- published: 12 May 2015
- views: 657
Art is a diverse range of human activities in creating visual, auditory or performing artifacts – artworks, expressing the author's imaginative or technical skill, intended to be appreciated for their beauty or emotional power. In their most general form these activities include the production of works of art, the criticism of art, the study of the history of art, and the aesthetic dissemination of art.
The oldest form of art are visual arts, which include creation of images or objects in fields including painting, sculpture, printmaking, photography, and other visual media. Architecture is often included as one of the visual arts; however, like the decorative arts, it involves the creation of objects where the practical considerations of use are essential—in a way that they usually are not in a painting, for example. Music, theatre, film, dance, and other performing arts, as well as literature and other media such as interactive media, are included in a broader definition of art or the arts. Until the 17th century, art referred to any skill or mastery and was not differentiated from crafts or sciences. In modern usage after the 17th century, where aesthetic considerations are paramount, the fine arts are separated and distinguished from acquired skills in general, such as the decorative or applied arts.
Balance, balanced or balancing may refer to:
Travel is the movement of people between relatively distant geographical locations, and can involve travel by foot, bicycle, automobile, train, boat, airplane, or other means, with or without luggage, and can be one way or round trip. Travel can also include relatively short stays between successive movements.
The origin of the word "travel" is most likely lost to history. The term "travel" may originate from the Old French word travail. According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, the first known use of the word travel was in the 14th century. It also states that the word comes from Middle English travailen, travelen (which means to torment, labor, strive, journey) and earlier from Old French travailler (which means to work strenuously, toil). In English we still occasionally use the words travail and travails, which mean struggle. According to Simon Winchester in his book The Best Travelers' Tales (2004), the words travel and travail both share an even more ancient root: a Roman instrument of torture called the tripalium (in Latin it means "three stakes", as in to impale). This link reflects the extreme difficulty of travel in ancient times. Also note the torturous connotation of the word "travailler." Today, travel may or may not be much easier depending upon the destination you choose (i.e., Mt. Everest, the Amazon rainforest), how you plan to get there (tour bus, cruise ship, or oxcart), and whether or not you decide to "rough it (see extreme tourism and adventure travel). "There's a big difference between simply being a tourist and being a true world traveler," notes travel writer Michael Kasum. This is, however, a contested distinction as academic work on the cultures and sociology of travel has noted.
The third eye is a spiritual concept associated with enlightenment and direct communication with a higher plane of existence.
It may also refer to:
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Lara Jacobs was born into an artistic family. At the tender age of six she began performing and touring as a trapeze artist with her parents' theatre, Rigolo Nouveau Cirque. When she was just 16 Lara ventured to New York City and enrolled at the prestigious Alvin Ailey Dance Centre. She later took her love of dance to Istanbul where she trained in dervish dance, a traditional Islamic dance also known as Sufi whirling which consists of spinning one's body in repetitive circles. With this new talent, she began performing a solo fire burning skirt routine for Rigolo Nouveau Cirque, numerous galas worldwide, as well as, the famous German circus, Circus Roncalli. In 2010 Lara was asked to audition for the role of Balance Goddess in Cirque de Soleil's Amaluna. The unique act has the Balance God...
Aquarius July 2016 tarot Travel the world Money and Balance New Journeys Looking forward Aquarius Hey Guys, wishing you all a safe, and happy July for 2016 ! Where you are, and what ever you do.. may the sun follow you ! thanks for watching, subbing and liking !:) peace and light all.
We wanted to play some of the fun multiplayer games available now in the Wii U eShop. We’re highlighting Sportsball, The Art of Balance and Chariot but let us know if you have other suggestions for us! Hope you have a good weekend and see you in our next video. -Kit & Krysta
Third Eye Meaning This chakra is governed by the 5th ray of "Concrete Knowledge." Our intuition and our ability to see with vision comes from here. It's the center of divine wisdom, the spiritual eye that seeks to see and know the truth in all things. From the sixth of the seven chakra symbols we close our physical eyes and look at the world from all aspects of self. Our intuition becomes our guide. A healthy third eye gives us the power to perceive every reflection from the outer world, as a direct call for us to accept it as ours, heal and love it. Blocks in this chakra cause us to become delusional, unimaginative, indifferent and to have poor memories. Worry is a big problem, spaced-out, and poor concentration also plague a person with a sick third eye chakra. Do you trust your intu...
This video is about G7X Colour Balance using only the Underwater Mode. Previously Custom White Balance has been needed to get great colours at different depths underwater, the new Canon G7X seems to have got the Underwater Mode sussed at last.
Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there to lend a hand where we can with support, tips and inspiration. We have partnered with The Huffington Post to create helpful and motivating content that supports you throughout your life. Eric Reed quit his successful lawyer job 3 years ago to follow his passion for writing & traveling: he changed and started a new career to become a travel writer and journalist full time. After graduating from law school, he took time to travel and helped an NGO in Cambodia to build schools and orphanages. After his time off, Eric took a great job as a security litigator in Philadelphia, but the hours were too demanding and he didn’t have much of a work/life balance. Eventually, he realized that although the money was great, he was happier when he had less – th...
Subscribe at http://goo.gl/l6qjuS for more new travel talks! Rick Steves explains how travel — from Europe to the Middle East to Latin America — has broadened his perspective and shaped his worldview on drug policy reform, the role of government, and America's place in the world. Visit http://www.ricksteves.com for more European travel information.
Balance can be described as finding the equalizing point between two opposing forces, and as both a design principle and a life philosophy, it is central to Korean culture. For master swordsmith Eun-cheul Lee, balance is essential to the creation of his hand-crafted swords. He revived a traditional Korean style of sword making that had been lost for 100 years. By blending different types of iron ore to make the steel used in his swords, he achieves balance in his blades and successfully brings an ancient technique into modern times. This Great Big Story is a paid contribution by Genesis. SUBSCRIBE: https://goo.gl/vR6Acb Follow us behind the scenes on Instagram: http://goo.gl/2KABeX Make our acquaintance on Facebook: http://goo.gl/Vn0XIZ Give us a shout on Twitter: http://goo.gl/sY1GLY...
Improve sleep, boost energy, minimize jet lag. AYO lets you wear the Sun. Now available on Indiegogo! Waking up early in the morning should happen naturally and travel should be enjoyable, not exhausting. AYO wearable combines state-of-the-art technology, innovative thinking and scientifically proven methods to balance the user’s master biological clock for a healthier, happier and more active life. AYO Indiegogo Campaign link: http://igg.me/at/ayo AYO website: http://goayo.com
Watch ancient Sumerians figure out how to use pictures to write sounds for the first time in history. See why the Egyptians disagree with their approach. Meaning writing (logographs) let early writers get civilized and document their thoughts. But what if you don't have a symbol for a word in your language? Just use the sound-alike rebus principle to invent one! Exit the cave of pictographs and journey to Sumer, Egypt and Tenochtitlán! Marvel as ancient cultures use logographs to start writing not just meaning words, but sound words. Watch as Sumerian writers press a stylus into wet clay to make wedge shapes - cuneiform! Ponder the tension this brings up: is writing phonetic or is it semantic? What will future scribes do to balance this tension between meaning and sound? Next time, trav...
NEW VLOG EVERY THURSDAY! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=contiki Meet Mikael, another Contiki Trip Manager! Today we're jumping in with his group in Lisbon, Portugal. Mikael has Portuguese heritage and so is showing us some of his favourite foods. Let us know what else you want to see. Follow Mikael! https://www.instagram.com/mikael_mendes_/ Follow Contiki! http://www.instagram.com/contiki http://www.twitter.com/contiki http://www.facebook.com/contiki http://www.pinterest.com/contiki http://www.tumblr.com/contiki http://www.contiki.com Snapchat: contiki.com FAQ What's Contiki? The original travel company for the young, wild and free, we’ve perfected the art of travel since 1962. To us, wealth isn’t a number on a bank balance. It’s not the car we drive ...
If you're a fan of Joe Sugg you're gonna LOVE the highlights reel from his Contiki trip!! Watch more of Caspar & Joe going head to head: https://www.contiki.com/noregrets/matchup/1/ Watch others travel with no regrets & win a trip: https://www.contiki.com/noregrets/ And SUBSCRIBE here so you're in the loop every week: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=contiki Follow Contiki! http://www.instagram.com/contiki http://www.twitter.com/contiki http://www.facebook.com/contiki http://www.pinterest.com/contiki http://www.tumblr.com/contiki http://www.contiki.com Snapchat: contiki.com FAQ What's Contiki? The original travel company for the young, wild and free, we’ve perfected the art of travel since 1962. To us, wealth isn’t a number on a bank balance. It’s not ...
If you love Jon Cozart as much as we do you're gonna REALLY LOVE the highlights reel from his recent Contiki trip around Paris and London!! Watch more of Jon Cozart and the SketchShe girls going head to head: https://www.contiki.com/noregrets/matchup/2/ Watch others travel with no regrets & win a trip: https://www.contiki.com/noregrets/ And SUBSCRIBE here so you're in the loop every week: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=contiki Follow Contiki! http://www.instagram.com/contiki http://www.twitter.com/contiki http://www.facebook.com/contiki http://www.pinterest.com/contiki http://www.tumblr.com/contiki http://www.contiki.com Snapchat: contiki.com FAQ What's Contiki? The original travel company for the young, wild and free, we’ve perfected the art of trav...
NEW VLOG EVERY THURSDAY! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=contiki Remember Mikael, he took us on a Portuguese adventure a few weeks back! Right now he's exploring the beauty of Marrakech, it's a magical place to be. Let us know where you'd like him to show us next. Follow Mikael! https://www.instagram.com/mikael_mendes_/ Follow Contiki! http://www.instagram.com/contiki http://www.twitter.com/contiki http://www.facebook.com/contiki http://www.pinterest.com/contiki http://www.tumblr.com/contiki http://www.contiki.com Snapchat: contiki.com FAQ What's Contiki? The original travel company for the young, wild and free, we’ve perfected the art of travel since 1962. To us, wealth isn’t a number on a bank balance. It’s not the car we drive or the house we live in...
Stoney Lamar makes beautiful sculptures out of wood and his work is traveling the country in a show called "A Sense of Balance". His work can be seen at Philadelphia's Center for Art in Wood and the Synderman Works Galleries through April 18, 2015. He talks about his life and career and how Parkinson's Disease is affecting his work.
Improve sleep, boost energy, minimize jet lag. Ayo lets you wear the Sun. Now available at Indiegogo! Waking up early in the morning should happen naturally and travel should be enjoyable, not exhausting. AYO wearable combines state-of-the-art technology, innovative thinking and scientifically proven methods to balance the user’s master biological clock for a healthier, happier and more active life. AYO Indiegogo Campaign link: http://igg.me/at/ayo AYO website: http://goayo.com
Improve your sleep, beat the jet lag, or boost your energy level with AYO! Now available on Indiegogo! AYO Indiegogo Campaign link: http://igg.me/at/ayo AYO website: http://goayo.com Waking up early in the morning should happen naturally and travel should be enjoyable, not exhausting. AYO wearable combines state-of-the-art technology, innovative thinking and scientifically proven methods to balance the user’s master biological clock for a healthier, happier and more active life.
Monday, 3 November 2014 Panellist: George Brandis, Attorney-General and Minister for the Arts. Our audience asked about: young Muslim men, suspended passports, radicalisation, other foreign fighters, travel bans, police raids, jailing journalists, metadata and social cohesion.
Source: https://www.spreaker.com/user/transformationtalkradio/coming-clean-radio-the-art-of-transparen_5 This week I share my exeriences and strategies on how to remain positive and balanced while traveling. Its easier to stay " on top of thigns" when we're at home, however once we are out of our daily habits, it can become tricky. This goes beyond not drinking, but how we think and act.
Timestamp 16:27 Energy surrounding the next two weeks – The Tortoise - Movement Through Pressures Additional info about cards... The Tortoise - 10 of Ancients/Wands (Fire Energy) * The tortoise is ancient, and it symbolizes a time of getting in touch with and trusting our primal senses and rhythms, recognizing that abundance and growth do not have to be obtained quickly and immediately. 5 of Cups - Disappointment (numerology 45/9) **Old friends, partial gains, learning experiences 17 - The Star (numerology 17/8) **Good fortune, rewards, travel, mediation, assistance 11 - Lust (numerology 11/2) also the “Justice” card – **Tests, legal dealings, inspiration, art, and quick decisions 2 Swards – Peace (numerology 56/11) **Balance, decisions, cooperation 7 Cups – Debauch (numerology 47/11)...
Our Artrepreneur now is Thomas Griffin, Founder of Art Square, a social marketplace which connects artists with professional photographers to get their images digitized and online. Thomas first ventured into the art world when he started the online art gallery, Emineo, in 2012. He then brought on technical co-founder Christopher Smith and rebranded Emineo Art Gallery to what ArtSquare is today. The platform functions as a print on-demand service: prints of original works aren’t made until they are sold, so costs stay low for both the artist and ArtSquare. This interview is slammed with amazing quotes from Thomas. Cheers dude. Here are the highlights of my funky conversation with Thomas: 06:33 : His introduction to buying and selling art in college through eBay, starting an online co...
Our Artrepreneur now is Thomas Griffin, Founder of Art Square, a social marketplace which connects artists with professional photographers to get their images digitized and online. Thomas first ventured into the art world when he started the online art gallery, Emineo, in 2012. He then brought on technical co-founder Christopher Smith and rebranded Emineo Art Gallery to what ArtSquare is today. The platform functions as a print on-demand service: prints of original works aren’t made until they are sold, so costs stay low for both the artist and ArtSquare. This interview is slammed with amazing quotes from Thomas. Cheers dude. Here are the highlights of my funky conversation with Thomas: 06:33 : His introduction to buying and selling art in college through eBay, starting an online co...
Like his music, Raphael F. Sharpe can be described as essential, intuitive and spiritual, while at the same time physical and an earthly-Pan incarnate. His mother was a powerful psychic similar to Edgar Cayce; his father, an elegant ragtime piano player. Raphael has a unique talent for teaching deep and profound eastern and western techniques in a simple, clear and common sense way. It has been his experience that when these teachings are empowered with the heart, they become miraculous. He also has a talent for bringing people to deep states of enlightenment in a fun and pleasurable way. He was born and raised in Oklahoma (and is proud of it). He is well known for his private sessions for singles and couples which may include "psychic readings set to music", teaching men the art of usin...
I had an opportunity to meet Dana Childs (thanks to an introduction by Lori Godwin of Your Community Connector) and all I can say is WOW!!!!! As she started sharing her story - all I could do was sit in amazement and listen. We decided her story had to be told to the world. Check it out here. You can connect with Dana directly at: dana.childs@yahoo.com http://www.wix.com/travelspirit/danachilds http://www.yogatraveler.wordpress.com Here is a brief overview about Dana: Dana Childs is a medium, intuitive, and energetic healer. She combines her wide berth of knowledge with her intuition in order to channel Spirit and provide individuals with the information and healing energy needed in order to bring balance to mind, body, and soul. She pulls from her rich experience ...