- published: 09 Sep 2016
- views: 567
Travel is the movement of people between relatively distant geographical locations, and can involve travel by foot, bicycle, automobile, train, boat, airplane, or other means, with or without luggage, and can be one way or round trip. Travel can also include relatively short stays between successive movements.
The origin of the word "travel" is most likely lost to history. The term "travel" may originate from the Old French word travail. According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, the first known use of the word travel was in the 14th century. It also states that the word comes from Middle English travailen, travelen (which means to torment, labor, strive, journey) and earlier from Old French travailler (which means to work strenuously, toil). In English we still occasionally use the words travail and travails, which mean struggle. According to Simon Winchester in his book The Best Travelers' Tales (2004), the words travel and travail both share an even more ancient root: a Roman instrument of torture called the tripalium (in Latin it means "three stakes", as in to impale). This link reflects the extreme difficulty of travel in ancient times. Also note the torturous connotation of the word "travailler." Today, travel may or may not be much easier depending upon the destination you choose (i.e., Mt. Everest, the Amazon rainforest), how you plan to get there (tour bus, cruise ship, or oxcart), and whether or not you decide to "rough it (see extreme tourism and adventure travel). "There's a big difference between simply being a tourist and being a true world traveler," notes travel writer Michael Kasum. This is, however, a contested distinction as academic work on the cultures and sociology of travel has noted.
A basement or cellar is one or more floors of a building that are either completely or partially below the ground floor. Basements are generally used as a utility space for a building where such items as the boiler, water heater, breaker panel or fuse box, car park, and air-conditioning system are located; so also are amenities such as the electrical distribution system, and cable television distribution point. However, in cities with high property prices such as London, basements are often fitted out to a high standard and used as living space.
In British English, the word "basement" is used for underground floors of, for example, department stores, but the word is only used with houses when the space below their ground floor is habitable, with windows and (usually) its own access. The word cellar or cellars is used to apply to the whole underground level or to any large underground room. A subcellar is a cellar that lies further underneath.
A basement can be used in almost exactly the same manner as an additional above-ground floor of a house or other building. However, the use of basements depends largely on factors specific to a particular geographical area such as climate, soil, seismic activity, building technology, and real estate economics.
Mecca And The Soul Brother is the critically acclaimed 1992 debut album from the Mount Vernon duo, Pete Rock & CL Smooth. The album contains their best known song, "They Reminisce Over You (T.R.O.Y.)." Mecca And The Soul Brother has been widely acclaimed as one of the greatest hip hop albums of all time. The album was mostly produced by Pete Rock and Executive Produced by DJ Eddie F of Heavy D & The Boyz (co-group member with Trouble T-Roy).
Mecca And The Soul Brother followed on the heels of the duo's EP; All Souled Out, released in 1991. Despite being a critical success, it had little commercial success in comparison to other noteworthy releases of 1992, such as Dr. Dre's The Chronic. The first single, "They Reminisce Over You (T.R.O.Y.)", a dedication to their deceased friend; Trouble T Roy (a dance member of Heavy D. & The Boyz), has gone on to become not only their signature hit, but also one of hip hop's most highly regarded songs.
Other topics on the album range from life in the ghetto ("Ghettos of the Mind"), the teachings of the Nation of Islam ("Anger in the Nation"), bootlegging ("Straighten It Out"), and love ("Lots of Lovin'").
The Basement Collection is a compilation of Edmund McMillen's Flash games released on August 31, 2012. The games were remade with added features and music tracks.
The games in the collection include:
Unlockable content includes:
Candlepower by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Source: http://chriszabriskie.com/divider/ Artist: http://chriszabriskie.com/
Why do the good die young?! ► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VolxLP ► Twitter: https://twitter.com/VolxLP ► Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/lieutenantvolx ► Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/thebranfony As the sole survivor of Vault 111, you enter a world destroyed by nuclear war. Only you can rebuild and determine the fate of the wasteland. Welcome home. https://www.fallout4.com/ Buy it on Steam! http://store.steampowered.com/app/377160/
Dog outing in Alameda, workout, and listing all my books online for sale. Buy my books: http://shops.half.ebay.com/jpgoesglobal15_W0QQmZbooks Why I'm Going to be Traveling the World... Indefinitely: http://youtu.be/OGGLK4dMeZA To see more, please click the "Subscribe" button! Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/jpgoesglobal Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/jpgoesglobal Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JPGoesGlobal Snapchat: JPGoesGlobal Periscope: @JPGoesGlobal
use YouTube chapter its good.
A project for math
What's up Noobs! Today we get to play the Basement Collection! Watch as I try my best to play through some of these suggestive indie games in the collection like Super Meat Boy, Aether, and Coil. If you like the game you can click the link below to go and purchase it on steam. Follow me on Twitter & Instagram: @YT_NoobGaming Link to Steam Store Page: http://store.steampowered.com/app/214790/ Bored and don't know what game to play? Try Wheelhaus! http://thewheelhaus.com/ Music: Moose - Bensound.com
No, we do not make a single Portal reference. Edmund McMillen's second favorite (or self-proclaimed second best) in the collection, how's it stand out? Well, it's good enough...
use YouTube chapter its good.
The Basements from Thessaloniki Greece !!!
YOLO is available on iTunes now! http://bit.ly/13w2sxX THE LONELY ISLAND - THE WACK ALBUM iTunes [deluxe version]: http://bit.ly/13w2sxX iTunes: http://bit.ly/11vGyJN Amazon: http://bit.ly/11s2V1O Watch more vids from THE WACK ALBUM http://bit.ly/17qE5aM Check out the awesome band the music in YOLO is sampled from The Joy Formidable: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheJoyFor... Big thanks to Love Me for the artwork: http://lovemewashere.com LYRICS: Adam Levine: YOLO Andy: YOLO, you only live once. The battle cry of a generation. This life is a precious gift. So don't get too crazy, it's not worth the risk. Chorus Adam Levine: You know that we are still young. So don't be dumb. Don't trust anyone, cause you only live once. Verse 1 Kiv: Ugh, you only live once, thats the motto. So...
#MTI35 Myth Tv India what will happen if India and Pakistan go to nuclear war (HIndi) क्या होगा अगर भारत और पाकिस्तान के बीच परमाणु युद्ध हुआ तो ? Written, Edited & Voice by: Wishal Kumar (http://www.facebook.com/wishalkumar) Please Subscribe mYth Tv India: https://goo.gl/rCcko0 Like mYth Tv India on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mythtvteam Previous Video: https://youtu.be/eRlviC_WbJc next video : [Coming soon] ||Other Videos|| सबसे रहस्यमय प्लेनेट (ग्रह) Most Mysterious Planets: https://goo.gl/l7rLEY भारतीय राजनैतिक इतिहास की सबसे बड़ी साज़िशे Biggest Conspiracy Theories in Indian Political History: https://goo.gl/6kBEcu भारत के 5 रहस्यमय स्थान Top 5 Mysterious places in India : https://goo.gl/Dq3yz2 मिस्र के पिरामिडो का अनसुलझा रहस्य Unsolved Mystery of Pyramid of Egypt...
#MTI30 Myth Tv India दोस्तों आज के एपिसोड में हम बात करेंगे भारत की प्राचीनतम और पौराणिक नगरी द्वारका के बारे में जो 4000 साल पहले समुद्र में डूब गयी थी .... Lets talk about underwater Dwarka city of Lord Krishna dwarka documentary hindi 12000 year old city of lord krishna dwarka found under sea india Subscribe our 2nd channel "ADBHUT" https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGdVc3mfrAwjGec1vlz-jwg Introducing- Ayush Thakur Written & Voice by: Wishal Kumar (http://www.facebook.com/wishalkumar) Edited by: Ayush Thakur (https://www.facebook.com/ayush.thakur.667) Please Subscribe mYth Tv India: https://goo.gl/rCcko0 Like mYth Tv India on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mythtvteam ||Other Videos|| सबसे रहस्यमय प्लेनेट (ग्रह) Most Mysterious Planets: https://goo.gl/l7rLEY भारतीय रा...
Traveller sings "Hummingbird" at the Basement East in Nashville, TN 8/2/15
#MTI36 Myth Tv India दोस्तों आज के इस एपिसोड में जानेंगे चाँद से जुड़े 5 रहस्य Lets talk about 5 mysteries about Moon Subscribe ADBHUT https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGdVc3mfrAwjGec1vlz-jwg Written, Edited & Voice by: Wishal Kumar (http://www.facebook.com/wishalkumar) Please Subscribe mYth Tv India: https://goo.gl/rCcko0 Like mYth Tv India on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mythtvteam Previous Video: https://youtu.be/eRlviC_WbJc next video : [Coming soon] ||Other Videos|| सबसे रहस्यमय प्लेनेट (ग्रह) Most Mysterious Planets: https://goo.gl/l7rLEY भारतीय राजनैतिक इतिहास की सबसे बड़ी साज़िशे Biggest Conspiracy Theories in Indian Political History: https://goo.gl/6kBEcu भारत के 5 रहस्यमय स्थान Top 5 Mysterious places in India : https://goo.gl/Dq3yz2 मिस्र के पिरामिडो का अनसुलझ...
MYTH TV INDIA #MTI33 दोस्तों आज के इस एपिसोड में जानेंगे दुनिया की सबसे खुबसूरत ,डरावनी और वीरान जगहों के बारे में world's most abandoned and Haunted place SUSBCRIBE ADBHUT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGdVc3mfrAwjGec1vlz-jwg Please Subscribe mYth Tv India: https://goo.gl/rCcko0 Like mYth Tv India on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mythtvteam Written, Edited & Voice by: Wishal Kumar (http://www.facebook.com/wishalkumar) Previous Video: https://youtu.be/eRlviC_WbJc next video : [Coming soon] ||Other Videos|| सबसे रहस्यमय प्लेनेट (ग्रह) Most Mysterious Planets: https://goo.gl/l7rLEY भारतीय राजनैतिक इतिहास की सबसे बड़ी साज़िशे Biggest Conspiracy Theories in Indian Political History: https://goo.gl/6kBEcu भारत के 5 रहस्यमय स्थान Top 5 Mysterious places in India : https...
While traveling towards Eren's basement to unravel the mysteries of the Titans the Survey Corp is suddenly attacked by a shapely Female Titan who happens to know Krav Maga. Play the free browser game here! http://fenglee.com/game/aog/ Check out all our Attack on Titan videos in our playlist below, https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQOB_yCwC5J3tvLoS7oQXLLYPYZ40x_ny You can also watch all of Season 1 of Attack on Titan on Crunchyroll for free. http://www.crunchyroll.com/attack-on-titan/ You can get your own professionally built custom gaming PC at, http://www.originpc.com/ What game should we play next? Let us know! Don't forget to like/follow us on Facebook & Twitter! http://facebook.com/node http://twitter.com/nodestudios http://twitter.com/corridordigital http://facebook.com...
This high frequency sound repels rodents! It might sound just like fuzz or a hum to you, but that is because its frequency range is beyond what the human ear can hear. But not for mice, moles, rats, bugs, and other vermin that you don't want in your home! It drives them right out! They can't stand the sound. Here is the new and improved version! https://youtu.be/lX6GanjnQlI Here is the 1 hour version. http://youtu.be/KxbKLhyNh1U Here is the new and improved version! https://youtu.be/lX6GanjnQlI Here is the 5 minute version for those who want to download it. http://youtu.be/l5x1Bb9UTT0 This Ultrasonic Sound Pulses at 68 to 80 times a second at 100dB. Safe for humans, dogs, and cats. DO NOT USE if you have pet mice, gerbils, ETC !!! Simply crank up this video when you are home...
let's space travel
This high frequency sound repels rodents! It might sound just like fuzz or a hum to you, but that is because its frequency range is beyond what the human ear can hear. But not for mice, moles, rats, bugs, and other vermin that you don't want in your home! It drives them right out! They can't stand the sound. Excellent Pest Control. Great mouse repellent sound. This is the same as the 12 hour version, but I turned up the GAIN for more power. I recorded this myself! New IMPROVED version here: https://youtu.be/lX6GanjnQlI This Ultrasonic Sound Pulses at 68 to 80 times a second at 100dB. Safe for humans, dogs, and cats. DO NOT USE if you have pet mice, gerbils, ETC !!! Simply crank up this video when you are home or leaving for the day. Point your speakers in all different directions, an...
Subscribe to DJ Mag TV: http://bit.ly/Oduqwo Miguel has been galvanised by the house music scene since the early 90's and has also been a DJ since that time. Miguel began producing his own music as one 'half' of the underground duo HCB. In 2006 he founded his own label Outcross Records, which became a home for his music. Teaming up with fellow Leeds resident Matt Hughes to form MAM, a duo that has remixed the likes of the Imany, Deadmau5 and Flight Facilities, as well as putting out releases via Wolf+Lamb, Future Classic and Outcross itself. In 2010 he became the newest addition to the Hot Creations team and went on to pick up international recognition, capturing the imaginations of party people the world over. Miguel's forward march continues as he refuses to relent, working on more ...
Please Like,Share,Favorite, and Comment below to show your support! Thank You Nation. ;-) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCw69RfBrFHKlYwGljVrYw_g This high frequency sound repels rodents! It might sound just like fuzz or a hum to you, but that is because its frequency range is beyond what the human ear can hear. But not for mice, moles, rats, bugs, and other vermin that you don't want in your home! It drives them right out! They can't stand the sound. This Ultrasonic Sound Pulses at 68 to 80 times a second at 100dB. Safe for humans, dogs, and cats. DO NOT USE if you have pet mice, gerbils, ETC !!! Simply crank up this video when you are home or leaving for the day. Point your speakers in all different directions, and in the lowest part of your house if you can. ( basement ) The freque...
Series Playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfKE4DCDKabmVESxiLoAC37eWKKK7VT11 Seed: ZX7C4VWP The Binding Of Isaac: Rebirth is an action Rouge-like indie game, where you travel deep into a basement as you escape from your fanatic mother. Thumbnail Art by AZVisio Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/AZVisio Twitter: https://twitter.com/AZvisio ------------ Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/Millbeeful Live stream: http://www.twitch.tv/millbee Millbee Subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/Millbee/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Millbee/387959344602302 ------------ Available on PC (Steam), PSVITA & PS4
Series Playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfKE4DCDKabmVESxiLoAC37eWKKK7VT11 Seed: 7MZ1XGRK The Binding Of Isaac: Rebirth is an action Rouge-like indie game, where you travel deep into a basement as you escape from your fanatic mother. Thumbnail Art by AZVisio Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/AZVisio Twitter: https://twitter.com/AZvisio ------------ Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/Millbeeful Live stream: http://www.twitch.tv/millbee Millbee Subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/Millbee/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Millbee/387959344602302 ------------ Available on PC (Steam), PSVITA & PS4
World record for the 100% RTA (Real Time Attack) category (NoSlots, NoDebugRoom, i.e. you don't use Cait Sith's Limit Break Game Over or warp into the Debug Room), played on the English Steam PC Version, using real time. This is an almost 10-minute improvement to my old run (15:11:18 - http://www.twitch.tv/xerokynos/c/5502505). A lot of things in this run went very smoothly. Among them, I did not lose any time at all to the Chocobo racing. In many of my previous attempts, I lost minutes to not being able to win enough GP or the Sneak Attack or Enemy Away materia in time. One of the most visible flaws of this run is an additional Speed Square ride I had to take to win a Masamune Blade, resulting in a time loss of about 4 minutes. Still, this run is not sub15, which at the moment seems to ...
Series Playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfKE4DCDKabmVESxiLoAC37eWKKK7VT11 ----------------------------- Thumbnail Art by AZVisio Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/AZVisio Twitter: https://twitter.com/AZvisio ------------ Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/Millbeeful Live stream: http://www.twitch.tv/millbee Millbee Subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/Millbee/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Millbee/387959344602302 ------------ The Binding Of Isaac: Rebirth is an action Rogue-like indie game, where you travel deep into a basement as you escape from your fanatic mother. Available on PC (Steam), PSVITA & PS4
1.Intro 00:00 2.Stratocaster (feat. Godfather Don) 00:37 3. MC Voltron (feat. Craig G) 03:45 4.Super Hero (feat. MF DOOM) 06:41 5.World Wide Lamper (feat. B.a.R.S Murre & Dirt Nasty) 09:51 6.Bragging Rights (feat. Psycho Les) 13:51 7.Girl Grab (feat. Necro) 16:58 8.Bonneville (feat. Mac Mall) 20:11 9.Tired (feat. Edo.G) 22:54 10.Cold Freezer (feat. Bumpy Knuckles)26:12 11.Peer Pressure (feat. Slug of Atmosphere) 29:12 12.Life (feat. Sadat X) 32:46 13.Writers (feat. Ras Kass) 36:18 14.Cheesecake (Bonus) 39:42 Kool Keith - Feature Magnetic 2016)Kool Keith - Feature Magnetic (2016) Kool Keith "Feature Magnetic" http://tinyurl.com/zwof8hp featuring Godfather Don, Craig G, MF DOOM, B.a.R.S. Murre, Dirt Nasty, Pyscho Les, Necro, Mac Mall, EdO.G, Bumpy Knuckles, Slug of Atmosphere, Sadat X, Ras ...