Guildford Grammar reports 'surge' in enrolments after decision to go co-ed

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This was published 7 years ago

Guildford Grammar reports 'surge' in enrolments after decision to go co-ed

By Hannah Barry

Guildford Grammar School says it has experienced an "unprecedented" surge in enrolments, despite parents speaking out about the school's decision to become a co-educational high school.

Perth's oldest private all-boys school made the decision to slowly integrate girls into years 7, 8 and 11 in 2017, and flagged their intention to introduce boarding for girls in the Senior School by 2020.

Some parents of the college were initially upset with the lack of consultation by school administration on the decision, and one mother said she would explore other options for her two sons as a result.

"There was no consultation and when I asked the questions in my interviews and meetings only just 12 to 18 months ago, there was no mention of this being remotely possible," she said.

Guildford Grammar will integrate girls into years 7, 8 and 11 next year.

Guildford Grammar will integrate girls into years 7, 8 and 11 next year.Credit: Facebook

"Our son has thrived in an all boys environment, which is why this decision by the school and the way it has been communicated has disappointed us greatly... I don't think co-ed is a bad thing- it is just not for my son," she said.

Another mother said the school had not considered the benefits of same-sex schooling.

"I'd rather take him [my son] out of GGS then have such a massive change impacting on him within the school over the next few years," she said.

Despite a number of parents threatening to leave the institution, Headmaster Stephen Webber said the influx in enrolment interest has been 'unprecedented'.


"Already 150 new parents had called to ask for enrolment packs and 45 enrolment applications had been submitted in the past two weeks," he said.

"We have had applications from boys as well as girls, and we also have record numbers of prospective parents who have now booked tours of the school for early 2017.


"We have received letters, phone calls and thank you notes from parents who have boys and girls and who have been looking for an option that would allow them to be taught at the same school.

"The level of interest confirms there is strong demand for a leading, co-educational boarding school in Perth."

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