Tag Archives: UCPN-Maoist

Nepal: CPN-Unified merges into UCPN-Maoist

Maoist fighter of the People's Liberation Army

The following article is from The Red Star, newspaper of the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist):

Kathmandu, Apr. 3 – The two party unity completes today. UCPN-Maoist and the CPN-Unified have declared the party unity organizing a big gathering in National Assembly House in the capital city Kathmandu. The unity was declared after the unity was done in party office.

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Unified CP of Nepal (Maoist) Press Communiqué

The following is from the website of the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist):

The Standing Committee Meeting of our glorious party, the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), was held from January 27, 2010 to February 3, 2010. Clarifying the historical tasks before the party, movement and the Nepalese people, the meeting, which was held at a very serious and sensitive turning-point of our country, was successfully concluded by preparing guideline and plan to accomplish them. This press release has been issued to make public the important decisions of the meeting, which was chaired by Party Chairman Comrade Prachanda.

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Baburam Bhattarai: On Nepal’s Social Revolution

Maoist leader Dr. Baburam Bhattarai shouts anti-government slogans during a sit in protest in front of the main secretariat Singha Durbar in Kathmandu November 13, 2009. Maoist activists closed all the entrances to the main government secretariat on the second day of their protest against the president's reinstatement of the army chief. REUTERS/Shruti Shrestha

The following interview with Dr. Baburam Bhattarai, a leader of the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), was conducted by members of the World People’s Resistance Movement (Britain & Ireland) who recently spent six weeks on a delegation in Nepal during August and September 2009 :

Nepal: Interview with Baburam Bhattarai

by WPRM (Britain)

WPRM: Thank you for meeting with us today. In your article in The Worker #4 ‘The Political Economy of the People’s War’ you write that “the transformation of one social system into another, or the destruction of the old by the new, always involves force and a revolutionary leap. The People’s War is such a means of eliminating the old by a new force and of taking a leap towards a new and higher social system.”

Why then did the Maoist party enter the peace process and attempt to change society through Constituent Assembly elections?

Baburam Bhattarai: This is a very important question related to the basic tenets of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism (MLM).

The basic motive force of history is the contradiction between the existing level of productive forces and the production relations within society. At a certain stage this contradiction sharpens and there is a break with the old relationship and a leap to the new one. We call this social revolution. That leap necessarily confronts a certain force, because every set of productive relations is backed by a state, and the state means basically the organised force of the army.

To break with the old mode of production and leap into a new one, you have to break all the relations within the state backed by the army. And that inevitably requires the use of force. This is a law of history and a basic principle of MLM which nobody can revise. If you revise or abandon it then you are no longer a Marxist. There is no question of our party ever ending this basic principle.

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Maoists Hold General Strike Accross Nepal

The following article is from the bourgeois press service, AFP:

General strike in Nepal over Maoists’ deaths

KATHMANDU — Nepal’s opposition Maoists on Sunday called a nationwide general strike to protest against the deaths of party activists in a clash with police, further raising tensions in the Himalayan nation.

Demonstrators burned tyres on the streets of the capital Kathmandu and set fire to cars and motorbikes, while shops and offices remained shut on Sunday — usually a working day in Nepal.

The Maoists’ action was sparked by the deaths of at least four party supporters in a clash Friday with armed police in the west of the country, where landless people had occupied a large area of government-owned land.

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The Tactics of General Insurrection and Protracted People’s War in Nepal

The following article is from Dissident Voice:

Nepal Protest

Nepal: The Tactic of General Insurrection
by Gary Leupp / November 2nd, 2009

[N]ow we are focusing on the mass movement… [N]ow we [can] really practice what we have been preaching. That means the fusion of the strategy of PPW [Protracted People’s War] and the tactic of general insurrection. What we have been doing since 2005 is the path of preparation for general insurrection through our work in the urban areas and our participation in the coalition government.

– Maoist leader Baburam Bhattarai, interview with the Britain-based World People’s Resistance Movement, October 26, 2009

Today (November 1) Nepal’s Maoists initiate, with torch rallies in Kathmandu, a mass movement to bring down the regime. This is the regime that succeeded the one their chair Prachanda headed as prime minister from August 2008 to May 2009–a compromise arrangement, always understood to be temporary and transitional, that collapsed when the Nepali Army refused to take orders from the Maoist prime minister.

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