Tag Archives: guerrilla warfare

Inside the FARC-EP: Colombia’s Guerrilla Fighters

The following is from bourgeois press service, Aljazeera

Fire spits from the muzzle of a Russian-made machine gun. Assault rifles join the fray.

Leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) guerrillas and Colombian counterinsurgency troops trade shots across a gorge.

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New People’s Army punishes “combat-heavy” Philippine Army troops in Davao City

The following is from the website of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines:

1st PBC-NPA punishes ‘combat-heavy’ 1003rd Brigade-10th ID-AFP troops in Paquibato, Davao City

The 1st Pulang Bagani Company-New People’s Army launched a series of attritive actions against operating troops of the 1003rd Brigade-10th Infantry Division-Armed Forces of the Philippines in Paquibato District, Davao City. These NPA harassment operations are punitive actions for the destruction and grave abuse of authority the enemy has inflicted on the people’s lives and livelihood.

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Philippine Army troopers wiped out in back-to-back Red Army ambuscades in Mindanao

The following is from the website of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines:

NPA trounces AFP operations in Davao Oriental, 18 fascist troops wiped out in back-to-back Red Army ambuscades

Eighteen enemy soldiers were killed and more than 10 others were severely wounded following the back-to-back tactical offensives launched by the Red fighters of the Conrado Heredia Command-Front 20 Operations Command of the New People’s Army 27 and 28 August in Cateel and Boston towns in Davao Oriental.

A brigade-sized combat operation involving the Armed Forces of the Philippines´ 25th Infantry Battalion and 67th Infantry Battalion of the 1001st Brigade, and a formation of the Scout Rangers Company, were engaged by Red fighters in two separate ambushes, resulting to enemy casualties amounting to an undersized platoon.

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Woman Rebel: new documentary about Nepalese Maoist woman guerrilla

This is a trailer for the movie “Woman Rebel“, a documentary about “Silu” a battalion commander in the Nepalese Maoist’s People’s Liberation Army. It will air on HBO tonight August 18 at 8pm and again August 26 at 11:45am. Check out the synopsis on HBO’s website.

The Real FARC-EP: Inside and Out

The following article is by Nicholas DeFilippis:

In the jungles of Colombia, hidden from the eyes of the first world, the class struggle rages on a scale unknown to many 21st Century political activists. It is a struggle of the disenfranchised and downtrodden against the ruling elites of their native land and the United States. I’m talking, of course, about the old, hardened, and ongoing guerrilla struggle of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – People’s Army, or FARC-EP (sometimes they’re simply called FARC).

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CP of India (Maoist) on the murder of Azad

The following statement from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Maoist), North Regional Bureau, from July 3rd 2010, is from the website Banned Thought:

  • It is not an encounter at all!! It is a cold blooded murder by AP Police!!
  • Red Salutes to Martyrs com. Azad (Cherukuri Rajkumar) and com. Hem Pandey (Jitender)!!
  • Let us avenge the killings of the beloved comrades by the khaki clad fascist gangs of AP government!!

Azad was arrested at Nagpur on June 1st along with com. Hem Pandey

On June 1st, the notorious Andhra Pradesh Special Branch Police for its abductions and cold blooded murders, have arrested com. Azad, Polite Bureau member and Spokesperson of CPI (Maoist), and com. Hem Pandey, a zonal committee level comrade in Nagpur city around 11’o clock when they went to meet a comrade who was supposed to receive them from Dandakarnaya zone. Com. Azad reached Nagpur around 10 am on the fateful day along with com. Hem Pandey, after travelling from long distance.  With specific information, the lawless goons of AP SIB abducted them, perhaps flown them in a helicopter, to Adilabad jungles near Maharashtra border and killed them point block and in cold blood.

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Arundhati Roy on Maoist Violence and Structural Violence

Following the April 6 battle in India’s Dantewada district where the People’s Liberation Guerrilla Army killed 76 security personnel, activist and author Arundhati Roy in the following interview stands by her sympathy for the Communist Party of India (Maoist) that she expressed in her important article, “Walking With The Comrades“, about her visit with the Maoist guerrillas in their forest base areas.