
Catfished by dating scammer, Belinda just wants to know why

Belinda Eu was the victim of an online dating scam, but sharing her tale via a puppet has given her the thing she craves most – closure.

Digital dating has revolutionised the single life, but it has its perils. Mostly, they're the perils of the digital age more broadly: scams, false identities, humiliation. But you can add to that list one more: heartbreak.

Belinda Eu, 28, knows all about the ups and downs of online coupling. She found her girlfriend via Tinder. "We connected about nine months ago, and met for the first time about a week later," she says.

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No Strings Attached

The awkward world of online dating is explored in a genre-bending mashup equal parts documentary, comedy and puppet TV.

But she knows the flipside too. A few years ago, she met a girl called Hayley while playing the online multiplayer game Gangs at War. They started chatting, and soon peeled off to keep chatting, one on one.

After a while, it felt to Belinda like a real relationship. "I said, 'I like you, I enjoy talking to you, and I don't want to be with anyone else'. She said, 'I feel the same'." So they became an actual couple, virtually.

Eu was in Melbourne, Hayley in Canada, but "It felt entirely real, there was just no physical aspect. It felt more real on an emotional scale, because that's all there was."

They communicated exclusively via the apps Skype, Kik and Palringo. Eu streamed herself via her device's camera but Hayley did not – because, she claimed, her phone did not have a functioning camera. Perhaps inevitably, phone sex became part of their relationship.


It was perhaps also inevitable that those around her might worry something was not quite right in this relationship.

Not that Eu didn't have doubts of her own. "I always had a gut feeling something wasn't right," she says. "How can you have a smartphone but not be able to turn on your camera?"

But logic was outmuscled by emotion. "I was too happy to care, too caught up to care. I didn't want to face reality."

Was there an element of self-delusion?


Of course, Hayley turned out not to be real. Or at least, not the person she had claimed, though Eu has never discovered who the real Hayley was.

Now she has shared her tale of being "catfished" (the term for online scams in the dating realm, named after the 2010 documentary of the same name and the MTV series it spawned) for the ABC TV and web series No Strings Attached.

The catch is she doesn't appear onscreen. The 10-episode series uses the real voices of people sharing their true-life tales from the realm of dating apps, but dramatises the stories using puppets to give the storytellers that most prized of digital-era commodities, anonymity.

(If the premise sounds familiar, it's because this is the second series from creator Emma Watts and producer Lisa Kovacevic, following Tales from Tinder in 2015.)

So why has Eu now agreed to reveal her face and identity, for this story? Because, she says, she's grateful.

"What No Strings Attached has done is give me something I thought I'd never get," she says. "Obviously, it's not full closure, because it's not from Hayley herself. But I think it was a really good way to get the closure I really wanted."

And if she ever did meet Hayley, who simply disappeared, what would she want to ask her?

"I would want to know why she did it," Eu says. "How could she do this to me? Did she ever love me? I know it wasn't about money, so I wonder if it started because she was lonely, and then it developed into something more."

Are you curious to know what she looks like?

"Yes," Eu says, "but it doesn't matter as much as knowing why."

Karl Quinn is on Facebook at karlquinnjournalist and on twitter @karlkwin

No Strings Attached is on iView. Belinda's episode is The Gaysian Gamer