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Turnbull government, Sydney Airport at loggerheads over Badgerys Creek

A stoush has erupted over who should foot the bill to construct and operate a new airport in western Sydney, after the federal government told the Sydney Airport Corporation that it would not offer extra taxpayer funds for the project.

Federal Minister for Urban Infrastructure Paul Fletcher issued a notice of intention on Tuesday to Sydney Airport, under which the owner of Sydney's existing airport can exercise its first option to build the new Badgerys Creek airport.

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Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has signed off on the plan to build a second Sydney airport in Badgerys Creek. Vision courtesy ABC News 24.

That notice of intention does not include the offer of any extra taxpayer funds on top of the billions the government is spending on roads around the airport, and its current funding for planning and regulatory approvals.

"There is no direct financial support from the Commonwealth provided toward the cost of building and operating Western Sydney Airport, under the … proposed contract set out in the notice of intention," said Mr Fletcher.

"But, of course, what Sydney Airport would be getting is the valuable opportunity to operate an airport at Badgerys Creek and to receive all of the revenue of that airport," over a 99-year lease, he said.

When the federal government confirmed in 2014 it would deliver an airport in Western Sydney, it said the airport could be paid for by the private sector.


But in a statement issued to the Australian Securities Exchange, Sydney Airport Corporation said it had been consistent "that the project would require material support from the Commonwealth to make it commercially viable".

Sydney Airport said it had been negotiating with the government on the basis that the government would either pay for the preparatory works at the airport site; offer a long-term loan to support the airport development costs; or help protect Sydney Airport if the project's costs increased.

"Whilst Sydney Airport accepts that the Commonwealth has ultimately exercised its right to deliver a [Notice of Intention] that does not feature these procurement protections or any Commonwealth funding, the Commonwealth's recent change in approach makes the Western Sydney Airport a challenging investment proposition," the company told the ASX.

If Sydney Airport did not exercise its right of first refusal to build the airport, Mr Fletcher said the government could either build it itself, or offer substantially the same terms to other private sector parties.

A dispute about timing has also emerged. Mr Fletcher said Sydney Airport would have four months, until the middle of May, to decide whether to take up the offer of building the Badgerys Creek Airport.

But Sydney Airport said it believed it was entitled to nine months to consider the proposal.

Mr Fletcher said the cost of the airport was expected to be around $5 billion to $6 billion. He said the airport would be open by 2026, regardless of whether Sydney Airport exercised its right to operate the facility.

Sydney Airport's right of first refusal to build a new airport in Sydney was included as a term in the privatisation of the existing airport by the Howard government in 2002.