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'She screamed like a banshee': Kununurra family claims lotto win

After waiting for more than two weeks for the winners of a $673,151 Saturday Lotto Draw to come forward, a local Kununurra family have come forward to collect their prize just days before Christmas.

The family said they had a weekly ritual of buying a Lotto ticket from Tuckerbox Stores, but never imagined it would end up paying off in a Division 1 prize.

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What happens when you win lotto?

It's a dream for many but only a handful of lucky people will get to experience the process of what happens if you come across those winning numbers.

"I was checking social media on the Saturday night and saw that someone in the area had won Lotto, so we all ran over to check our ticket!" they aid.

The family said they couldn't believe it when they found their ticket was about to send them to the Lotterywest Winners room.

"It was very surreal and we were all so excited. I've been feeling so scatterbrained since realising the big news.

"I called my sister and she screamed like a banshee when I said we'd just won Lotto," said the mother of the family.


"Since then, she's been calling me at all hours of the day and night with 'ideas' for our winnings like a boat or a car."

The family said they would look at paying off their house, purchasing a new car and planning a family holiday.

Meanwhile, one Margaret River resident is sitting on a winning ticket that could see them debt-free over the holiday season.

Margaret River Newsagency is searching for its Division 1 prize-winner who purchased a ticket for the draw held on December 10.

The lucky winner can expect a windfall of $785,465.