

Pauline Hanson's new constituency: online gamers

Who speaks for the unfairly fragged? One Nation, apparently.

Our Parliament's capacity to furiously prevent progress has been nothing short of elegant, but no vital piece of infrastructure has been more of a completely avoidable dog's breakfast than the wildly over budget, horribly overdue and still woefully substandard National Broadband Network.

When the Labor government of Kevin Rudd (part 1) first presented this major piece of infrastructure everyone concurred that the nation's ageing telecommunications network was in desperate need of a spruce up, and everyone also understood the economic benefits of broadband whose speeds ranged from "lousy" to "stationary" depending on whether the user was in a large city or most of the rest of the country. 

The difference of opinion was on whether Australia deserved a very expensive new system that worked really well or a slightly less expensive new system that didn't work particularly well, and that's pretty much where things stayed for the next seven years. 

That disagreement puts us in the current shemozzle we inhabit, in which the government has quietly abandoned plans to use the money-saving Optus network despite having foolishly paid $800 million for it because it turns out that it's largely held together by sheer force of will and bits of string. 

One of the reasons that we've not exactly rushed ahead with the NBN has been that it was the centrepiece of the tenure of the previous communications minister, one Malcolm Turnbull.

The last thing that he'd want would be to suggest that maybe, just maybe, a clever strategy for which he'd been responsible had made everything turn out much, much worse than anyone had anticipated. Like, for example, the make up of the Senate since the double dissolution over … um, what was the urgent and important legislation that preceded the election again?


Speaking of the Senate, on Friday the newest member of the upper house committee looking at the NBN, One Nation leader Pauline Hanson, expressed her sympathy for our nation's proud online gamers who are being owned in Call of Duty by other pretend soldiers living in places with less rubbish internet.

She tweeted:

And it's not exactly a mystery as to why Hanson would consider placating angry online gamers to be a priority. After all, the furious gun-toting crybabies howling on the internet in impotent rage of today are the heartland One Nation voters of tomorrow.  

And so now we find ourselves in the unexpected situation where the future of Australia's online network may be made a priority not because of global economics, the extraordinary rise in streaming video, the urgent need to increase our digital capacity, or concerns of being left out of global education and research collaborations, but because maps are rubber banding in Battlefield 4

This new alliance with the nation's l33t haxxors has coincided with a surge in popularity for Hanson's party, who are now polling 10 per cent in Queensland and six per cent nationally. And that news should fill you with complicated feelings about the future of Australia.

Sure, we're seeing a resurgence in popularity for a party of angry protectionists with particular grudges against Muslims, Asians, First Australians and anyone else they feel isn't sufficiently 'Straylian, which is terrified of science, suspicious of economics and prefers wild conspiracy theories to actual policies – but on the other hand, think of all the real-time racial abuse you'll be able to dish out in League of Legends!

So, you know. Swings and roundabouts.

Andrew P Street's new book The Curious Story of Malcolm Turnbull: the Incredible Shrinking Man in the Top Hat is out now through Allen & Unwin