Horoscopes: Your stars with Lilith

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This was published 7 years ago

Horoscopes: Your stars with Lilith

Taurus full moon combined with Venus sauntering into cardinal earth sign Capricorn issues a summons this week to smell the flowers, taste the wine and appreciate the joy of simply being alive …


Smell the flowers this week, taste the wine and appreciate the joy of simply being alive.

Smell the flowers this week, taste the wine and appreciate the joy of simply being alive.Credit: AP

Weekend moon in your sign stimulates lively conversation and original ideas. But during early-week Taurus moon, when minds are inclined to stubbornly clench in entrenched opinions, best agree to disagree. During emotionally unstable late-week moon, ride solo or cohort with optimistic, generous, humorous friends. Avoid high-pressure or passive-aggressive involvements.


Weekend Venus in Capricorn suits you earthlings right down to the ground. Then when early-week Taurus supermoon fires your calm, composed self to express needs and feelings straight from the heart, a good emotional blowout could clear the air. Will you see red, or keep it together? Either way, listen up world …


Your ruler Mercury in the sign of speed colliding with midweek Gemini moon could cause brain fuse. Mental activity goes gangbusters, offering acute perception but lack of focus and a disconnect from sensible decision-making. This makes still, quiet, reflective time essential for your sanity. Ditto clear communication, especially with partners.


From early week's supermoon to late-week moon in your sensitive sign, intense emotions colour friendships and communal causes. While actions speak louder than words, verbals pack their own kind of punch this week, so be mindful of what you say and how you say it. Slip snappy Crab a chill pill.



If feedback received this week isn't to your royal liking, don't take dramas too seriously – especially your own. Without closing down or becoming stubborn, it's better to stay in place right now than try to forge forcefully ahead. Keep widening your perspective, deepening your understanding. Stay open to new views and attitudes.


While your ruler Mercury in mouthy Sagittarius stirs excitable energies and turns up the verbal volume, this week recommends you sensible sensualists to take it easy and celebrate your achievements – all those things you've worked so hard for. So count blessings, enjoy affordable pleasures and explore creative recreations.


Libra's planet Venus in Capricorn comes with the responsibility to apply your soothing Venusian valium as other people seesaw from volcanic to polar freeze. That's the work part. The fun bit is Mercury in the sign of sparkling laughter, rascal wit and delicious mischief, which is just your cruisy cup of bubbles.


As this week intensifies your annual cycle of personal renewal and regeneration, channel Batman/woman as your sonar guide through any dark spaces, which should be used as opportunities to unearth your own inner buried treasure: the transmuting forces of transformation. An excellent week for self-promotion, provided you keep it subtle.


With this week's mental-as-anything Mercury galloping into Sagittarius, you'll talk up an entertaining storm. But it's the major hoof-in-mouth transit, so before you utter don't forget there's an edit button. And remember that new doesn't always mean better. This week doesn't support abrupt change.


Yes, some people are strange and inconsistent this week: infuriatingly hush-hush when you need information, followed by embarrassingly indiscreet – so allow sociable Venus in your sign to soften sharp Martian edges. And because Venus loves a makeover, why not reward her with a shopping spree, a new 'do or deluxe pampering?


Your ruling planet Uranus, changer of outer arrangements, is currently courting Eris, his feminine counterpart associated with inner change. Eris is the second largest dwarf planet in our solar system and named after the goddess of mischief – something that could happen this week from flouting rules. So take care with that, rebelarians…


Mental meanderings and opinions aren't facts. By all means look for the good in others, but don't ignore less-than-lovely agendas and behaviour. Don't take anything for granted this week, when assumptions can breed all kinds of troublesome complications. Verify rather than just blindly trust. Check and confirm. Do your homework.

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