

Bali police in Ubud detonate backpack containing fireworks with sign saying 'Bomb'

Bali police have detonated a backpack containing fireworks after it was found with a sign attached that said "Bomb" in the popular tourist village of Ubud this morning.

Gianyar police chief Waluya said the backpack was found by a local in front of his roadside foodstall at 6.15am today.

He said the special paramilitary police force BRIMOB detonated it with two small explosions after an x-ray revealed a "suspicious item" inside.

"So if there was wiring inside it would be damaged," Mr Waluya said.

"After that the team examined the inside of the bag. They found a soft drink can with four fireworks and a solar-powered calculator."

He said the fireworks could have exploded if they had been ignited but no detonator was found.


Mr Waluya said the bomb squad had described it as "low explosive" because the bag contained only four small fireworks.

"It was just a small warung (food stall) by the street, not a big restaurant, not many people. It wasn't one of the crowded tourists attractions. Around the warung was just local neighboring houses."

"A bomb would have a detonator, something to detonate it."

However Mr Waluya said the fireworks could still have blown up if they had been ignited.

"Since there was a piece of paper that says 'bom' (Indonesian for bomb) it seems the perpetrator's intention was to terrorise."

Mr Waluya said the backpack also contained the passport and an ATM card belonging to a Dutch tourist who had lost his bag in Ubud on Monday and reported it missing on Tuesday morning.

However he said the Dutchman had also reported a laptop and wallet missing, which had not been found in the backpack.

"It is an ongoing investigation, we are tracing the bag from where it went missing to where it was found and we are also questioning witnesses."