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Why studying again will help your career

Stuck in a going-nowhere-fast job? Boost your chances of a more fulfilling career, promotion, income, personal growth and greater job security through further education. Here’s seven reasons why studying again will help your career…

1. It can open doors to your dream career

It’s a tough, mundane slog being stuck in one career and dreaming about the life you could be living – if only you worked in a different field or had the advanced qualifications to get the promotion you covet. Further study not only provides opportunities for personal growth and increased knowledge, but it can also lead to a more rewarding career with higher earning potential, promotion and stronger employment prospects.

Today, there are hundreds of courses that can pave the way for just about any career you could imagine. If you want to be an ecotourism operator, there’s a course for you. Exercise science and outdoor recreation more your style? There’s courses for that too. Or perhaps you’re more interested in the criminal justice system but not quite sure what role you want? A Bachelor of Criminal Justice could see you pursuing your future dream job in the police force, as a criminal and social justice researcher or policy adviser, shaping the juvenile justice system or working with community and welfare organisations. Take a look. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at what you could be doing …

2. You can study online without giving up your day job

The great news is you don’t have to give up your current role in order to study towards your dream job. Online study offers you a more convenient, flexible and comfortable learning environment – at home in your pyjamas if you like! Think of all the time you’ll save commuting to and from uni in traffic!

Learning and reading materials are available online 24/7, so you have the flexibility to plan your study around times that suit you – whether that’s when your energy levels peak in the morning or at night, or you can study after managing your family or work commitments – all without giving up your income.

Online study also allows you to choose how many subjects you’ll take per semester, so you can ease yourself back into study mode and set up routines you’re comfortable and confident with and that work in with your existing obligations.

3. It puts you ahead of the pack for a promotion

Learning is often considered to be a normal part of working and personal life – whether that learning is to advance your career or for achieving greater personal knowledge. So, if in your workplace, there’s you, showing you are ambitious, furthering your knowledge, personal growth and development, committed to further study. Then there’s your colleagues who have the same qualifications, but haven’t shown the same enthusiasm or taken proactive steps towards further learning. If you were a manager, who would you choose? An online university course offers a great opportunity for learning, while maintaining your current work commitments.

4. It makes you competitive

That said, many graduates enhance their qualifications through further study, so if you want to be competitive in today’s job market, it’s essential you keep up to date with the latest learning.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, in 1970, only three out of every 100 working-age Australians had a tertiary qualification.

In 2015, a whopping 1,410,133 domestic and international students were enrolled at higher education institutions, an increase of 2.7 per cent from 2014, according to figures released by the Department of Education and Training. That’s a clear upwards trend in the workforce to upskilling and advancing learning.

While undergraduate students accounted for 70 per cent, there is also a marked rise in postgraduate students taking on further study to enhance their qualifications. So not only does further study make you competitive, but it’s almost essential to remain relevant – and competitive – in today’s workforce.

5. It can increase your income

Who doesn’t want more cash in the coffers? Not surprisingly, the more study you do, the more likely it is you’ll have a healthy bank account. Research shows that many workers have more than one qualification – and they are those that have the highest incomes.

According to an Australian Bureau of Statistics report, Characteristics of Employment, Australia, the mean weekly earnings for someone with a Postgraduate degree was $1,794 in 2015, while the lowest mean weekly earnings was $874 for those with a Certificate I/II qualification.

The report confirms what many already know – as your higher education levels increase, so does your earning potential. For example, the mean weekly earnings for someone with a Cerificate III/IV in 2015 was $1,184, an Advanced Diploma/Diploma was $1,209, a Bachelor Degree was $1,424 and a Graduate Diploma/Graduate Certificate was $1,498.

6. It can provide greater employment opportunities

One of the biggest barriers to further study can be feeling confident that you will find a new job at the end of your course. The good news? There’s a high success rate. According to a 2015 Australian Graduate Survey conducted by Graduate Careers Australia’s, 68.8 per cent of 2014 bachelor graduates students were in full-time employment within four months of completing their degrees. Another 19.9 per cent had secured a part-time or casual position while continuing to seek full-time employment.

The longer-term outlook is sunny, too. The survey also showed that bachelor degree graduates in the wider Australian workforce (aged 15-74) had, at the time of the survey, an unemployment rate of just 3.4 per cent compared with an overall rate of 5.9 per cent and 8.7 per cent for those with no post-school qualifications. They’re not shabby statistics at all, when you consider there could be many reasons why the 3.4 per cent of graduates are not working, including overseas holidays, family commitments and other factors.

7. Australian education standards are world class

Australia is the lucky country, and one of the world leaders in education. The opportunities available and the access to further study in Australia – including online study via some of the most reputable and professional institutions – should not be underestimated. And the flexibility of online study makes further education more accessible than ever before. Reading material and resources are available 24/7, there is great support, a wide variety of study options via digital classrooms such as audio and video recordings, webinars, podcasts, online support forums, discussion boards, dedicated social media groups and rich media resources, to keep students motivated, inspired and engaged.


Charles Sturt University (CSU) is Australia’s most experienced, largest and successful provider of distance and online education with a fantastic range of quality courses to choose from. Enquire at CSU today to discuss your career development and progression – and apply. Your new career could be just one click away.