
Google found not to have defamed man over online images

He's beaten Google before, but not this time.

A man who won $425,000 as a result of defamation cases against Google and Yahoo after searches brought up his photo among images of gangland figures has lost his bid for a second bite of the pie.

Milorad​ Trkulja​ demanded Google remove his images from the internet over his frustration at his photograph appearing near the likes of Carl Williams, Tony Mokbel, Andrew Veniamin​ and Judy Moran, which he argued was defamatory.

Mr Trkulja was shot in the back while eating at a St Albans restaurant in 2004, at the height of the gangland war, and subsequent Google searches on Melbourne crime figures often produced his image, which, he argued, unfairly linked him with the underworld figures.

When Google repeatedly refused to remove the links to the images, Mr Trkulja sued the search engine giant for defamation and in 2012 received $200,000 in damages. He also had a $225,000 legal victory over Yahoo.

In 2013 he launched another defamation action against Google, and the internet company responded by applying to the Supreme Court to have the proceedings set aside because, it argued, his case had no real prospect of success. A judge dismissed Google's application.


But Google appealed against that ruling, and the Victorian Court of Appeal ruled on Tuesday in Google's favour when it set aside Mr Trkulja's application.

The Court of Appeal found Google was not the primary publisher of the images and could not be found responsible for the results of online searches, which were produced automatically.

The search results were also incapable of being found defamatory of Mr Trkulja, the appeal court ruled.

Google had argued it was a secondary publisher of material – and that websites were the primary publishers – and that it should be immune from defamation proceedings.