Tag Archives: Republic Windows and Doors

The Time Has Come to Push Back: Build the Fight for Jobs, Income, Housing, Education and Justice

The following statement is from the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, and is being reposted here from Fight Back! News:

Across the country, more working people are losing our jobs and our homes. Each week, the ranks of those running out of our unemployment benefits grow. In every state, public schools and programs that serve poor and working people are being cut. Health care is in crisis and congress is debating another bailout for the insurance companies. Oppressed nationality – Black, Chicano, Latino, Asians and Native Americans – are hit the hardest by the economic crisis.

Some in government, the media and a few economists say the economic crisis is over and that “we have turned a corner.” This is a joke that’s not funny. More money flowing into the stock market does not change the fact that life is getting worse for the people of the United States. Bailouts for the banks let the bankers maintain the standard of living they are accustomed to – the best mansions, vacations, cars and luxuries money can buy. The rest of us get what is left, which is less than we had before.

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Showdown in Chicago: Protest at Bankers Convention


Armando Robles, president of UE Local 1110 and one of the leaders of the Republic Windows and Doors occupation, addresses the crowd outside the bankers' convention Oct. 27. (Fight Back! News/Jonathan Labe)

The following article and videos are from Fight Back! News and Labor Beat:

Chicago, IL – The American Bankers Association met here the week of Oct. 26, in luxury hotels, spending millions for their comfort. Outside, 2500 working people marched and chanted, “You got bailed out, we got sold out!”

Rosemary Williams, who fought eviction from her home in Minneapolis, Minnesota, was in the march and said, “We need a moratorium on foreclosures.” She spoke at a breakfast for Jobs With Justice to kick off the day of protest. Her message to anyone facing foreclosure is to fight. “If the bank comes for your home, don’t go quietly in the night. Get people together and fight back.”

Movie Trailer: Workers’ Republic

Following on the heels Kari Lydersen’s book, Revolt on Goose Island and Michael Moore’s new documentary Capitalism: A Love Story, here comes another documentary film featuring the heroic Republic Windows and Doors factory occupation – Andrew Freund’s Workers Republic:

See also the outstanding pamphlet on class struggle unionism by the Labor Commission of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, “Build a Fighting Workers’ Movement.”

Capitalism: A Love Story

The following movie review from Fight Back! News is by Doug Michel:

Michael Moore has done it again, only this time he’s coming out strong against the most pervasive evil in the United States: capitalism. Moore serves to moviegoers a searing critique of capitalism that is well needed during the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.

capitalismalovestoryposterOn Thursday, Oct. 1, a supportive crowd of 200 progressives and activists came to one of the many locations in Chicago showing Capitalism: A Love Story. The special showings benefited United Electrical Union Local 1110, the same local that carried out the historic Republic Windows and Doors factory occupation this past December.

Capitalism: A Love Story is filled with comedy, satire, and chilling analysis of the economic crisis in the U.S. It highlights the American people’s “love affair” with capitalism that ends in heartbreak for believers in the “American Dream”.

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‘We Say Fight Back!’ national conference to be held in Chicago

SK Hand Tools Teamsters strike for health care

SK Hand Tools Teamsters strike for health care

The following article is from Fight Back! News:

‘We Say Fight Back!’ national conference to be held in Chicago 

By Chapin Gray  

In the midst of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, leaders and organizers across the country are gearing up for the “They Say Cut Back, We Say Fight Back!” national conference planned for Oct. 3 in Chicago, Illinois. From California to New York, people who for the past years have been fighting back against cuts to programs that serve our communities, against home foreclosures and evictions and against plant closures will come together to share experiences and make plans to work together in the coming years.  

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Quad City Die Casting: Struggle catches fire as workers from around the country rally in support

The following is from Fight Back! News Service:


Quad City Die Casting: Struggle catches fire as workers from around the country rally in support

By Fight Back! editors

The workers of Quad City Die Casting are on the frontlines in the battle against plant closures.

Quad City Die Casting is a tool and die factory in Moline Illinois, on the Illinois/Iowa border.   Quad City had been a successful locally-owned factory, until the current economic crisis, making custom aluminum parts for farm equipment dealers and manufacturing.  Even though business is down during the current crisis, this factory has been a source of steady work for Moline workers for generations.  The factory has a loyal customer base that would continue to buy parts from the factory.  With sufficient credit lines the factory could stay in business and the 100 workers could stay on the job during this crisis.  Instead, Wells Fargo Bank, which got 25 billion dollars in bailout money, has cut off credit to the factory and without a new development, Quad City Die Casting will close this summer.

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Review: Build a Fighting Workers Movement

Click the image for a PDF pamphlet version

Click the image for a PDF pamphlet version

The following review of FRSO’s Build a Fighting Workers Movement  (also here at the Marxist-Leninist) is from Fight Back! News Service:

Review: Build a Fighting Workers Movement

A review of the pamphlet Build a Fighting Workers Movement by the Labor Commission of Freedom Road Socialist Organization

By Joe Iosbaker

This past Dec. 5, 250 workers occupied the Republic Windows and Doors factory on Goose Island in Chicago. They had been told a few days earlier that the company was closing and that there would be no severance pay, or even payment of wages or sick or vacation pay owed them. Their protest, targeting their company and the Bank of America, became a national symbol of working people’s anger at the rich and powerful. “Banks got bailed out, we got sold out,” they chanted as their story was reported across the world.

Now over three months later, there has been no wave of labor action in the U.S. to follow up this spectacular beginning. Why? Aren’t millions of workers just as angry? Don’t they want to strike blows against the billionaires on Wall Street?

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