Daily Life

10 headlines about male violence that needed to be fixed in 2016

 Here's a list of things that don't cause murder: selfies, jealousy, alcohol, mothers, shoes, Jagerbombs, broken hearts, razor blades and romance.

Here's a list of all the things that do cause murder: a person's decision to commit murder.

You're probably thinking these are slightly silly lists. Like listing all the things that one plus one doesn't equal. Or all the letters of the alphabet that come before B. And you would be entirely correct.

Some of the people who write news headlines, however, would disagree with you.

Following are 10 headlines from 2016 that featured in my FixedIt series. This is by no means all the headlines that needed fixing this year; they may not even be the worst of them. It's just 10 of them. 


The victim of this murder was not just a sex worker, she was a woman, and she wasn't murdered by a stiletto or a razor blade, she was murdered by a man, Chungaung Piao, who was found guilty in June this year.

This is probably one of the worst headlines I've ever seen. They managed to blame the victim, while also turning her from a person in her own right into a "doctor's daughter", and utterly removed the killer from the story. He doesn't even get a mention.

The headline, which appeared in UK paper The Sun, was changed after international outrage.

Edward Tenniswood was found guilty of rape and murder in August this year.

No, news.com.au, no it didn't. Many, many people have had their hearts broken. The overwhelming majority of them don't believe rejection gives them the right to violate someone's right to keep living. Colin Kingston made a decision to commit murder, that is the only thing that caused these tragic deaths.

Daniel Nathan Parry pleaded guilty to the murder of Garry Coulson. He didn't collude or plot with Coulson's poor mother - he used her to find her son and kill him. There is probably no greater tragedy any person could experience than the loss of a child. It is inconceivable that anyone could pile on to that pain and imply a mother was to blame for trusting the man who killed her son, but here we are, clickbait awaits.

Attempted murder is not romantic. Stabbing a woman who wants to leave you is not an act of love. Betts may have characterised it as a Romeo and Juliet moment, but surely an attempted murder's view of romance is not the one we should normalise for public debate?

(Also, just a technicality, Romeo didn't murder Juliet: she poisoned herself in Shakespeare's mawkish and slightly messed up play.)

Rape is not sex. Child abuse is not sex. Sexual assault is not sex. 

Sex requires consent. Children cannot give consent, so by definition, this headline is not just abhorrent, it's factually and legally incorrect. But this misrepresentation of sexual violence is all too common.

The alleged abuse of underage boys - and boys so drunk they passed out - is not group sex. Again, sex requires consent, these allegations describe horrific events that utterly abrogate the concept of consent. Group sex might be a great clickbaity headline, but sensationalising and trivialising child abuse like this is obscene. Channel 7 and AAP should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves.

But while Channel 7 may have learned something since then, it appears that AAP and the Brisbane Times have not.

A man is convicted of assaulting and intimidating a woman in her home, and the headline on this story is how his hopes are shot down? Seriously? The victim doesn't even rate a mention, but it's terrible for him that he has to suffer consequences for chasing her around her house, calling her a slut, breaking her phone, knocking her belongings out of her hands as she tried to leave, and badgering her with "vulgar questions"? That's the point of this story?

 Awww. Cute. He tried to kiss her while she was sleeping. Just like Sleeping Beauty!

NO! FFS. He was an adult and she was a 16 year old girl, that's not a romantic kiss, it's an allegation of sexual assault of a child.

The collective message of all these headlines is that men's violence against women is trivial, romantic, and above all not the fault of the men who commit this violence. Instead, it's blamed on the victim, the murder weapon, or the terrible suffering of rejected men.

Violence, like any other crime, is a choice. If reporting the circumstances is necessary to provide context, the wider context of men's violence against women is also relevant. Widespread bias that leads police, judges and juries to excuse and minimise men's violence against women is exacerbated by media reporting that perpetuates these attitudes, which already exist to a disturbing extent, in the wider community.

Journalists and editors have a responsibility to the victims of crime and to the public. To report violence in a way that implies it is excusable or in any way the fault of the victim is an abrogation of that responsibility.

And it needs to be fixed.

Jane Gilmore is a Melbourne based writer and editor. @JaneTribune
