Category Archives: Greece

Communist Party of Greece (KKE) Polemic with CPUSA

Sam Webb

The following is from the website of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE):

Athens, 13 April 2011

To the members and cadre of the CPUSA,

To the workers that struggle in the USA

To the communist and workers parties

Dear comrades,

In February 2011 the chairperson of the CPUSA, Sam Webb, published an article in Political Affairs, the electronic publication of the CPUSA, entitled “A Party of Socialism in the 21st Century: What It Looks Like, What It Says, and What It Does”. Even if the specific article is accompanied by an editorial note which claims that “The following article represents the views of its author alone. It doesn’t necessarily reflect the official views of any organization or collective.”, it is obvious to us that the public position of the head of a Communist Party concerning such an important issue requires special attention.

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World Federation of Trade Unions meets in Athens, Greece

The following is from Fight Back! News:

Athens, Greece – Under banners reading, “Class Unity and Struggles; Internationalism and Solidarity,” 800 trade union leaders from around the world came together here, April 7, for the start of the 16th Congress of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU).

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KKE’s proposal: Solution for the crisis in Greece

The following statement by by Al. Papariga, General Secretary of the CC of KKE, is from the website of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE). It is useful to understand the strategic and tactical approach of the Greek Communists in the current crisis:

KKE has always exposed, especially after 1991, the deception concerning the ceaseless development of capitalism, competitiveness and productivity with the supposed common benefit for workers and capitalists alike. It spoke of the inevitable economic crisis in all the capitalist economies. It predicted the crisis, the inevitability of a deep and sudden sharpening of all social contradictions and intra-imperialist ones.

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CP of Greece: New demonstrations of PAME against the slaughter of people’s gains, on May 6

The following is from the website of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE):

On Thursday 6th May, one day after the massive strike demonstrations, PAME organised new dynamic demonstrations across the country.

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CP of Greece: Massive class response to plutocracy

The following is from the website of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE):

May 5: Massive class response to plutocracy and the anti-people policy of the social-democrat government, the European Union and the International Monetary Fund.

Unprecedented participation of tens of thousands of people in the demonstrations of PAME in Athens and 68 cities

KKE denounces the provocations that sought to strike a blow at the people’s struggle for the death of 3 people

On 5th of May the nationwide strike of All Workers Militant Front (PAME) froze every productive activity in the country. Factories, construction sites and stores, ports and airports, universities and schools paralysed.

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Central Committee of the KKE on May Day 2010

The following statement is from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE):

Comrades, workers, Greeks and immigrants, young women and men, pensioners, unemployed,

KKE calls you to turn the events of this year’s 1st May in honour of the struggles and the sacrifices of our class into a new beginning of class political awareness and militant uplift in order to repel and overthrow the criminal policy of the government and the plutocracy that leads the working class, our families and children to the most savage and brutal exploitation, to permanent poverty and unemployment.

It is our duty, especially towards young workers, men and women, towards the children of the workers and the people, to defend the conquests that the previous generations have shed their blood for. Nobody should be afraid to make sacrifices for the struggle; nobody should succumb to the dark days, the result of this policy that serves the profitability and the reinforcement of the monopolies. It’s time to rise up with class unity and people’s mobilisation against the war on our rights. To struggle for our rights and for our children’s future. Our class has the power and the capability to lead the formation of a great antimonopoly, anti-imperialist, democratic front that will overthrow the power of the monopolies and will struggle for people’s power.

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General Strike in Greece: Plutocracy Must Pay for the Crisis!

The following article is from the website of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE):

The new 24-hour strike held on February 24th against the plans of the social-democrat government of PASOK to place the burdens of the capitalist crisis on the shoulders of the workers was a great success.

Millions of workers resisted to the intimidation by the capital’s parties (the social democrat PASOK, the conservative ND, and the extreme-right, racist LAOS) which argue that workers must submit in order to “rescue the country from bankruptcy”. The “patriotism” of these political forces has only one goal: to maintain and expand the profit making of the capital at the expense of the workers’ gains by means of raising the retirement ages, cutting salaries and pensions, further dismantling of the social-security system, deteriorating the working relations and increasing the anti-people taxes.

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