Tagged: death

Death In Calais/ Mort à Calais

This morning, Thursday 31st March, a 22 year old man from Afghanistan was killed after being hit by a truck on the A16.

On Tuesday 29th March, an underage person from Syria was seriously injured after being run over by a truck in the port. He is still in the resuscitation unit, it is still unclear whether he will survive.


This border kills.


Ce Jeudi 31 mars au matin ;un Afghan de 21 ans est décédé après avoir était écrasé par un camion sur l’A16.

Mardi 29 mars ,un mineur syrien à été grièvement blessé après avoir couru près d’un camion vers le port.Il est encore en service de réanimation ,on ne sait toujours pas si il survivra,leur pronostique vital est engagé.

Les frontières tuent.



Another Death Last Night

The media reports that last night around midnight a car hit four Syrian and Palestinian migrants who were walking at the edge of Calais.

One person died, three others were injured. No further details are yet available to the identity of the person killed. The driver responsible fled the scene.

This is the 21st death this year in Calais that we are aware of. (The full list can be seen here)

link to media:



Other deaths in September

There have two deaths in the last couple of months, that we have not yet fully acknowledged.

On the 13th of October, the body of a man found drowned in the port in Calais was identified. The body was found on the 20th of September, but it took a long time to identify him.

He was a Moroccan man, who was 22 years old, he had been in France since at least 2011, when he was controlled in France.

He had gone into the water with someone else on the 16th of September. The other swimmer, another Moroccan man, was rescued and taken to hospital suffering from severe hypothermia. They had been trying to swim to reach a ferry in the Calais port.

The second is a 20 year old Eritrean man, who was hit by a train at around 1am on the night of the 30th of September. He was the second person this year to be hit by a train, the third happened yesterday.

As usual, the main response by the media and the Eurotunnel, was to just discuss this death in terms of effects on the train timetable and traffic.

We mourn for the uncountable loss caused by this border. The fences must fall.

The person who died last night is an Afghan teenager of 17

 The person died last night in the Channel Tunnel is an Afghan teenager of 17. It is the 19th death this year that we know of. He was identified by a family member.

Yet another person killed

Another person dead this morning.

According to the local newspaper:

“A migrant died after being run over by a Eurotunnel freight train”

“On their arrival owards 02.15, the emergency services found that it was impossible to identify the age, sex or nationality of the person, because their body had been “torn to shreds over more than 400 metres” just after the impact, according to the operational centre for the fire and rescue service (Codis) of the Pas de Calais region.”

As has now become standard, Eurotunnel in its twitter announcement feed referred to an unspecified “incident” causing delays of an hour, for which it apologised to passengers.

Elsewhere in Fortress Europe yesterday, an Afghan man was shot dead by Bulgarian police, and seven people including three children and a baby were killed off the island of Lesvos when the Greek coast police crashed into their wooden boat.

At least 19 people have been killed by the border in Calais so far this year. 17 have been killed since June. 13 deaths have occurred in or near the Eurotunnel. (The full list of those deaths we are aware of is here.)


*It has been announced that the person who died yesterday was a 17 year old from Afghanistan*

Another person was killed last night

According to the local media report: someone was killed at around 2.30AM this morning (Thursday 15 October), run over on the highway near the Eurotunnel. It seems she was a Syrian woman, aged around 30. We will post more details later, if appropriate.

15 people have died since 26 June, the majority at or near the Eurotunnel.

Local newspaper report:
