
If Turnbull or Shorten are the answer, what's the question?

I've always hated multiple choice exams. They leave no room for ambiguity, for nuance.

The answer is clearly both A and B, with an 80 per cent weighting to the former, depending on the time period in question.

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Ipsos poll: expectations versus intentions

A huge majority of voters expect the coalition to win the election, even as support for the two sides remains neck and neck. Mark Kenny explains the latest Fairfax-Ipsos poll.

That's why I find voting so hard. And I'm not alone.

A young Malcolm Turnbull was tormented by similar frustrations about the use of multi-guess questions in school exams, firing off his first letter to the editor of The Sydney Morning Herald while still a student in the fourth form at Sydney Grammar. "I fail to see why students should be deprived of the right to justify their opinions for the sake of speed and economy," he wrote. Quite so, Malcolm.

Illustration: Simon Letch
Illustration: Simon Letch 

The upcoming federal election provides a good example of how fallible multiple choice surveys are.

Ballot papers for selection of candidates for the lower house will simply instruct voters to "number the boxes from 1 to 6 in order of your choice". Stray from these instructions, perhaps with an interpretive doodle or duplicated number, and your vote will be invalid.


So, we are provided to the potential answers in this election. But not, pertinently, the actual question.

What question will you be answering when you enter the ballot box?

Repeated polls show a significant majority want the right to die a pain-free death. So why not have a plebiscite on the ...
Repeated polls show a significant majority want the right to die a pain-free death. So why not have a plebiscite on the matter? Photo: Paul Harris

We often think about elections as referendums on which party is best equipped to run our nation. A serious man or woman must stand before the ballot box and soberly ponder which party will best serve the interests of the nation and maximise the wellbeing of its citizens.

Of course, under our system of representative democracy, we are technically supposed to be selecting the candidate best equipped to represent the interests of the fellow group of electors to which we have been randomly assigned as having common interests by virtue of living quite close to one another.

But in truth, so many other motivations come into play. A person might just as easily be answering any, or several, of the following questions:

Which local candidate do you prefer? Do you like Malcolm Turnbull, or Bill Shorten better?

Do you think it's time for a change of government, or would you prefer stability?

Is there is a specific policy issue you are passionate about, and, if so, which party do you deem has the best policy to address it?

Which party's stated policies will leave your family better off financially?

Who did your parents always vote for? Who are your friends voting for?

We have no way to know which question Australians will have answered come election evening July 2.

Furthermore, the question people are answering with their vote might change from election to election. Last time, you voted on which party you thought best to run the economy, this time a particular policy issue is dear to your heart.

Across different electorates, it's fair to assume people will give different weighting to the different questions. Rural and regional people, for example, may be more likely to care more about the calibre of their local candidate.

Young people are generally less partisan and may be more committed to individual issues they care deeply about.

As old loyalties have broken down and the proportion of swing voters has increased, the temptation to want to vote "none of the above" has never been more strong.

In reality, most Australian elections are a close call.

The strongest trend observable is that only once in the past 80 years have Australians turfed out a first term government without giving them a second go – and that was during the Great Depression. Historically, such governments suffer a swing away from them, but hold on. Perhaps this means Australians – swinging ones, anyway – do put high importance on the question of stability. Or maybe it just means not enough time has passed to change people's opinions on other issues.

According to polling by Ipsos, 69 per cent of Australians have already made up their mind who they will vote for on July 2. When asked how strongly committed they are to voting the way they indicate in the poll, these people say "strongly".

A further 26 per cent of people say they are weakly committed to their expressed poll preference, and Ipsos expects more of these people to move into the "strongly" camp as the election approaches.

Only 5 per cent of people genuinely still don't know who they are going to vote for.

This is much lower than generally accepted estimates of the size of the "swinging" vote – those who see themselves as unaligned to either major party – which put it at about 30 per cent.

Ipsos' polling director Jessica Elgood says this is a sign of how well telegraphed this election has been.

The swingers, it seems, have already swung.

And so, despite the difficulty, it seems most of us have already made up our minds on the central question we intend to answer on July 2.

What exactly that is, we'll never know.

This ambiguity inherent in our system implies several things.

First, victorious politicians should be more humble about what their victory actually represents. Plenty of people voted for the other guy.

Second, all talk of "mandates" should be quashed. The Coalition could win this election simply because more people are answering a question in their heads about wanting political stability, rather than providing a ringing endorsement of cutting corporate taxes.

And finally, we should look at improving the information we extract from voters each election.

While we're going to the expense and trouble of polling everyone, we should throw in an extra question or two, like "Would you like more money spent on submarines or education? Do you support gay marriage? Please leave your comments, observations and creative doodles in the margin".


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