Wind Speed
Description | Beaufort | kt | km/h | |
Calm - Light Winds | 0-3 | 0-10 | 0-19 | |
Moderate Winds | 4 | 11-16 | 20-30 | |
Fresh Winds | 5 | 17-21 | 31-39 | |
Strong Winds - Near Gale | 6-7 | 22-33 | 40-61 | |
Gale - Strong Gale | 8-9 | 34-47 | 62-87 | |
Storm - Hurricane | 10-12 | 48+ | 88+ |
°C | °F |
< -5 | < 23 |
-5 - 0 | 23 - 32 |
0 - 5 | 32 - 41 |
5 - 10 | 41 - 50 |
10 - 15 | 50 - 59 |
15 - 20 | 59 - 68 |
20 - 25 | 68 - 77 |
25 - 30 | 77 - 86 |
30 - 35 | 86 - 95 |
35 - 40 | 95 - 104 |
≥ 40 | ≥ 104 |
Relative Humidity
< 25% | 25-50% | 50-75% | ≥ 75% |
Frost Risk
Nil | Low | Slight | Moderate | High | Severe |
UV / Pollen Levels
Low | Moderate | High | Very High | Extreme |
Radar/Satellite Animator Symbols
Rainfall Intensity
light | heavy |
The intensity of rainfall detected by weather radars is indicated using the above scale.
Doppler Wind
90km/h towards | 90km/h away |
On Doppler radar images the radial component of the movement of particles in the air is indicated using the above scale.
Lightning Events
Lightning strikes are displayed as crosses (ground events) or squares (cloud events) and fade from white (current) to red (30 minutes ago) to blue (60 minutes ago). Positive strikes appear as diagonal crosses.
Accumulated Rainfall (since 9am)
Rainfall since 9am local time is displayed with coloured dots.
Observations Rose
Surface observations are displayed as a 'rose' with temperature, dew point and relative humidity down the left-hand side and rainfall since 9am, pressure and location name displayed down the right-hand side.
Temperatures fade in colour from blue (cold) to red (warm) and dew points fade in colour from blue (moist) to red (dry).
How to Read a Wind Barb
A wind barb is a compact means of representing both wind speed and direction graphically.
Each full-barb represents 10 knots (nautical miles per hour), a half-barb 5 knots and a flag 50 knots. Calm conditions are indicated by a dot only. 1 knot is equal to around 1.9km/h.
In the examples to the left the first indicates a 5 knot wind from the south-west, the second a 15 knot wind from the west-north-west, the third a 45 knot easterly and the fourth a 65 knot northerly.
Severe weather, thunderstorm, tropical cyclone | |
Fire weather | |
Flood | |
Coastal wind | |
Graziers, bush walkers, frost |
Sentinel Hotspots
Sentinel hotspots detected within the last 6 hours are displayed. Sentinel is a satellite-based national bushfire monitoring system operated by Geoscience Australia.
≥ 150°C | |
≥ 100°C | |
≥ 50°C | |
< 50°C |
Weather Forecast Icons
Clearing shower
Cloud and wind increasing
Cloud increasing
Drizzle clearing
Fog then sunny
Frost then sunny
Heavy rain
Heavy showers
Increasing sunshine
Late shower
Late thunder
Mostly cloudy
Mostly sunny
Possible shower
Possible thunderstorm
Rain and snow
Rain clearing
Rain developing
Rain tending to snow
Showers easing
Showers increasing
Snowfalls clearing
Snow developing
Snow showers
Snow tending to rain
Thunderstorms clearing
Windy with rain
Windy with showers
Windy with snow
Wind and rain increasing
Wind and showers easing
Forest Fire Danger Index
Category | Forest Fire Danger Index | Grassland Fire Danger Index |
Catastrophic (Code Red) | 100 + | 150 + |
Extreme | 75-99 | 100-149 |
Severe | 50-74 | 50-99 |
Very High | 25-49 | 25-49 |
High | 12-24 | 12-24 |
Low-Moderate | 0-11 | 0-11 |
Please note that Weatherzone assumes worst case drought factor in the calculations
Now Temperature
At Darwin Ap
15:50 CST
Weather News
Snowstorm hits Sahara for first time in nearly 40 years
16:35 EDT
The Algerian town of Ain Sefra â?? known as "the gateway to the desert" â?? is probably not the first place that springs to mind when someone mentions snow.
Positives of writing short stories help outback kid beat Queensland drought
16:30 EDT
For half of his life, eight-year-old writer Lochy Matthews' family property has been in drought.
Holiday heat to grip southeast
16:10 EDT
It will be a warm week of celebrations between Christmas and New Year's Eve for those in Melbourne, Canberra and Sydney this year.