid, which facilitates the release of energy. Since your body doesn’t make vitamin B12, it is important to get it from food sources (especially animal-based foods, fruits with vitamin b12) or supplements on a reg...
https://www.glutenfreesociety.org/shop/supplements/general-health/methylcobalamin-gluten-free-supplement/ Vitamin B-12 deficiency is linked to several health issues. Anemia, depression, nerve damage, memory issues, and much more. The two most common symptoms linked to B-12 deficiency are depression and fatigue. Serum vitamin B-12 levels is not a good indicator for vitamin B12 deficiency. Functional medicine doctors typically evaluate vitamin B-12 using more advanced lab testing.
After protein, vitamin b12 is one of the greatest concerns people seem to have when considering a vegan diet. While I’ve already done a full video on B12, I would be remiss if I didn’t ask Dr. Michael Greger of Nutritionfacts.org for his thoughts on this vital vitamin. He discusses supplementation, genetic factors, and b12 sources. Track your vitamin B12 with Cronometer: http://www.BiteSizeVegan.com/Cronometer Give Cronometer a try: http://www.BiteSizeVegan.com/Cronometer Tweetables: How Did “Meat” Get B12: http://ctt.ec/fK6lo B12 Not A Vegan Problem: http://ctt.ec/0670e Where Do Vegans Get Vit B12?: http://ctt.ec/TPy8O Featured Videos/Playlists: My Original B12 Video: http://bit.ly/1FB4EGp Vegan Nutrition Series with Dr. Greger Playlist: http://bit.ly/WhereDoYouGetYour Dr. Greger on...
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D.E.A sent to Guam
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Purple Flintstone vitamins
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I find out
You don't need me
Berlin Wall starts to fall
I trip out to the wall
Hooray Hoorah (x8)
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Stay out of my way
You think I'm stupid
Yeah yeah yeah
Ku Klux Klan makes a plan
To destroy the black man
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What is causing this confusion
Anarchism satanism
Anti-Christ socialism
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So we think he's insane
Hoo-ray Hoo-rah (x8)
You think I'm stupid
Stay out of my way
You think I'm stupid