Houses without people. People without houses. Demonstration April 1st

1st April 2014 : Gathering to support the houses of  Auber, Vic and Massena
8am Tribunal Administratif de Calais, Place Crèvecoeur 



At the End of February 2014, four houses were occupied by the collective “Salut o Toit”  for the right to housing for all. One of them, located rue Leclercq, was evicted on February 28 , and on March 2 reoccupied by its habitants then evicted again the next day . Both were illegal evictions .

The other three houses, Rue de Massena , Rue Auber and Rue de Vic , belong to the DPO and were visited by a bailiff in early March, with a notice to the Administrative Court for March 18 . At our request, the court was delayed and will be on April 1st.

Just like Victor Hugo, the house which enables women, children and sick people to find a space for rest and life, these three houses allow people with or without papers (asylum seekers), to have a roof and a space to live and rest in safety. A place other than the streets, bridges and parks.

For some months “Save Calais “, a local fascist group, have been supporting Bouchart, the local mayor, in her anti-migrant fight. These new features make these living spaces and activities , as well as their support even more necessary . Despite being unused for years, these places are already threatened by eviction proceedings conducted by the DPO . If they are expelled , they will probably stay empty.

A demonstration will be held on Tuesday April 1st at 8 am in front of the Administrative Tribunal of Calais. Your presence is important to affirm support for different people living in the houses and to oppose the hatred broadcast by Bouchart and “Save Calais”.
