Category Archives: Movies

Woman Rebel: new documentary about Nepalese Maoist woman guerrilla

This is a trailer for the movie “Woman Rebel“, a documentary about “Silu” a battalion commander in the Nepalese Maoist’s People’s Liberation Army. It will air on HBO tonight August 18 at 8pm and again August 26 at 11:45am. Check out the synopsis on HBO’s website.

New film from China: The Founding of a Republic (建国大业)

The following is the 2009 film, “The Founding of a Republic“, from the People’s Republic of China. The movie covers the Third Revolutionary Civil War Period, from the defeat of Japan to the defeat of the Kuomintang.

Like the excellent 2006 film, “My Long March” made to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Long March, this movie was made in honor of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the PRC.

It can be watched below with English subtitles in 14 parts.

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Joseph E. Davies: “Mission to Moscow” (1943)

Here is the 1943 U.S. film “Mission to Moscow” which tells the experiences of the lawyer and U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union, Joseph E. Davies. The basis of the film’s narrative focuses on the journey of Davies and his family. First, their physical journey from the United States to the Soviet Union. And, second, their journey from skeptics of communism and the Soviet Union into sympathizers. “No leaders of a nation have been so misrepresented and misunderstood as those in the Soviet government during those critical years between the two world wars,” Davies says at the film’s beginning. In the 1950s the film became a target of McCarthyism. This film is presented in 10 parts, below, though it appears to be cut short at the end.

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Blazing Trail: Video on the History and Development of the Naxalite Movement in India

Eyes on the Rainbow: A Documentary film with Assata Shakur

The following documentary about former Black Panther Party and Black Liberation Army leader, Assata Shakur, who is currently living in exile in Cuba, is in 6 parts below:

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Video: Stalin’s Magical World

This is the short film, “New Moscow“, circa 1937, which highlights “Stalinist Architecture.” Here it is set to a different kind of tune, “Magical World” by the 1960s and 70s psychedelic soul band, Rotary Connection:

Soviet Film: Three Songs of Lenin (1934)

This 1934 film, directed by Dziga Vertov, is structured around three Russian folk songs and skilfully used archive and original footage to celebrate the revolutionary life and legacy of Lenin. H G Wells described this film as “one of the greatest and most beautiful films I have ever seen”. The first song, ‘My face was in a dark prison’, concerns the life of a young Muslim woman. ‘We loved him’ deals with Lenin’s life and death. The third song ‘In a big city of stone’, shows the accomplishments of socialism. Using the previously unpublished verses by W H Auden, the film becomes an even more eloquent tribute to Lenin. This film was made ten years after Lenin’s death, when the CPSU(B) under the leadership of Stalin was carrying forward the line of Lenin in building socialism in the USSR. (description from the Stalin Society – UK)