
Rainbow Serpent festival tackles sexual assault

The Rainbow Serpent dance festival in rural Victoria has launched what it believes is an Australian-first policy to handle sexual assault, following four reported cases at this year's festival in January.

The next festival, which is expected to attract more than 10,000 people over the Australia Day weekend, will introduce a "Nest" safe space where victims of assault or harassment can access counselling and support services, medical resources and more, with festival organisers and volunteers recently undergoing first response training with the Victorian Centres Against  Sexual Assault.

In 2016 police arrested more than 40 festival-goers for offences related to driving under the influence of drugs or drug trafficking. Four people reported sexual assault to police.

One assault victim, who can't be named for legal reasons, said she was "not happy" with the way the festival organisers and police initially handled her complaint.

"The only people who did what I would have hoped were the security guards ... everyone else just dropped the ball and threw the ball away," she said.

However she was "really surprised" when she later contacted the festival and learned they were actively taking steps to improve safety.


"They responded in a pretty good way, saying we want to change, we want to do everything we can," she said, adding that she would like to see further steps, such as a policy on ejecting perpetrators, a blacklist, or employing female police. It was 24 hours before her assailant was ejected from the festival, the victim said.

The safe space concept was spearheaded by Rainbow Serpent social services manager Mel Pearson, a nurse who has worked and volunteered at the festival for more than a decade.

"We learned a lot from those reports [of assault], and I've had conversations with some of the people who made those reports after they reached out to us," Ms Pearson said.

"Our guidelines [for the safe space] include all transgender and gender diverse people, and we have an advocacy program as well."

The festival will promote "consent culture" through social media and on-site messaging, including on the labels of water bottles.

Ms Pearson said the policy was the first of its kind at an Australian music festival and that Rainbow Serpent was "really open to working with other festivals to implement something similar".

CASA and the Zoe Belle Gender Collective, as well as a large team of psychologists and social workers, helped develop the program.

CASA spokeswoman Carolyn Worth said more festivals had reached out to the organisation in recent years to address issues around assault.

The policy comes after the Victorian government convened a taskforce of music industry advocacy groups and experts to create a framework for music venues to address sexual and gender-based assault.

Fairfax Media understands the taskforce has drafted a policy and training program for venues, with the government exploring funding options for a pilot.

Taskforce representative and director of non-profit women in music group LISTEN, Katie Pearson (no relation to Mel), said festivals would form part of the policy and welcomed the proactive approach from Rainbow Serpent.

Rainbow Serpent's Mel Pearson said the festival wasn't necessarily less safe than others, with most victims of gender-based violence likely to be assaulted by people they knew, in their own homes.

"I think society has a problem," she said. "I think education around consent culture is poor in schools, and I think we have an opportunity to do something about that in that space [at the festival]."

Though next year will be the 20th festival, Rainbow Serpent has had its ups and downs.

In 2012, a man died from drug-related causes, and in 2013, the festival nearly didn't go ahead due to permit issues around safety concerns.

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