What a difference a year makes - Fenner MP Andrew Leigh's latest Christmas card

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This was published 7 years ago

What a difference a year makes - Fenner MP Andrew Leigh's latest Christmas card

By Megan Doherty

Well, now we have confirmation the entire Leigh family has a sense of humour.

The Labor MP for Fenner and shadow assistant treasurer has released his 2016 Christmas card and it includes a "homage" to last year's card which went viral when youngest son Zachary was pictured doing the full toddler strop.

What a difference a year makes. Andrew Leigh's latest Christmas card with all family members smiling this time, including young Zachary. And then putting their cranky face on for a "homage'' to last year's card which featured Zachary chucking a tantrum.

What a difference a year makes. Andrew Leigh's latest Christmas card with all family members smiling this time, including young Zachary. And then putting their cranky face on for a "homage'' to last year's card which featured Zachary chucking a tantrum.

While the rest of the family smiled happily in the 2015 card, then three-year-old Zachary was having none of it, sitting off to the side with a face of thunder.

The politician was praised for keeping it real and not sugar-coating a situation most parents have experienced at one time or another.

Andrew Leigh's 2015 Christmas card which went viral thanks to the decision not to airbrush out his youngest son's tantrum.

Andrew Leigh's 2015 Christmas card which went viral thanks to the decision not to airbrush out his youngest son's tantrum.

So, on to Leigh's 2016 Christmas card.

How did Zachary go?

Well, Leigh, ever the economist, is happy to report that this youngest son is "25 per cent older and 100 per cent happier".

"He's got ever chirpier as the years have gone by," he said.


The Christmas card features art from students at Amaroo School on the front.

Inside is the happy family portrait with all sons smiling - Sebastian, 9; Theodore, 7; and Zachary, 4, with Leigh and wife Gweneth.

But the family also couldn't resist having a bit of fun, in another photo all posing with cranky faces ala Zachary circa 2015.

"He loves it," Leigh said. "Like any four-year-old, he's just happy for anyone to take his photo."

He is 25 per cent older and 100 per cent happier.

Assistant shadow treasurer Andrew Leigh pulls the numbers to describe his youngest son Zachary in his latest Christmas card.

Leigh jokes he's already taking suggestions for the 2017 card.

And as for how he will be spending the Christmas break?

"Just hanging out with the family," Leigh said.

"It's an honour to be a local representative but it sometimes takes more time from the family than you would like.

"The best break is to spend time with them."

That should make Zachary very happy.

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