
Integrity probe finds David Moodie disclosed information and misled RVL

A probe into whether Racing Victoria chairman David Moodie had disclosed sensitive information on cobalt investigations and misled the Racing Victoria board found the claims substantiated, Sal Perna, Victoria's Racing Integrity Commissioner, explained on Friday.

As the organisation's chairman, Moodie's role was to oversee the regulatory and management body and ensure that its integrity department was able to carry out its job to the best of its abilities.

But by revealing sensitive information about two trainers - Danny O'Brien and Mark Kavanagh - who had yet to be charged on cobalt offences to a third (Peter Moody, who was also charged with cobalt use), he compromised the investigation's integrity and the regulator's chance of properly pursuing its own case.

Moodie, who stood aside from his position as chairman during the Perna investigation, resigned on Thursday night.  

In a statement issued on Friday, Perna,explained that on October 14 this year he had been requested to investigate integrity issues concerning Moodie and whether he had inappropriately spoken to outside parties regarding RVL cobalt investigations.

That, said Perna, meant he had to investigate whether Moodie had  "a) Inappropriately disclosed information regarding the positive cobalt swabs of Mark Kavanagh and Danny O'Brien, to Peter Moody, therefore compromising, or potentially compromising, the integrity of the RVL cobalt investigations and disciplinary and/or prosecution hearings or actions arising out of those investigations; and b) Knowingly provided misleading and/or incomplete information to the RVL Integrity Council and/or the RVL Board regarding his disclosures."


Perna said he interviewed more than 30 people, issued summonses for the production of documents and attendance of persons to be examined under oath by himself. 

In addition, he said, he had to collect, collate and analyse information from a wide range of sources. 

"A large volume of documents were obtained and reviewed, including telecommunications data, RVL Board and Integrity Council meeting minutes, Racing Appeals and Disciplinary Board (RADB) and Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) transcripts and RVL stewards' investigation files.

"My report outlined a range of findings in regards to matters investigated and concluded that, notwithstanding that David Moodie was not the original source of the 'leak', both matters a) and b) above, had been substantiated.

"It also included a finding as to the probable original source of the information regarding the positive samples of Mark Kavanagh and Danny O'Brien, which was subsequently passed on to David Moodie.

"My report was provided to the RVL Integrity Council on Tuesday 14 December 2016 and has since been received and considered by the RVL Board."

Perna said he would not release the full report publicly and that his findings and conclusions were now a matter for RVL.