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Donald Trump's successful campaign relied on a combination of his public appearances plus constant social media engagement.

Media, hack this president

The election of Donald Trump broke new ground in the way information has been used and abused, presenting a historic challenge to the media.

Teachers should be free to speak their minds on refugees


This week, hundreds of school teachers from the national Teachers for Refugees group will protest against our brutal and internationally condemned refugee policies by wearing 'close the camps, bring them here' T-shirts to school.

The return of an '80s toy that you still can't buy online

The Mini NES is much smaller than the original, which earned the nickname 'the toaster' for its bulky size and fragile ...

This morning, some exciting news ricocheted around the nerd community. After weeks of being sold out everywhere, this Christmas' hottest gift, the NES Mini, went back on sale on Target's website. Geeks like me who grew up in the 1980s haven't been this excited since the Ghostbusters reboot.

Who has been Queensland's best premier?

BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA - FEBRUARY 15:  Former Queensland Premier Peter Beattie poses for a photo on February 15, 2016 in ...

The sentiment that Lawrence Springborg was the best premier Queensland never had prompts the question: who has been our best premier in the past century?

Can Le Pen win, a la Trump?

French far-right party leader Marine Le Pen gestures before a meeting in Lille, northern France.

After the stupefying Brexit-Trump sequence, and the Italian referendum result, could far-right National Front leader Marine Le Pen win next year's presidential elections in France?

Time for honesty on climate, energy policy

Ian Dunlop dinkus

Recent weeks have seen unsurpassed dishonesty and irresponsibility from national political leaders on Australian climate and energy policy – the biggest issue we now face.