Indonesia tested by the raging mob

This was published 3 years ago

Indonesia tested by the raging mob

On Tuesday, an extraordinary trial will resume that sees the Christian governor of Jakarta, capital the world's largest Muslim-majority nation, charged with blasphemy against Islam. The case carries monumental importance for Indonesia, and sends a worrisome signal about the political and social trajectory of Australia's most significant neighbour.

The trial of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, popularly known as Ahok, has been expedited ahead of local elections set for February. Ethnically Chinese as well as religiously Christian, Ahok stands accused of violating blasphemy laws during a speech to fishermen in September. Prosecutors allege Ahok said voters had been lied to by his opponents, who he said had cited a verse of the Koran warning Muslims against accepting Christians and Jews as allies.

Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama during his trial at the North Jakarta District Court in Jakarta on Dececember 13.

Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama during his trial at the North Jakarta District Court in Jakarta on Dececember 13.Credit:AP

"That's your right, so if you can't choose me because you are afraid you will go to hell, that's OK," Ahok said in the speech, according to the indictment. But far from intending to insult Islam, Ahok told judges last week in the first day of hearings that his remark was targeted at "unscrupulous politicians who don't want to compete fairly in the election."

Like any religious precept, the meaning of the scripture is contested. But the timing of the trial makes it impossible to separate politics from the legal proceedings. Should Ahok be found guilty, he could be imprisoned for up to five years. His campaign to be governor, which he had been expected to win, has already been derailed.


But it is the manner in which the blasphemy charges have been bought that is most disturbing. Hundreds of thousands of people have been mobilised by hardline Muslim groups in recent weeks for mass protests demanding Ahok be jailed. One demonstration in early November turned violent; one person died about 300 people were injured. Many protesters are said to have been ferried in from conservative enclaves outside Jakarta.

The disturbances have already forced President Joko Widodo to cancel a planned three-day state visit to Australia. Ahok had served as deputy governor before Mr Joko won the presidency, and there are fears Mr Joko's opponents are deliberately fomenting the blasphemy campaign to undermine the national government.

Indonesians are understandably jittery. Should the case be dismissed or Ahok be acquitted, there is the potential for more protests by religious extremists in an atmosphere already charged by potential for violent radicalisation.

But should the charges be upheld, the consequences for Indonesian democracy and the treatment of ethnic and religious minorities could be profound. Ahok has also been subject to calumny, ethnic slurs that he is a "Chinese bastard" or "Chinese Infidel", an ugly reminder of race riots targeting Chinese businesses that have raged in Indonesia in years past.

Coupled with recent persecution of minority sects such as the Gafatar movement or Ahmadiyah, the threat to religious and political freedom appears to be growing in the country that has long grappled with questions of identity.

Indonesia's democratic transition stands as a remarkable success story after years of authoritarian rule under the dictator Suharto. Any number of devastating natural calamities, such as the 2004 tsunami, or the long-running threat of terrorism, could have become excused to undermine democratic rule. To Indonesia's credit, the political system, although far from perfect, has proved resilient.

But this latest insidious challenge could prove a watershed. Indonesia faces a choice between what the local magazine Tempo has aptly dubbed a "mobocracy" or the rule of law.

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