Tag Archives: Women’s History Month

Palestinian revolutionary women on International Women’s Day

The following is from the website of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. The Marxist-Leninist is posting it as part of the continuing series of articles on women’s liberation in honor of Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day (March 8th):

The following interview of Comrades Leila Khaled and Shireen Said was conducted by British journalist Sukant Chandan and published on March 8, 2010 – International Women’s Day. We republish the interview below:

The Palestinian people’s oppression continues due primarily to the financial, diplomatic, and military support that the Zionist state receives from the USA and secondly to the acquiescence of pro-Western states in the region.  After the fall of the Zionist state’s long lost brother — the Apartheid state of South Africa — the Palestinian struggle remains perhaps the leading and most potent anti-imperialist struggle in the world.  Therefore, Palestinian women are a central example of what role women can play in the struggle to free themselves, their families, their communities, and their nation from imperialism.

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Celebrate the 100th International Women’s Day!

In honor of International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month, The Marxist-Leninist is posting a number of articles throughout the month of March on women’s liberation, particularly those that deal with the question from a revolutionary communist perspective. As Women’s History Month continues, more articles will be posted on this website and they will then be collected here. For more on women’s liberation, please see the section of the Marxist-Leninist Study Guide on Proletarian Feminism and Women’s Liberation as well as the other posts on women’s liberation.

“Genuine equality between the sexes can only be realized in the process of the socialist transformation of society as a whole.” – Mao Zedong
Long Live International Women’s Day!

Comrade Shireen Abu-Oun of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

Ka Joy of the New People's Army of the Philippines

Guerrilleras of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia - People's Army (FARC-EP)

Women's Militia in Socialist Cuba

FRSO: Celebrate International Women’s Day 2010

Clara Zetkin

The following statement is from the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, and is being reposted here from Fight Back! News as part of The Marxist-Leninist’s ongoing series of articles on women’s liberation for Women’s History Month:

March 8, 2010 will mark 100 years of International Women’s Day. Around the world people will celebrate the contributions of women in the movements to end inequality and exploitation, to insist on the complete liberation of women and to look forward to the day when oppression of all kinds has become a thing of the past.

In 1910, Clara Zetkin, a German socialist, called for an International Women’s Day. She was inspired to do so by the historic struggle of immigrant women garment workers in New York City who were fighting for better working conditions and living wages. At the time, most garment workers didn’t live past their early twenties because of the horrendous working conditions. They went on strike for 13 cold winter weeks – and in the end they were victorious.

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