Horoscopes: Your Stars with Lilith

Horoscopes: Your Stars with Lilith

Fiery Mars is joined this week by cool Venus in Aquarius – a blessing for group activities, less so for navigating the emotional intricacies of intimate connections.


This week is a blessing for group activities.

This week is a blessing for group activities.Credit:AP

This week rockets along at your natural speed: fast. The Eris/Uranus conjunction in Aries is confronting and exhilarating – but you love a challenge. During late week Aries moon, remember the future's shaped by present perceptions: believe the world's full of competitors, and adversaries abound. See the world full of allies, and there they are…



With your celestial mentor Venus taking a quantum leap into the sign of doing things differently, tried and true methods mightn't come through with the usual results for you this week. No worries – since expectation's the dance partner of disappointment, why not try your luck at experimenting with more spontaneous and innovative approaches?


This month's positive thinking, spirit-lifting aspects are focused firmly on peace, truce and treaty, so keep in mind that loving disharmony back to harmony creates a greater resonance than previously existed. And this week's Venus doubles the pleasure and effectiveness of things done in tandem, shared with others.


This week gives legs to your long-term life goals via unexpected ideas, unconventional nudges, or a sudden offer that might be the polar opposite of what you wanted. But taking that brave step away from the past could be just the personal breakthrough you've been waiting for. What have you got to lose?


This busy, buzzy, self-promoting week lights a firecracker under your professional agenda. Though it's recommended to approach personal promotion with appropriate restraint, and the awareness that a careless word could abruptly turn the tide of popular favour. Lead with your signature flair and expertise, then who could resist what you're selling…


Can't you just smell the countdown of three shopping weeks left before seasonal festivities commence? Virgos are geniuses of pre-planning, and your ruler Mercury in Capricorn loves nothing better than attending to the details of holiday prep and ticking off the to-do list – best completed before Mercury's pre-Christmas retrograde on December 18.


With people-pleasing Venus moving into gregarious Aquarius and your personal house of fun, this week's cosmic cornucopia overflows with local activities, interesting visitors and pleasurable adventures. Knowing who's doing what and where is precisely your time to shine – though gossip and the rumour mill are best avoided.


This month's astral emphasis is on personal values: economic of course, but also relationships, business connections, new ideas and fresh perspectives on problem-solving. Invitations proliferate, but being a Scorpio's about consciously cultivating your inner resources, so practise the self-mastery of saying no to a few less essential social activities this week.


With Mercury's move to the sign where actions speak louder than words, this week wants everyone walking their talk – which for you could be in the capacity of local ambassador or community spokesperson. Be aware that a careless remark could offend; ditto forcing issues or hasty decisions. Tact, diplomacy, charm… you can do them.


Weekend Capricorn moon mixes a heady cocktail of business and pleasure with excellent results. And Mercury moving into Capricorn provides convivial momentum for getting holiday plans laid and shopping arrangements made, with the foreknowledge that a backup plan B could be necessary when Mercury retrogrades later in the month.


Dwarf planet Eris, also known as Discordia, currently in conjunction with your ruler Uranus, suggests this week that it isn't necessary to divide the world into opposing camps and fight the other side. Peacemaking Venus in your sign is making it easier to communicate amicably with those who don't share your views.


This week's powerfully motivating aspects get you and everyone else into end-of-year gear. Around midweek Pisces moon, the Japanese zen directive applies: Who will do the hard thing? Those who can. And who will do the impossible? Those who care… Best feel-good moments will be focusing on what you can do for others.