Horoscopes: Your stars with Lilith

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This was published 7 years ago

Horoscopes: Your stars with Lilith

With this week's Marsometer careening towards argumentative and contentious, Jupiter in Libra offers some workable insights, courtesy of visionary Libran activist Caroline Casey.


Jupiter in Libra offers some workable insights

Jupiter in Libra offers some workable insightsCredit: AP

Whatever part of you speaks to someone, that part of them is going to reply, so be careful to address who you want to respond. Your Jupiter in Libra lesson is acting wisely with diplomacy, patience and consideration, even if you aren't feeling it – especially when Friday Aries moon combines with Mars in Aquarius.


Though Taurans are sometimes change-resistant, Jupiter in Venus-ruled Libra can turn it into a pleasant adventure. Venus energy is invitational, so this week's brief is to shape your earthy self into a magnetic container for magic to happen. How, you ask? By imitating nature's ever-changing ingenuity.


As Mars transitions from personal ambitions to the sign of cross pollination and group activities, and Jupiter renders the fabric of this week receptive to unusual collaborations, Gemini's glass of bubbly fizzes over with multiple financial, professional and social possibilities. During which your directive is to stay absolutely practical, focused and on track.


With Jupiter settled comfortably in your home zone, other less domestic transits beckon as this week introduces frolicsome accomplices and saucy ideas – accompanied by an invisible troupe of personal doubts and demons you haven't yet made friends with. Bid these backstage personalities welcome: after all, they're family too.



The language of astrology describes our personal relationship to the collective dynamic, and Jupiter in Libra speaks to the art form that is your life. If you're on an assertive spurt this week, resist exaggerating that into what others might feel as forceful. Create the atmosphere most inviting to the outcome you want.


​We all know by now that what we focus on grows. Virgos can't help seeing flaws and shortcomings, but you also recognise what's worth expanding. This week Jupiter in Libra says keep looking till you find the beauty in each situation. And when you do, fortune will follow, sure as your shadow.


Genial Jupiter in your sign suggests that a project started 12 years ago may be ready to take off. Is now the perfect, fertile time to regenerate something that's been a long time gestating? This week supplies a missing ingredient – along with enterprising ideas, unconventional pleasures and unexpected connections.


It's been said that art is 80 per cent invisible – that we see 20 per cent and feel the rest. Jupiter in Libra's about the art of living, and this week it rewards detecting, investigating and addressing the undercover and hidden. Ferreting out lingering resentments, shaking hands with your closet's secret skeletons. Call it shadow dancing …


With Jupiter in Libra and Venus in Sagittarius, the tide is turning and the wind's strong for retiring old stories and renewing them with more beautiful, useful scripts that are presently eager to be invited in. Remember the opposite of aesthetic is anaesthetic, and that all problems are worthy laboratories for experimentation.


While this week's conniption fits might warrant a brusque or impatient response, Jupiter in Libra urges more rewarding alternatives. It's animating the rejigging of your usual go-to styles, fallback defaults and knee-jerk reactions. How? By crafting some new, upgraded Goaty interactions that promote more collaborative accord.


Energy-charged Mars barging into your sign issues calls towards freedom from some kind of limiting situation via a sudden insight, breakthrough inspiration or decisive determination to make a change. Though contradictory emotions are percolating, Jupiter in Libra advises steering clear of extremes: either too full-on or total switch-off.


Jupiter in Libra's about the art of learning gracefully, and there's presently no shortage of lessons. Going with the flow is your thing, and this week certainly needs your swishy expertise. By the time late-week moon swims into your sign, the jolly job you've made of it should bring showers of appreciation.

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