Tagged: hunger-strike

Message from the hunger-strikers / message de la grève de la faim

Demande des grévistes de la faim du lieu de distribution alimentaire de Calais aux gouvernements Français et Anglais.

Tout d’abord, nous voulons dire que nous respectons toutes les associations et tous les collectifs qui nous ont aidé au cours de notre parcours. Nous nous adressons une fois de plus au gouvernement français et anglais comme nous l’avons déjà fait, et le répétons à nouveau.

Nous, les personnes en grève de la faim, nous voulons et nous demandons l’accès à un statut légal, à des papiers, qu’ils nous soient donnés par le gouvernement Français ou Anglais.

Nous espérons que ces gouvernements vont prendre en considération notre problème et le solutionner. Si le gouvernement Français ou Anglais ne prend pas en considération notre situation, nous, les grévistes de la faim, nous ne stopperons pas notre grève et certains d’entre nous pourraient s’immoler par le feu dans le centre de Calais.

Nous faisons la grève de la faim pour trouver une solution au fondement de notre problème, c’est pourquoi nous voulons que les gouvernements Français et Anglais nous donnent une réponse positive.

Vous pouvez nous joindre au : 07 53 93 21 53 (la personne qui répondra au téléphone parle anglais)

Request to the French and British authorities from the people on hunger strike in the place of food distribution of Calais

At first, we respect all associations and groups that helped us in our journey. Once again, we want to ask one more time the French and the English government to listen to us as we already did, and we repeat it again.

Us, the persons on hunger strike, we want and we ask to have access to a legal status, to documents, from the English or the French governments.

We hope that these governments will acknowledge our problem and find a solution for it. If the French or the British government do not take in consideration our problem, us, the people on hunger strike will not stop the strike and also some of us may set fire to themselves in the center of Calais.

We are on hunger strike to find a solution to the base of our problem, that’s why we want the french and british government to give us a positive answer.

You can join us if you call this number : 0033753932153 (the person who will answer speaks english)

News from the hunger strike / Nouvelles de la grève de la faim

if you’re looking for news from people doing hunger strike since now 5 days, there is something post every day on the blog https://passeursdhospitalites.wordpress.com , you can find there also some interviews and audio records

Some people of us will also try to give some dailynews, but in case of silence, just go to the other blog


Si vous/tu voulez/veux prendre des nouvelles des personnes qui sont en grève de la faim depuis maintenant 5 jours, vous/tu pouvez/peux consulter le blog https://passeursdhospitalites.wordpress.com , un article concernant cette action y est posté tous les jours. Vous/tu pouvez/peux aussi y trouver des interviews et enregistrements audio.

Des personnes d’entre nous vont essayer de donner des nouvelles le plus souvent possible, mais en cas de silence prolongé, référez/e vous/toi au blog cité plus haut.


(Le vouvoiement est réservé aux personnes qui lisent à plusieurs derrière l’écran en même temps, pas à celleux qui pensent le mériter)


As agreed, the refugees occupying the food distribution center had breakfast together this morning. They formed two groups, those who will continue to eat and those who are fasting. Those fasting had slightly larger portions. They sat in the middle of the courtyard. Yesterday, they made a list of 53 people willing to get involved. By late morning, there were more than thirty of them waiting for those who had tried to cross that night to join them – something they will no longer be able to do during the fast. This afternoon, we should know more precisely how many will participate in the hunger strike.

Their spokesperson can be reached at 07 53 93 21 53 (he speaks English).

Here is the text of the call-out on which they agreed:


After the destruction of our camps and our occupation of the food distribution center, French authorities came to meet with us two times. They told us that they would come again to speak with us on Thursday, June 3. Nobody came and we haven’t heard any news from them.

Today, Wednesday, June 11, some of us, with all of our support, will begin a hunger strike. We ask the French and British authorities to to resume the interrupted dialogue and meet with us without delay.

We remind them of our demands:

– Houses in Calais for all the migrants who wish to go to England and for asylum seekers who are forced to live in the street
– Houses with decent hygienic conditions: toilets, showers, garbage collection
– Houses where we can come and go whenever we like, in order to be able to continue trying to cross to England
– Houses protected from police controls, harassment and evictions
– Access to three meals a day
– Negotiations between France and the United Kingdom to allow people access to British territory.

originally published on http://passeursdhospitalites.wordpress.com

Lille demonstration in solidarity with the hunger-strikers

Today in Lille, there was a 200 strong demonstration in solidarity with a group of 81 people who have been on hunger strike for 50 days, demanding legal status. Calais Migrant Solidarity attended the demonstration with a Samba band, which was utterly outplayed by the strikers’ supporters who arrived with hand drums and flutes.

The demonstration was lively despite the heavy downpour that kept up for the duration. Traffic was brought to a standstill as the demonstration shut down a sucession of traffic intersections, chanting that the strikers will win and that Hollande imposes the same racist policies as Sarkozy. That morning the strikers occupied a church, but were evicted by the police and afterwards pitched tents outside.