- published: 24 Feb 2007
- views: 376212
Varvara (Cyrillic: Варвара, Greek: Βαρβάρα), a variant of "Barbara", may refer to:
Би-2 - Варвара (Varvara) (1999)
Varvara - the song "Katyusha"
Varvara, Volkova Katyusha (Катюша)
Варвара/Varvara - Катюша /Song Katiusha /Song Katyusha HD Live
Varvara - «Otpusti mena reka»
ruslana and varvara
Varvara - Tiho Tayal Sneg
Катюша - Варвара
Krásna Varvara 1969 (CELY FILM)
Varvara si doctorul - Marin Moraru si Draga Olteanu Matei
Varvara (beautiful russian singer official site: varvara-music.ru (in russian) http://www.varvara-fanclub.ru) singing the song " Katyusha" (Катюша).The May 9 Victory Day.
Номер из концертной программы ВАРВАРЫ , исполненной на юбилее X5 Retail Group в мае 2009 года в Санкт-Петербурге в высоком разрешении HD
Varvara singing the song " «Otpusti mena reka/ Let me river»"!(official site: varvara-music.ru (in russian) http://www.varvara-fanclub.ru) Entertainment of First television channel in Russia.
duet sung by ruslana and varvara
Bylo nebylo jedno carství kterému vládl car Jeremej. Jednoho dne se rozhodl vše ve svém carství spočítat. U jedné studny se však chytil do pasti temného vládce podzemní říše Čuda Juda, kterému musel slíbit, že mu dá to, co ve svém království nepozná. Jeremej rád slíbí, myslí si, že má vše spočítané. Vůbec však netuší, že se mu mezitím narodil syn Andrej. Aby Andreje zachránil, dá ho vyměnit za syna rybáře, který se narodil v té samé době...
Fragment din emisiunea de divertisment "Televiziunea, dragostea mea", realizata in 2005 de Dora Zorca. Sceneta "Varvara si doctorul" de Mircea Crisan; interpreti: Draga Olteanu Matei, Marin Moraru. https://www.facebook.com/ArhivaTVRonline
Lung of love, leaves me breathless,
Tongue of fool, lap me in enmity,
Four walled secret lies among the hessian,
And a flicker of the future,
Could've saved the cindered sister,
And I'm motioning still, they stand inside me,
And moments until, the one I leave.
Colourless I kiss her cold forehead I feel life,
Loose it in a minute and the ones to come feel too far to care,
And I'm motioning still they stand inside me,
And moments until the one I leave.
People concertina to my private magic lantern move for me,
With the senses all inclusive,
In the theatre of triggered memories.
I'm motioning still they stand inside me,
And moments until the one I leave,
I'm motioning still they stand inside me,
And moments until the one I leave,
The moments until the one I leave,
The one I leave,
The one I leave,
The one I leave,
Motioning still,