Tag Archives: Fight Back!

U.S. / NATO attempt to occupy Tripoli, Libyans fight to maintain independence

The following editorial is from Fight Back! News

As the US/NATO-led rebel forces assault the Libyan capital of Tripoli, it is important for antiwar and progressive forces to recognize a few key points. The development of events since the popular North African revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt led to some divisions among progressive forces as the imperialist countries maneuvered to take control of the situation and develop contradictions in North Africa in their favor. In Libya the U.S., France, the U.K., and Italy joined together to take advantage of the discontent among certain sections of the Libyan people, and thereby develop an armed rebel movement to topple the Gaddafi government. This criminal action taken by US and NATO forces should be condemned by all people of conscience. The success of the NATO-led rebels would certainly mean an end to an independent Libya.

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U.S. Attorney General Holder challenged on FBI repression

The following article is from Fight Back! News:

Minneapolis, MN – U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder got a cold reception in Minneapolis May 27, where the Committee to Stop FBI Repression dogged him all day about FBI and grand jury attacks on anti-war and international solidarity activists. 100 people gathered outside his event at the University of Minnesota. The shouts of protesters outside could be heard inside, “Hey Holder, hear our fury! Stop the FBI, end the grand jury!”

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Osama Bin Laden and the legacy of the ‘war on terrorism’

The following commentary by Kosta Harlan is from Fight Back! News:

As the news of Osama Bin Laden’s killing by U.S. forces inside Pakistan reverberates across the world, it is a good time to take stock of the ‘war on terror’ and what it has brought to the world.

Ten years of the “war on terror”

Just days after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, President George W. Bush stated, “This crusade – this war on terrorism – is going to take a while, […] And the American people must be patient. I’m going to be patient. But I can assure the American people I am determined.”

A few days later, Bush said, “Our war on terror begins with al Qaeda, but it does not end there. It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated.”

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World Federation of Trade Unions meets in Athens, Greece

The following is from Fight Back! News:

Athens, Greece – Under banners reading, “Class Unity and Struggles; Internationalism and Solidarity,” 800 trade union leaders from around the world came together here, April 7, for the start of the 16th Congress of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU).

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Glenn Beck attacks Fight Back! News and Committee to Stop FBI Repression

The following is from Fight Back! News:

On March 3, notorious right-wing FOX TV personality Glenn Beck launched a 12-minute attack against Fight Back! News, the Committee to Stop FBI Repression and many individual labor and anti-war activists associated with these projects. The purpose of his attack was to try to sow division among the many forces that have united in Wisconsin to boldly fight back against the anti-union agenda of Governor Scott Walker.

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U.S. rapidly prepares for military intervention in Libya

The following is from Fight Back! News, the newspaper of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization:

In a qualitatively different reaction than the one taken toward other governments facing uprisings in North Africa and the Middle East, the Pentagon announced Feb. 28 that the U.S. military is repositioning naval and air forces around Libya, in apparent preparation for military intervention. The Pentagon now has two aircraft carriers in its naval command region that includes the Arabian Sea and Gulf.

Colonel David Lapan, a Pentagon spokesperson, was quoted by Reuters as saying, “We have planners working and various contingency plans and I think it’s safe to say as part of that we’re repositioning forces to be able to provide for that flexibility once decisions are made … to be able to provide options and flexibility … We’re still in that planning and preparing mode should we be called upon to do any of those types of missions, whether humanitarian and otherwise.”

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Reagan’s Legacy of Poverty and War

Fight Back! editor’s note: A flood of commentaries are appearing in the press to mark the 100th birthday of Ronald Reagan. The following is an editorial evaluating the Reagan legacy that we published in 2004.

While the corporate-controlled media is singing praises of Ronald Reagan for “restoring confidence to America,” millions of Americans and millions more around the world have been forced into poverty and war as a result of his policies.

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