Investigation reveals 'disappointing' failures in Skytrain construction

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The project director of the $8.3 billion Sydney Metro NorthWest says it is "very disappointing" the contractor building the four-kilometre elevated section of the train line used an inappropriate construction method that resulted in part of that line buckling.

Fairfax Media reported in October that one of the 100-odd "spans" that make up the Skytrain section of the 23 kilometre rail line had buckled. That span has since been dismantled and will be replaced.

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Before that report, Transport for NSW had commissioned an independent investigation into the incident. That investigation, the results of which were partly made public this week, showed the section buckled due to a combination of failings in the construction process.

"We regard this as a very significant incident and we've taken it very seriously and we've taken some months to look through this," the project director of Sydney Metro NorthWest, Rodd Staples, said.

"We've been keen to be transparent about showing that report publicly and that we've got actions in place to manage that and prevent it occurring again," he said.

The Skytrain section of the rail line is made up of, in effect, 115 linked bridges. Those bridges or spans are made up of pre-cast concrete segments, bound together using steel ropes.


To achieve a secure join between the concrete segments, the majority of segments were cast against those that they adjoin. But where that has not occurred, the segments are stitched together with concrete and clamping.

Mr Staples, said the method used to "stitch join" the two segments that buckled "had not been done anywhere else on the program".

The report commissioned by Transport for NSW, conducted by engineering consultant Aurecon, showed the failure occurred due to insufficient clamping, the lack of strength of the concrete used, and an "inappropriate" process of injecting epoxy to fill the gaps in the concrete.

"This is the first time that the epoxy was used in that way, and it will not happen again," said Mr Staples.

"There is no doubt that this incident was very disappointing. We've made that clear to our contractor. But our focus has been to learn the lessons from it and to put actions in place to make sure that it doesn't occur again."

The contractor building the Skytrain is the Italian firm Salini Impregilo.

Fairfax Media has previously reported other segments in the Skytrain have also had to be replaced. But Mr Staples said the issue with the join failure was different.

"Every construction project does have quality issues," he said. "They are different to the particular circumstances in this report."

The project director said the overall train line, the biggest rail project under construction in the country, was still on track to be open by the first half of 2019.

The 14-kilometre tunnels for the line, for instance, were finished 10 months early. And 98 of the 115 spans or bridges have been completed and, said Transport for NSW, confirmed as structurally sound.

Mr Staples said the project would still be built for an overall cost of $8.3 billion.