
Carmichael coal mine: Environmental and economic madness


I trust the wise heads in our government, which ostensibly supports the free market, will oppose the $1billion subsidy to miner Adani (The Age, 5/12). The money will go towards the cost of a $2.2billion railway line to serve the forthcoming Carmichael coal mine. A Coalition government, true to its lights, must not support a project whose economics are too weak to obtain the funds needed from the commercial banking sector and which will destroy swathes of our most productive farmland. If the government's aim is to use subsidies to create jobs, then supporting Adani will be a waste of money. There are not many jobs in modern, highly automated mining.

Colin Simmons, Woodend

$1billion giveaway, while welfare is slashed

Josh Frydenberg, the proposal to tip $1billion of taxpayers' money into Adani's pocket is outrageous. Can you not see how this looks at a time when the government is crying poor and cutting welfare payments to the bone, to say nothing of the ridiculous backpackers tax fiasco? If you want to ignore the role of carbon dioxide in climate change, there are many stressed coal mines in existence from which Adani can access coal without digging a giant hole in the Galilee. To say nothing of the certainty of collateral damage to the Great Barrier Reef caused by the export shipping. If the Queensland government insists on building a rail line, that is primarily a state matter using state revenue. The way is still open for the federal government to intervene. Adani is an offshore conglomerate and can pull the pin and walk away at any time, leaving its trail of destruction for Australia to try to remedy. I hope that the science combined with common sense prevails over ignorant, uncaring greed.

Henry Askin, Hawthorn

Why has Turnbull backflipped on Adani?

The Adani story is a scandal for the government. This mine will allow for the export of 330million tonnes of thermal coal every year for 60years. During the federal election campaign in June, Malcolm Turnbull said: "There is no public funds in Adani." Now his government says it may assist it with a grant of $1billion. Clearly the government is drawing a distinction between a grant and a long-term, low-interest loan. This is the sort of weasel language that makes citizens regard politicians with disgust. A backflip by another name.

David Rose, Hamilton, NSW


A real risk that we won't get our money back

So the government is determined to go ahead with the Carmichael coal mine to the extent that it will help finance its railway by offering a $1billion loan at a concessional rate because the banks will not. Apart from the potential environmental disaster involved and the real risk that they will not get our money back, I expect Australians will see the same benefit rolling in as we have from the gas export bonanza. That is, no tax and higher energy costs for our businesses and households.

Kyle Matheson, Mont Albert

Fight climate change, don't contribute to it

Malcolm Turnbull, I thought there was a budget emergency. Why are you prepared to grant a $1billion loan to an Indian billionaire to help fund a project which will kill off the Great Barrier Reef and further contribute to climate change? If Adani group chairman Gautam Adani wants this mine so much, he should pay for it out of his own funds. The Australian government should do all it can to stop him, and fight against climate change rather than contribute to it.

Christine Morris, Hoppers Crossing


Tragic loss of young life

As VCE students await their results and finalise their choices for tertiary study, I plead with parents and career advisers to help them choose wisely. Many degree courses lead our young people to unemployment and despair. The government funds universities to run courses where there is little or no opportunity for future employment.

Our son obtained his law degree with honours and was admitted to the Supreme Court in 2014. Like many of his classmates, he did part-time, casual and voluntary work in various law firms and legal services. After a long time and applying for anything remotely associated with law, he found employment with a law firm. He was, by the firm's admission, over-qualified for the position.

As time went on and he realised there was little hope for advancement, he felt trapped, hopeless and a failure. My son took his own life on September 21. I plead with universities and the government to stop this excess funding. Stop giving our children false hope and then throwing them on the scrap heap with a large HECCS/HELP debt.

Mary Tyler, East Keilor

Our right to choose

The part about privatisation of hospitals that I like is patients being able to select the best performing one (The Age, 5/12). Outcome measurement tools were used in United States to compare hospital performance decades ago. The results were available to patients. However, performance measurements need to include not just outcomes but also the experiences of patients. Quality of care is about survival rates and medical outcomes, as well as respect and dignity. The last two were lacking in my recent experience in a private hospital in Melbourne.

Jenny Wilkins, Ascot Vale

Dangerously warm

Your article, "Warning that 'warm water' systems in apartment buildings pose legionella risk" (The Age, 4/12) prompts me to wonder about the thousands of solar-boosted hot water systems in homes. These have a pumped solar collector and storage tank. This is only heated moderately in winter. The warm water from the tank is then boosted by an instantaneous gas heater as required. Why wouldn't these systems also breed legionella in the tank?

Anthony Ash, Torquay

A dog eat dog world

President-elect Donald Trump is setting up his administration to run like a corporation. Corporations do not have citizens; they have shareholders and their driving force is profit. So how does a corporation address poverty? "Pull yourself up by your bootstraps"? And what about democracy? Is it reduced to balance sheets and mergers? Can we please return to responsible government where value also lives outside the marketplace and populations are treated like responsible citizens.

Cathy Wheel, Castlemaine

Workers pay the price

Almost a third of workers are missing out on a total of $3.6billion a year in superannuation entitlements (The Age, 5/12). This is another example of the lack of oversight into the outcomes from government policies. It is a disgrace. Under the Abbott government, a large number of jobs were cut from the Taxation Office, resulting in an under-resourced department which struggles to monitor the compliance of errant employers. The Turnbull government has not improved the situation. Seemingly its catchphrase "jobs and growth" means fewer jobs and higher profits for businesses.

Jenny Callaghan, Hawthorn

Some people do care

Amanda Vanstone's article on the "narcissism" of protesters (Comment, 5/12) is very revealing. The assumptions that people make give the most reliable view of their inner self, as opposed to the sanitised and guarded version they normally present. Vanstone concludes that people who protest against a policy which causes suffering to vulnerable asylum seekers are self-righteous attention seekers.

In her view, the possibility that they are genuinely concerned does not deserve consideration. It seems that no one genuinely regards others' rights, and any inconvenience or annoyance she suffers in these affairs is indefensible. Her attitude is the very definition of narcissism.

Owen Courtis, Geelong West

The right thing to do

Amanda Vanstone shows no concern for the inconvenience felt by thousands of Vietnamese people who were being napalmed and burned to death for years, and for their villages, farmlands and jungles which were destroyed by it in the United States' (and allies') war against that country. Sometimes public protest is the absolutely right thing to do, and that was done by citizens demonstrating in their millions all over the world.

Mara Hayler, Darley

Freedom to scream?

Maria Liew quotes Voltaire's, "I disapprove of what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it", and asserts that to deny the right to protest is to deny freedom of speech (Letters, 5/12). Using that logic, those well-fed freedom fighters in Parliament last week should have been allowed to stay and scream throughout Question Time.

Michael Doyle, Ashburton

Bestowing respect

Robin Stewart (Letters, 5/12) argues respect must be earned and, as such, teachers should be regarded "individually and selectively". Surely respect – that is, due regard for the feelings and rights of others – is an attitude that should be freely bestowed upon all and not something which needs to be "earned". To think otherwise smacks of arrogance. As to bestowing "exalted status" upon teachers – I think there is little danger of that happening any time soon. The erosion of teachers' employment conditions and poor parity in terms of salaries to other professionals with similar qualifications has put paid to that.

Liz Jovanovic, Moonee Ponds

Strategic road pricing

Jim Miller (Comment, 5/12) advances excellent arguments for road pricing but does not emphasise the strange behaviour of motorists in peak hour. Many of us are prepared to tolerate extraordinary levels of congestion, even gridlock. But year in, year out, the traffic never stops entirely. This is because some drivers decide enough is enough and relocate in time or space: leave for and/or return from work earlier or later, switch to public transport or cycling, move to a home closer to work, change to a job closer to home, or even move to the country or coast.

Road pricing can be pitched to encourage drivers to make these decisions before serious congestion occurs, thus saving us from the pain of our excessive tolerance and saving the economy the cost of so much time and fuel.

Ian Wight, Richmond

Buses whizzing by cars

Single occupant cars dominate at peak periods, which are expanding as people choose less congested times to travel. Deliveries, tradespeople, emergency vehicles, taxis and buses have no option but to use roads. Too often, public transport is crowded, infrequent and does not go where people want to go.

The Doncaster Area Rapid Transit carries commuters by bus into the CBD on largely bus-only lanes. Buses use existing roads, are flexible in routes and frequency, accessible and relatively cheap. We need more buses, using dedicated lanes and a network of local and express routes that are well-publicised and, importantly, visible to drivers who are stuck in traffic.

Jim Holdsworth, architect and urban planner, Port Melbourne

Living without love

Zachary Zane's article on millennials and monogamy (Comment, 5/12) is spot on. Monogamy was instituted as a requirement of marriage when life expectancy was 55 to 60years. Now, when people are living to 80 or even 90, "till death do us part" is very difficult. When a partner has an affair and leaves the marriage, it is logical that monogamy no longer applies. But another situation affects the majority of people. When they abide by the "till death do us part" vow, many live in loveless marriages which lowers their enjoyment of life and, in many instances, affects their health and well-being.

Margaret Harrison, South Yarra

Monogamy and ageing

Zachary Zane falls for the trap of assuming cross-sectional surveys can accurately report on true longitudinal changes in society. While it might be true that people under 30 are less likely to report preferring monogamy than older people, this does not necessarily imply relationships are becoming more fluid within successive generations of under 30s. Zane fails to address the possibility that individuals may become more inclined towards monogamy over time.

David Hamilton, Melbourne

Fair prices and wages

Agreed, Barbara Beaumont (Letters, 5/12). If our choice of food is based just on price, farmers and workers lose out. Supermarkets are leading this exploitation and maximising their profits. We can choose where we buy our food. It may "cost" a little more, but it reflects the real cost and ensures farmers and workers receive a living wage.

Mary Tobin, Albert Park




Vanstone says anti-Vietnam War protesters were "well fed". I didn't realise being malnourished was a prerequisite for the right to protest.

Chris Murphy, Hurstbridge

A sneer for Cuba, a handshake for Taiwan. What next from the world's soon to be most powerful leader?

Paul Murchison, Kingsbury

Will Malcolm sing Old King Coal when he makes a $1billion loan to Mr Adani?

Joan Kerr, Geelong

Congratulations to the shambolic ALP for handing the Greens a free kick in resolving the backpacker tax deadlock.

Graeme Rankin, Holder, ACT

Turnbull says "complacency leads to tragedy" (5/12). He's right. Look at the last election.

Les Aisen, Elsternwick

If "it's time to take Christensen seriously", heaven help us.

Reg Murray, Glen Iris

No, we can't take him seriously. He's just a very naughty boy.

Doug Perry, Mount Martha

How can the government have an immigration policy without a population policy?

Roy Arnott, Reservoir

Labor is playing tit for tat (Abbott's tactics).

Francis Bainbridge, Fitzroy North


Alan Cooper asks what atheists should wear (5/12). Our hearts on our sleeves.

Pip Denton, Kingsville

The community has the right to expect minimum sentencing as set by our representatives.

Howard Brownscombe, Brighton

Vale Peter Corrigan architect: the man, the myth and the legend.

Alex Njoo, St Kilda

When buying Christmas gifts, check whether they're sold from ethical companies. Oxfam has a list.

Marise de Quadros, Newport
