1. Anti-Raids campaign

    Migrant communities (and recently particularly the Latin American community) in London and across the UK are targets of intensified coordinated checks and raids by the UK Border Agency and the police (for more info, see this article). In response to these raids a campaign was formed to support migrant workers and show solidarity with them. The anti-raids campaign is supported by a growing coalition of groups: Lawas, Precarious Workers Brigade, Stop Deportations and Southwark Action, The Prisma, No Borders, South London Solidarity Federation. See more info here. Get in touch if you, your community or your organisation would like to support the campaign, would like us to do a workshop around the tools we developed, or if you have ideas for other tools.

    For more info, media and links see the Anti-Raids campaign blog.

    Migrant ‘Bust Cards’ in 20 languages - A know-your rights card for migrants. Please get in touch if you can help with translation into other languages, would like to circulate and workshop the bust card in your community, or become part of the anti-raids network!

    Solidarity with migrants checked on the street info leaflet - What can you do if you witness UK BA and police coordinated checks and raids of migrant workers in the streets and workplaces of London and other UK cities? As part of the anti-raids campaign we have produced an info leaflet on the law and practicalities.