Tagged: call-out

CALL OUT FOR SOLIDARITY! Court Case for the occupation of the ‘Spirit of Britain’

On Monday 22nd February at 13:30 8 people will stand in court in Boulogne-Sur-Mer facing trial for occupying the ‘Spirit of Britain’ ferry on Saturday 23rd of January. Six of the defendants are people without papers from Afghanistan, Sudan and Syria, all currently living in the jungle. They are charged for ‘breaching the transport code’, which in this instance involves entering and occupying a ferry without authorisation. Standing on trial alongside these six will be two French people with papers. They face the same charges for breaching the transport code, as well as a further charge of facilitating entry to the port and ferry. The maximum sentence for these offences is up to 6 months in prison or a €3,500 fine per person.

The two people with papers have been released on bail whist awaiting trial. The six without papers were held in detention and have since been sent to Longeunesse prison in Saint-Omer. Regardless of the outcome of the trial, the future for the people without papers is not clear. We do not know if they will be released free or if they will be sent to a detention centre, possibly resulting in them being deported back to the war torn countries that they are fleeing from.

This is a call out inviting people to come and show support to those facing trial. We ask for people to come and stand with us in solidarity with those facing oppression and sanctions as a result of resisting the border. We are in the process of organising transport for those without papers in the jungle who wish to be present at the trial, and encourage anyone else who has access to a vehicle to offer the same.

The French government wishes to make an example of these 8 people – fight the border and pay the price. We wish to make a stand against this. We will always be against the border. We will always fight for the right to freedom of movement. Come to the court at Place de la Résistance in Boulogne and stand with us, and with our friends facing trial.



IT’S TOMORROW: London and Paris in solidarity with Calais migrants and the Channel Tunnel 3

A final reminder that tomorrow, Saturday, there will be No Borders demonstrations in London St Pancras at 6PM at the Eurostar terminal; and Paris at the Place des Fêtes at 3PM.

We are gathering for the three people — Abdul Rahman Haroun, Payam Moradi Mirahessari, and Farein Vahdani — now in prison in the UK after they walked through the Eurotunnel. We are gathering for all those killed at the border, including 19 people killed so far in Calais this year, 13 of them at the Eurotunnel. We are gathering for our friends and comrades and all those risking their lives and fighting every night and day against the border in Calais and across Fortress Europe. We are gathering as the repression steps up in Calais, with 460 new riot cops in town carrying out a wave of mass arrests, and a big eviction threatened in the jungle.

For further details on the demos see here for the London Eurostar call-out in English, French and Arabic.

And see here for details of the Paris demo.

Finally, here is this video from back in August as a reminder of the passion and commitment with which people are going up against the borders in Calais. Can we make our solidarity active and alive and bring a dose of this passion back to the capital cities tomorrow?

** Freedom for the channel tunnel walkers currently imprisoned in UK.
** Remember all those killed by Eurostar trains, Eurotunnel and Eurostar to give major compensation to their loved ones.
** Remove murderous security, dogs and fences from the tunnel.
** Ask all passengers to stop using Eurostar and Eurotunnel until all can travel freely: with or without papers, with or without tickets.
** Open the borders.

Soutenez Notre Appel. Manifestation A St. Pancras International 24 Octobre !

Il ya maintenant moins de deux semaines avant la démonstration de solidarité à Eurostar de Saint-Pancras. Depuis, nous avons émis l’appel, deux autres personnes ont été détenus dans les prisons du Royaume-Uni pour se promener à travers le tunnel sous la Manche, dans le but de parvenir à la sécurité ici. S’il vous plaît lire et partager notre dernière légende ci-dessous.

Solidarité avec les migrants à Calais !
Liberté pour le marcheur du tunnel sous la Manche, Abdul Rahman Haroun ! Liberté pour tous les marcheurs du tunnel emprisonnés au Royaume-Uni!
A Calais, plus de 4000 personnes sont en ce moment piégées à la frontière. De grands groupes manifestent régulièrement à l’entrée de l’Eurotunnel, appelant à ouvrir les frontières et à ce que les violences s’arrêtent.
Les personnes à Calais sont sujettes à un traitement brutal et cruel de la part de la police et des vigiles de sécurité privé, embauchés par Eurotunnel, utilisant des chiens, des clôtures surplombées de lames de rasoir et du gaz lacrymogène. Parmi les 15 personnes tuées à cette frontière depuis le mois de juin, beaucoup sont mort-es au tunnel. Les entreprises Eurostar et Eurotunnel jouent une part active dans la violence à la frontière et engrangent des profits tandis que les gens meurent ou sont blessés.

De plus, l’entreprise Eurotunnel insiste durement à  poursuivre  Abdul Rahman Haroun, le soudanais qui a traversé le tunnel à pied, voué à être emprisonné et poursuivi d’après une obscure loi du 19ème siècle. Les manifestations “Refugees Welcome” qui ont eu lieu à travers l’Europe en Septembre ont montré l’étendue des soutiens pour les migrant-es souffrant-es aux frontières. Mais si nous montrons déjà de la solidarité pratique, nous devons aller au devant et diriger nos énergies vers les institutions et multinationales responsables de la soit-disante “crise migratoire”.
En solidarité avec les personnes sans-papiers à Calais, nous appelons à des manifestations et des actions contre Eurostar, Eurotunnel et le régime frontalier dans son ensemble auquel ces deux entreprises appartiennent.
Nous appelons tous les groupes et individu-es solidaires des migrant-es de Calais à manifester à Eurostar, dans St Pancras International Station, London, N1C 4QP à 18h, samedi 24 octobre. Ou dans une gare Eurostar près de chez vous

Nous faisons les demandes suivantes :

** Liberté pour les marcheurs du tunnel actuellement emprisonné au Royaume-Uni.
** Se souvenir de tous celles et ceux tué-es par les trains Eurostars, qu’Eurostar et Eurotunnel donnent des compensations importantes à leurs proches.
** Supprimer les chiens et les clôtures meurtrières du tunnel
** Demander à tous les passagers d’arrêter d’utiliser Eurostar et Eurotunnel jusqu’à ce que tout le monde puisse voyager librement : avec ou sans papiers, avec ou sans tickets.
** Ouvrir les frontières

A bientôt là-bas.

Solidarity with the Calais migrants; free the Channel Tunnel 3! Protest at St. Pancras on 24th!

There are now less than two weeks to go before the solidarity demo at Eurostar St. Pancras. Since we issued the call, two more people have been held in UK prisons for walking through the channel tunnel in a bid to reach safety here. Please read & share our latest callout below.

Solidarity with Calais migrants!
Freedom for the channel tunnel walkers imprisoned in the UK!

Protest at Eurostar, St Pancras International station, London
6pm, Saturday 24th October

In Calais, up to 4000 people are currently trapped at the border. Large groups have been holding regular demonstrations at the Eurotunnel entrance there, calling for the borders to be opened and the violence to stop.

People in Calais are subject to cruel and brutal treatment by police and by private security hired by Eurotunnel, using dogs, razorwire fences and teargas. Of the 15 people killed at the border since June, many have died at the tunnel. The companies Eurostar and Eurotunnel play an active part in the violence at the border, and profit as people die and are injured. In addition, the Eurotunnel company is pressing hard for the prosecution of Abdul Rahman Haroun, the Sudanese man who walked through the tunnel in August, only to be imprisoned and charged with an obscure 19th century law. Since then, two others, Payam Moradi Mirahessari and Farein Vahdani, have made the journey through the tunnel and have been detained and prosecuted under the same law.

The ‘Refugees Welcome’ demos which took place across Europe in September showed the scale of support for migrants suffering at the borders. But if we are to show effective solidarity, we must move beyond A-B marches and direct our energies towards the institutions and corporations responsible for the so-called “migrant crisis”.

Standing in solidarity with people without papers in Calais, we call for demonstrations and actions against Eurostar, Eurotunnel and the whole border regime of which they are a part. We call for all groups and individuals in solidarity with Calais migrants to protest at Eurostar in St Pancras International station, London, N1C 4QP at 6pm on Saturday 24th October.

We make the following demands:

** Freedom for the channel tunnel walkers currently imprisoned in UK.
** Remember all those killed by Eurostar trains, Eurotunnel and Eurostar to give major compensation to their loved ones.
** Remove murderous security, dogs and fences from the tunnel.
** Ask all passengers to stop using Eurostar and Eurotunnel until all can travel freely: with or without papers, with or without tickets.
** Open the borders.

Arabic callout here.

Support our call! Protest at St. Pancras International, 24th October!

Solidarity with Calais migrants!
Freedom for the channel tunnel walkers imprisoned in the UK!

Protest at Eurostar, St Pancras International station, London
6pm, Saturday 24th October

In Calais, up to 4000 people are currently trapped at the border. Large groups have been holding regular demonstrations at the Eurotunnel entrance there, calling for the borders to be opened and the violence to stop.

People in Calais are subject to cruel and brutal treatment by police and by private security hired by Eurotunnel, using dogs, razorwire fences and teargas. Of the 15 people killed at the border since June, many have died at the tunnel. The companies Eurostar and Eurotunnel play an active part in the violence at the border, and profit as people die and are injured. In addition, the Eurotunnel company is pressing hard for the prosecution of Abdul Rahman Haroun, the Sudanese man who walked through the tunnel in August, only to be imprisoned and charged with an obscure 19th century law. Since then, two others, Payam Moradi Mirahessari and Farein Vahdani, have made the journey through the tunnel and have been detained and prosecuted under the same law.

The ‘Refugees Welcome’ demos which took place across Europe in September showed the scale of support for migrants suffering at the borders. But if we are to show effective solidarity, we must move beyond A-B marches and direct our energies towards the institutions and corporations responsible for the so-called “migrant crisis”.

Standing in solidarity with people without papers in Calais, we call for demonstrations and actions against Eurostar, Eurotunnel and the whole border regime of which they are a part. We call for all groups and individuals in solidarity with Calais migrants to protest at Eurostar in St Pancras International station, London, N1C 4QP at 6pm on Saturday 24th October.

We make the following demands:

** Freedom for the channel tunnel walkers currently imprisoned in UK.
** Remember all those killed by Eurostar trains, Eurotunnel and Eurostar to give major compensation to their loved ones.
** Remove murderous security, dogs and fences from the tunnel.
** Ask all passengers to stop using Eurostar and Eurotunnel until all can travel freely: with or without papers, with or without tickets.
** Open the borders.

We ask groups standing in solidarity with migrants in Calais to circulate & share this call, and most importantly, come out in large numbers on 24th October.

See you there.

Call Out: Against Air France and KLM involvement in Deportations

On 21st August 2014 a 51-year-old Algerian man was killed at Roissy  Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris during a deportation attempt.

One year later, people are calling for a day of protests to demand that  Air France and KLM stop all deportations.

One way (but not the only way!) that you can protest is to contact Air France and KLM via  social media channels:




For more information about deportations by Air France and KLM, please go to:


Stop all deportation flights! Freedom of movement and settlement for all!