Tag Archives: Barack Obama

U.S. moves to threaten China as Cheonan farce collapses at UN

Hu Jintao with Kim Jong Il in Pyongyang

The following article is from the August 2010 issue of Proletarian, the journal of the Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist):

With June 2010 marking the 60th anniversary of the outbreak of US imperialism’s bestial war against the Korean people, which, over the ensuing three years, claimed some four million lives, tensions remain high on the Korean peninsula, involving not simply a confrontation between the socialist Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) in the north on the one hand and the United States and its south Korean ally on the other, but also sharply increased tensions between the USA and China.

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Freedom Road looks at the U.S. domestic situation

The following is the Domestic section of the Main Political Report from the 6th Congress of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization. The Economic section has been previously published, and the section on the international situation is forthcoming.

Decline of American Power, Leftward Shift Define New Period

For the past three years, the conditions shaping domestic politics in the United States have been marked by the economic crisis, a qualitative shift away from the free market capitalism of Ronald Reagan on the part of the bourgeoisie, and a leftward political shift amongst the people. The massive economic and financial crisis, which began in December 2007, and the continuing decline of U.S. imperialism globally, have come together to judge the Reagan Era and its aftermath as a failure.  The economic crisis swept from power the party of George Bush and brought into office the first African-American President of the United States–Barack Obama.

This set of qualitative changes is in part the foundation of and in part manifestations of a new period.  It is this new set of conditions which sets the context for the peoples struggle against U.S imperialism.

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Growing contention between China and US imperialism

The following is from the British anti-imperialist and Marxist-Leninist journal, Lalkar:

In the first four months of 2010, relations between the United States and China have never been out of the headlines for long, reflecting the complex and multi-faceted relationship between the world’s leading imperialist power on the one hand, and the world’s leading developing (and socialist) nation on the other; the relationship between that bilateral relationship and international relations as a whole; and the potential for confrontation between the two nations that exists across a broad swathe of issues.

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CP of the Philippines denounces plans to intensify U.S. intervention

The following statement is by the Communist Party of the Philippines:

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today charged the Obama regime of plotting to intensify US military intervention in the Philippines in the twilight of its puppet regime amid the highly volatile situation in the runup to the May 2010 elections. US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Garry Reid arrived Wednesday and met secretly with Department of National Defense (DND) undersecretary Antonio Romero, DND undersecretary Arturo Lumibao and other senior security and military officials of the Arroyo regime.

“US imperialism and its defense and security officials are gravely concerned with the continued growth of the Filipino people’s revolutionary armed struggle and the failure of the terminal US-designed Internal Security Operation Plan Bantay Laya to defeat or even cripple the revolutionary movement in the Philippines,” said the CPP. “The Obama administration has also become highly concerned with the volatility of the present elections in the Philippines and the possibility of recourse to military rule to support the extension of the Arroyo puppet regime and suppress the people’s resistance.”

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Analysis of health care reform: Health care bill does not fix health care system

The following commentary by Peter Shapiro is from Fight Back! News:

Passage of President Obama’s health care reform in late March made for great political theater. Here was House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, skillfully maneuvering the bill through Congress after many had given it up for lost. Here was House minority leader and Republican point man John Boehner, reduced to ranting about ‘Armageddon’ and predicting the end of civilization as we know it if the bill passed. Here were Republican legislators egging on the mob of teabaggers who massed outside the Capitol, hurling racist and homophobic slurs at Representatives John Lewis and Barney Frank as they went inside.

I’ll admit the scene worked on my emotions. The Republicans’ tactics were ugly and cynical and I was happy to see them fail.

Now that the dust has settled, however, a hard look at the legislation that prompted all the fuss suggests that, far from ‘fixing our broken health care system,’ it merely reproduces some of its worst features.

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Military Buildup in Colombia: A Rumor of War

The following article, originally from The Rag Blog, is being re-posted here from the website of the Colombia Action Network:

A rumor of war:
Shadows of Vietnam in Colombia

By Marion Delgado / The Rag Blog / January 22, 2010

CARTAGENA DE INDIES, Colombia — I borrowed the title of this post from Lt. Philip Caputo’s excellent book covering the U.S. Marines’ first six months in Vietnam, not only because I like the title, but I also see some correlation between his story and the story of our troops now being written in the jungles of Colombia.

As in Caputo’s war, death, destruction, and mayhem were preceded by, first, a troop build-up, and then, small skirmishes which were the precursors to all-out war.

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Iran: U.S. imperialism drops another rock on its feet

The following analysis is from the website of the Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist). See also “Imperialism and Iran’s Election” (June 25, 2009) from Fight Back! News, the newspaper of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization.

Washington has spent the whole of 2009 trying, and failing, to compromise Iranian sovereignty and drive Iran from her chosen path of development.

It did its damnedest to use the June presidential elections to replace Ahmadinejad with Moussavi, a leader more in line with imperialist interests. When America’s favoured candidate was roundly defeated at the polls, Washington claimed, without a shred of evidence, that the election was a fix, and on the back of this Big Lie sought to engineer yet another ‘colour revolution’.

When this too failed – thwarted by widespread popular support for Ahmadinejad’s policies on national sovereignty, energy security, state ownership of key economic sectors and assistance to the poor – Washington predictably reverted to its old trick of crying ‘Fire!’ outside the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

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