Call out for proposals for Issue 17

Pitches due Aug 20, 2014. First draft due Sept 30, 2014.


UPPING THE ANTI: A JOURNAL OF THEORY AND ACTION is a radical journal published twice a year by a pan-Canadian collective of activists and organizers. We are dedicated to publishing radical theory and analysis about struggles against capitalism, imperialism, and all forms of oppression.

UPPING THE ANTI believes that praxis – the dialectical combination of theory and practice – is integral to the building of strong revolutionary movements. We work with activists and thinkers in these movements to distill the lessons learned from struggle. We prioritize reflection which leads to political clarification, summation, and synthesis.

In our sixteen issues, we’ve published articles by and interviews with renowned activists and intellectuals, including Sylvia Federici, Aijaz Ahmad, Himani Bannerji, Grace Lee Boggs, Ward Churchill, Michael Hardt, John Holloway, Sunera Thobani, Andrea Smith, Dean Spade, Laura Whitehorn, and many more. We’ve covered a wide variety of topics including Palestine solidarity activism, the state of organized labour, trans politics and anti-capitalism, anti-war activism, student strikes, Indigenous solidarity, contemporary feminist organizing, and activist burnout.

In every issue, activists and organizers reflect on the state of contemporary organizing in Canada and beyond. We publish theoretical and critical articles, interviews and roundtables. UPPING THE ANTI also includes a book review section where activists assess new writing on the Left.


We are currently looking for story ideas for ISSUE SEVENTEEN, which will be released in Dec 2014. If you have an idea for a story you would like to see published in our journal, please send us a one-page pitch by Wednesday August 20, 2014. In addition to the pitch, please submit a short writing sample (max 1,000 words).

In your pitch, please provide a brief description of the topic of your proposed investigation, your main questions, an account of how you will address these questions, as well as a brief biographical note.

Before submitting a pitch, we encourage you to read back issues in
order to familiarize yourself with the kind of writing that we publish. We also encourage you to have a look at the UPPING THE ANTI submission guide, which can be downloaded at

Pitches should be for original stories that have not been submitted or published elsewhere. Please do not send us a pitch that you have simultaneously sent to another publication.

Although we will consider all pitches, we are especially interested in stories about the current economic and environmental crises, contemporary labour struggles, Indigenous resistance and settler solidarity, feminism and women’s struggles, dis/ability, international solidarity work, mobilization strategies, marxism and anarchism in the 21st century, activist interventions in art and culture, and struggles around questions of sex and sexuality.

We will review your pitch and provide you with feedback. After a pitch has been approved, writers are expected to submit their story by deadline. The deadline for first drafts for ISSUE SEVENTEEN is August 22, 2014.

Please submit all pitches and direct all queries to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)