Tagged: security

Home Office quietly advertises £80 million privatisation of Calais border security


While the UK’s plans for the “Great Wall of Calais” hit headlines, an even bigger Calais security deal has gone quietly unnoticed: an £80 million privatisation of much of the border security in Northern France.

Without any fanfare from the Home Office, an advertisement appeared on the European public tender website “TED” on 9 July.1 It requested companies to bid for an estimated £80 million contract to provide “40 Authorised Search Officers, 24 hours per day, 365 days per year” for the Eurotunnel, Calais and Dunkerque ports. Three of the staff on duty must also be trained as “detainee custody officers”, responsible for holding arrested migrants in the Home Office’s detention facilities at the ports before they are handed over to French border police.

This is by far the biggest private security contract yet announced for Calais. It also signals a massive privatisation of border security: these jobs are currently done by Home Office Border Force officers. The exception is management of the detention “holding facilities” at the Eurotunnel and Dunkerque. This is already outsourced to Tascor, a Capita subsidiary, as part of another mammoth border security contract for all deportation “escorting” and short term detention facilities. That contract is also currently up for re-tender. The Home Office also has smaller private contracts in Calais for security dog handlers, won by a company called Wagtail, and with security company EDS Cork in Dunkerque.

The deadline for applications for the new mega contract has now expired, on 18 August. There hasn’t yet been an announcement about who hit the border guard jackpot. Besides Tascor, other favoured Home Office contractors include G4S, Serco, Mitie and GEO, who all run detention centres on the UK mainland.

In more detail, the contract includes:

“vehicle searching (freight and tourist vehicles), searching of persons, detention and escorting services. The Contractor is required to provide teams of Authorised Search Officers who will: search vehicles by using detection technology or by working collaboratively with another Contractor contracted to provide detection dog teams; and escorting functions which may require the detention of an individual, for a period which is as short as is reasonably necessary and which does not exceed 3 hours, pending the arrival of a Border Force Officer or other authority to whom the individual is to be delivered.”

To put this deal into context, here are some of the largest previous funding announcements about “security” in Calais in the past years, which don’t reach £80 million between them:

  • 2014: European Commission grants €3.8 million in “emergency funding” to co-finance the creation of the “Jules Ferry” day centre2
  • September 2014: £12m / €15m Joint Fund is established by Bernard Cazenueve and Theresa May 3
  • July 2015: UK announces £2m for a “secure zone” in Calais for UK-bound lorries, and £7m for other security measures. 4
  • March 2015: UK applies to the EC’s AMIF for €27 million in migration-related funds, which it receives a few months later. France also receives €20 million from the fund in August 2015.) 5
  • August 2015: “Managing Migratory Flows in Calais” Joint Declaration: UK pledged to pay £3.5m (€5 million) per year over two years towards the measures in the deal in addition to money previously pledged. Statement explains there will be an extra 500 police from the UK and France, as well as additional freight search teams, dogs and UK-funded deportation flights.6
  • 31 August 2015: European Commission announces €5.2 million in “emergency assistance” to set up area around Jules-Ferry and to fund the “transport” of refugees and migrants from Calais to other locations in France.7
  • March 2016: France-UK Summit releases £17 million / €22 million for Calais security (and €2 billion for drones globally). 8

the Calais Research Network

1 http://ted.europa.eu/udl?uri=TED:NOTICE:241269-2016:TEXT:EN:HTML&src=0
2 Mentioned here: ec.europa.eu/dgs/home-affairs/what-is-n…
3 Some break down of how this was spent is provided here: www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/253987/r…
4 www.bbc.com/news/uk-33992952
5 Calais doesn’t seem to have been the main focus in the use of these funds, however. They have been used primarily for deportations in the UK: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/542335/AMIF_Project_List_July_2016.pdf
6 www.bbc.com/news/uk-33992952
7 ec.europa.eu/dgs/home-affairs/what-is-n…
8 www.france24.com/en/20160303-hollande-c…

Fight the criminal gangs

“Franco-British joint declaration of august 21, 2015

On 20 August 2015 in Calais, Bernard Cazeneuve, Minister of the Interior, signed an agreement with his British counterpart, Mrs Theresa May, providing for a strengthening of security measures […] Exceptional resources were provided to ensure its security and prevent intrusions by migrants trying to reach the United Kingdom. […] Today’s agreement states that the British government will devote euro10 million over two years to strengthening police cooperation and providing additional resources to make the site secure, financing security fences and CCTV cameras. It will also help Eurotunnel increase the number of its security staff from 150 to 250.
[…] 12. Since the end of June this year, as a result of increased security at the port, migrants have switched their focus,
seeking to gain access via the Coquelles and Cheriton railheads of the Channel Tunnel (including at significant risk to their own lives).”
No fences will ever stop people from trying to reach UK. More fences, more police, more gas, more  broken legs, more death. That is all you get for your millions of pounds. The only way to stop the killing is to fucking open the gate to the UK that the humans who are stuck here don’t have to risk their lives but travel in security and dignity.

One day you going to be pay off for the people you are killing on the border here in Calais. You know that with every euro you invest in the “security of the border” you are driving humans to death and suffering.

UK gives £15million to France to Secure the Border

Earlier this month the UK government approved giving the 9ft ‘ring of steel’ fence that was used during the Nato Summit in Wales to be reused to secure the Calais border.

And following on from this, Britain and France have drawn up a further agreement for the UK to fund securing the port of Calais to the tune of €15 million over three years.

In a Joint Declaration by France and the UK on September 20th, it states that the UK will give up to another 5 million per year for three years to fund controls of the border.

9ft NATO fence will be reused for Calais border

picture of the fence taken from AP

As a response to the increased numbers of people in Calais, the UK government has now approved giving the 9ft ‘ring of steel’ fence that was used during the NATO Summit in Wales this last week to further secure the Calais border.

The fence, which was already coined the “Stalag Luft 12” during the NATO Summit, in reference to the high security Nazi Germany prisoner-of-war camps, is 12 miles long and was installed in Newport and to surround Cardiff City Centre to stop supposed ‘terrorist attacks’… And is now going to be re-purposed to try to stop immigration.

Its an increasingly familiar story as the strategy and tools, surveillance systems and technologies, fuelled by governments and industries, in the name of ‘Security and Defence’ become more and more merged with those for ‘Immigration’.. until they become one and the same thing.

Two men shot last night by security guards/ Deux hommes touchés par balle par des agents de sécurité

Two men have been shot last night by a security guard in a parking of the ferry port. One was shot in the arm and has been allowed to leave hospital, the other was shot in the back and is right now in surgery. Once again it is clear that there is no limit to the repression of migrants.

Deux hommes ont été blessés par balle hier dans la nuit par un homme de la sécurité, sur le parking du ferry. Un a été blessé au bras et il a pu quitter l’hôpital. L’autre s’est fait tirer au dos et est actuellement au bloque opératoire. Une fois encore il est évident qu’il n’existe pas de limite répressive dans cette “chasse” aux migrants.