Deaths at the Calais Border

Uncountable lives are wasted and suffer at the hands of the Calais border regime. There is no accurate count of how many people have died. This is a list of people known in Calais or from news reports.

For sure there will have been more, their deaths ignored, the facts covered up or altogether unreported. Many already go unnamed, without vigils and protests, without families or friends to advocate on their behalf.

But we will never let these deaths be silenced. We will not forgive and we will never forget.

These borders kill! One death is too many!

2016 :

12th July: A 19 year old woman from Eritrea was killed in a hit and run on a motorway in Calais.

4th July: Someone died on the ring road.

29th May: Someone from Afghanistan was killed on Highway 16 after being hit by a truck.

9th May: A man from Pakistan was hit on the highway leading to the port after being hit by a car.

1st April: A man who had been staying in the camp of Grande-Synthe died after crossing to the UK on the axle of a truck which then crashed.

31st March: A 22 year old from Afghanistan was hit by a truck an died on the A16.

2nd March: A Sudanese man died in his tent in the jungle.

10th February: The body of a man from Afghanistan was found in the harbor. He had been missing for several days.

2015 :

8th December: A 25 year-old Sudanese man was stabbed in the Calais jungle.

3rd December: Youssuf, a teenager from Sudan, was hit by a car on the motorway.

2nd December: A man from Ethiopia was hit by a car on the motorway.

26th October: A car hit four men from Syria and Palestine, killing one of them.

16th October: an 16 year old from Afghanistan was run over by a train at the Eurotunnel, their body unidentifiable after being “torn to shreds over 400 metres”

15th October: a 30 year old Syrian women was run over and killed on the A16 highway, on the approach to the eurotunnel

30th September: Berihu a 23 year old man from Eritrea was run over by a train in the Eurotunnel

28th September: the body of Omar, an Iraqi man was found crushed to death by falling pallets in the back of a lorry

24th September: a Adam, from Sudan, was hit by a train in the Eurotunnel, at the moment his nationality has not been indentified.

17-18th September: Eyas, 23 years old from Syria, was electrocuted on top of a train in the Eurotunnel. One or two others were hospitalized

16th September: Hicham, a 22 year old from Morocco attempted to swim to a ferry the port of Calais.  His body was found on the 20th September and not identified until the 13th October. He went with a friend who was rescued, suffering from hypotermia.

28th-29th July: Saleh, a 23 year old Sudanese migrant was found dead in the Channel tunnel

28th July: A Pakistani exile 30 years Sadik, died following an accident in the tunnel on the morning of July 27.

24th July: Ganet, a young Eritrean woman hit by a car about 5:30 on the A16. People at the scene reported that she was gassed in the face by the police before she was hit

23rd July: A teenager was found dead in the English part of the Eurotunnel at Folkestone.

19th July: Houmed, an Eritrean teenager of 17, drowned on the site of Eurotunnel.

16th July: Mohamad, a young Pakistani man of 23 years has died of his injuries from an accident in the Channel Tunnel on the night of July 13 to 14.

13-14th July: A Sudanese man died trying to go to England by the Channel Tunnel.

7th July: Abdel, a 45 year old from Sudan was found in the entrance to the Channel Tunnel during an inspection of a train, having suffered head injuries while trying to board a shuttle service

4th July: Samir, an Eritrean baby died one hour after birth. Her mother, twenty years old, fell from the truck triggering a premature delivery at twenty-two weeks.

29th June: Zebiba a 23 year old women from Eritrea was found dead on the side of the A16 between Calais and Marck. She had been staying the in the Women’s House in Jules Ferry.

26th June: Getenet, a 32 year old man from Ethiopia was killed attempting to board a shuttle service in the Eurotunnel.

31st May/1st June: a man from Eritrea was killed on the A16 Highway at the entrance to the Eurotunnel.

14th February: Wubeshet, an Ethiopian man, of 28 years, was found dead in his tent in the jungle by his friends. The reasons for his death are unclear, but friends said he had been beaten by a lorry driver.

2014 :

12th December: a Sudanese man was crushed under the wheels of the truck he had just crossed to England underneath. The lorry started to move while he was trying to climb out on the side of the M25

First week of December : A Man coming from Sudan died on the highway.

1st December : a Man coming from Eritrea was found dead on the A16 in the direction Calais-Boulogne.

19th November : a truck heading to England from Dunkirk catches on fire killing two people hiding inside.

25th October : Afom, a 26 year old man from Eritrea was hit by a car after being released from Coquelle detention centre. He was 9 days in a coma, and died on October 25th. He had only been two days in Calais.

24th October : Mohammad, a 22 year old man from Sudan died after attempting to jump onto the top of a lorry off a bridge. He died in hospital of his injuries.

20th October: a 16 year old woman from Ethiopia called Sara was killed crossing a major highway near Calais

7th October: Mouaz, 22, and Shadi, two Syrian men went missing from Calais. Their bodies were found hundreds of miles apart in Netherlands and Norway, but not identified for about 9 months, it is believed they drowned trying to swim to the UK

26th September : a young man from Sudan died after falling into the canal in Calais. Two of his friends had jumped in to try and help him out of the water, but were unable to do so.

23rd July: Ahmed Abdullah, 16, came from Sudan, who died on British soil falling from the bus in which he was hiding.

23rd May : Youssef Aroun, 19 years old from Sudan, was killed after falling from the axle of the wheels underneath a tourist bus he was hiding in whilst trying to cross to England.

5th May : Mengs Medhane, 16 years old from Eritrea, died after jumping from a truck he thought was heading to England.

15th March : A person from Ethiopia was killed having hit his head whilst hiding in a truck he thought was to going to England.

14th March : At midday, Senay Berha from Ethiopia, was found dead in the river near the camp known as the Eritrean camp. He had been missing for some days.

12th March : In the night, Mesfin Germa from Ethiopia, died on the A26 motorway near the rest area Rely, struck by a vehicle. The driver did not stop .

9th March : an Albanian man was stabbed and killed on the motorway outside of Calais.

3rd February : An Iranian exile thirty years has been killed by a bullet to the chest in the Industrial Zone Marcel Doret.

30th January : a 17 year old boy from Iran is killed by being driven over by a truck whilst trying to cross the border into the UK.

2013 :

10th December : Yemane Gaberanguse, from Eritrea, died from suspected heart failure on his way to trying to cross for England.

4th November : the body of Robiel, a young Eritrean, was found dead in the waters of Calais port.

6th August : Commanden, a young Afghan stabbed in a reprisal attack by mafia

2012 :

17th November : on the A16 in Grande-Synthe, a car in which nine people were crammed inside were in a traffic accident. Two sans papiers were ejected from the trunk. They died on the spot.

12th August: A woman from Vietnam was found dead on the beach in Wimereux, in combination, it seems that she wanted to cross the Channel to England.

7th July : 28 year-old Noureddin Mohamed, from Sudan, was found dead in Calais’ city canal. Police claim it was suicide, friends believe he was killed by police. No autopsy or investigation was undertaken despite pressure from family and friends.

16th May: A young migrant twenty years was killed in Ouistreham after receiving multiple stab wounds while trying to board a truck to England.

9th April : Zenebe (Yonatan  Abram), a young Eritrean man, was found dead in an abandoned lace factory

2011 :

22nd December : Ismael, a young Ethiopian man, was found dead at the foot of a bridge. Police claim it was suicide, friends believe he was killed by police or facists. No autopsy or investigation was undertaken despite pressure from friends.

9th December : Iranian man, 21 years old, killed after being hit by a bus walking along the road at night

17th November: Two Egyptians being transported in the boot of a car are killed during a crash. The other passengers survived.

11th September : Youssef, aged 28, Sudan, is killed whilst trying to cross

10th May : Iranian man is killed whilst trying to cross, apparently falling from a lorry

22nd February : Afghan man, aged 24, drowns in the canal whilst being chased by the PAF border police

7th February: Canstantine, a Romanian man of 50 years died at the station of Calais town from cardiac arrest.

2010 :

10th April : Rahmaddin, a 16-year old Afghan, is crushed by a lorry during an attempted crossing

9th April : Eritrean migrant found dead in an abandoned building

2009 :

15th December : Maïouad, a 15-year old Afghan boy, is killed trying to cross

30th October : 25-year old Indian man, Singh Gursharan, found dead in lorry during attempted crossing

13th June : Aman Fisahaye, a 35 year old Eritrean man died trying to wash in the canal, showers being refused by the authorities

19th May : Vietnamese woman, Ngayen Van Mac, is found dead on the road after apparently falling from a lorry

5th April : An unnamed man is killed after falling off a train in the channel tunnel

25th February : Glara, a six-day old Iraqi Kurdish baby dies as parents were forced to sleep in the cold.

7th January : A 30-year old Afghan stabbed in a fight

2008 :

15th October : Ramadan, 26 years old from Eritrea, fell into the Channel having tried to hide in a truck near St Omer. A resident, 47 years old from Norrent Fontes, Jean Pierre, dives to save him from drowning. They both die.

22nd July : Mansour Hamidey, 23 years old from Eritrea, was killed with a knife on the night of 22 to 23 during a fight in the parking lot of Saint-Hilaire-Cottes near Norrent Fontes, while attempting to cross to England.

15th July: An exile dies after being hit by a truck on a ramp from the A16 up to Transmarck near Calais. He was to cross the border into England

2007 :

14th July : an exile fell off a truck on the ramp of the A16 Marck.

7th July : A young woman, Louam Beyene, 19 years old from Eritrea, died after being hit by a car while crossing the A16 whilst she was running to escape the police.

2006 :

1st September : One person died and six injured in the port of Calais during fights between migrants and smugglers. They tried to stow aboard trucks to reach Britain

2002 :

16th December : The body of a man was found during a police control at Calais port under a truck where he was hiding to pass the English border.

And so much more …

Adam Ali Mahde (1982-2010), Kherullah Maroufkhel (7th July 2009), Mr. X (5th July 200), Youssef (2009), Mr. Y (15the March 2009).

Stop the killings.

The deaths in Calais are some of the many lives lost at Europe’s borders. There are countless more who are constantly dying at the hands of racist immigration controls and the situations they create; in Calais and across all border regimes and fortresses that violently protect a privileged minority, at the expense of the rest.

Also see “Fortress Europe” research on deaths at the borders

The Migrant Files, a project which visually maps about border related deaths.


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